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"You do realize I'm your age," says Blizzard.

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Twist examines the bottom of the stool. "Ewwww, thath's not gum!" She climbs out from under.

Flam leans over his bar stool, and picks up the concussioned colt in his magic.

Flam then levitates Pipsqueak towards Amethyst. "Pardon me, ma'am. I'm going to assume that you're the resident foalsitter. I believe that this is yours."

2073148 ((OOC: Well, you didn't really indicate that. You just said that Blizzard was Icefall's sister. That's not much to go on. :duck: ))

"Right, sorry. It's just that I don't know your name." says Amethyst. She then looks up at the bipedal creature. "As for you, well, I'm not sure who or what you are. Plus, you've succeeded in scaring these kids, so there's that."

She then notices Flam and sighs. "Thanks. Well, that's one."

"Am I the only one who just noticed that Princess Luna has arrived?" asks Octavia.

Spitfire comes close to doing a spit take, but catches herself at the last minute.

"I'll, take that as a 'yes.'" says Octavia.

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2073161 Quiz dashes across the room to keep up with the levitating Pip. Twist falls in behind her.

Quiz speaks to Amethyst. "Pardon me, Ma'am, and I do apologize for contradicting the gentlecolt, but I do not actually believe that Pip is yours."

(OOC: I missed a lot. :derpyderp2: Sorry. I had to leave the house briefly. I'll try to catch up.)

"I'm honestly not sure how to respond to the appearance of this... Thing." Chrysalis said, reverting to her natural form and looking warily at Pestilence. "Or that one either." She said, glancing at Nero. "Either way, I suppose I appreciate the hay fries. Not exactly my favorite, but as long as they are prepared 'lovingly'." She said, chuckling a bit at her own joke.

"Um... I'm not hungry right now, but I guess I could go for a coffee too." Comet Tail said, watching Queen Chrysalis and the other strange creatures carefully. "Waiter, is this place always filled with such strange... Ponies?" He asked, unable to tear his eyes away from the scene playing out at the bar.

"A rider?" Chrysalis asked, looking at Plague in shock. "I'm sorry about that. I can't imagine how demeaning it must have been to be ridden around for everypony to see. I had no idea. Is that why your flesh appears to be in such a state?"

(OOC: I just got permission to use Derpy in this RP! Hooray! As they say in Smash Bros. Land: A New Challenger Approaches!)

"Well your friends sound quite... Interesting." Chrysalis said, unsure of what else she could say as an innocuous comment. "I don't exactly have many friends, myself. Just one who happens to be a bit... Let's say unique."

"Hello?" A female voice asked as another door on the far wall opened. "This is the Bar and Grill, right?" Derpy asked as she stepped into the building.

"R- really?" Chrysalis asked nopony in particular. "This is actually happening right now?"

"Chryssie? That you?" Derpy asked as she began trotting past Spitfire's table. "Amethyst?" She asked, stopping when she noticed the unicorn as well. "Wow! I'm seeing all sorts of familiar faces today!" She exclaimed with a smile.

(OOC: Explanation: In my story, 'Derpy's Royal Delivery', Derpy was sent by Princess Celestia to deliver a message offering peace to the changeling hive. I'll spoil as little as possible, but suffice to say that by the end of the story Derpy is considered by Queen Chrysalis to be her first actual friend outside of the hive. Also, Amethyst is Dinky's foalsitter in that story, but not related to her. Not sure if that conflicts with your own headcanon though since she is also sometimes portrayed as Derpy's daughter.)

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2073162 Pip sat up and rubbed his forehead. "Owwww. I think I hurt myself. Momma always gives me coco when I get an owie."

2073430 ((OOC: Yeah, it does conflict with my own headcanon, but I'll make an exception here. In improv, it's always bad form to say "no" to something. :raritywink: ))

"I, have a feeling it's only going to get weirder, Comet." says Spitfire.

"Actually, this is pretty tame by my standards." says Octavia, taking a sip of her tea.

Spitfire raises an eyebrow. "Why do you say that?"

"I live with Vinyl. Need I say more?"

Spitfire chuckles. "Touché."

2073530>>2073210 "Look, somepony has to watch over you kids, and it might as well be me." Amethyst tells Quiz grumpily. "Waiter, some hot coca for Pip here and some herbal tea for me. I'm getting a real migraine right now."

She then notices Derpy walking in. "Oh, hi Derpy. Yeah, I've kinda got my hooves full over here. These kids just wandered into this place, so any help you can provide would be much appreciated."

"I'm not sure who Vinyl is, but they must be really crazy to make this look tame." Comet said, watching Chrysalis and Plague warily. "Anyways." he continued, forcing himself to look at Spitfire, "How have you been, Captain? Instructor Fleetfoot was wondering where you went."

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2073619 Pip "She's right, Miss Quizzical, us kids should all stick together. That way we can take over!"
He began to jump around, swinging an imaginary sword and going "Arrr! Arrr!" Then he suddenly stopped.

"Did someone mention coco?"

Flam grins. "Well, at least the colt has his priorities straight."
Flim nods and drinks from his cider.

"HELLO, MY FAITHFUL SUBJECTS!" called Luna. (Good night)

2073663>>2073815 Spitfire and Octavia cringe as Luna's Canterlot voice resonates throughout the Bar and Grill.

"I was under the impression that she didn't do that anymore." says Octavia, batting her ear a bit to clean it out.

"Yeah, me too. She must still be excited over Nightmare Night." says Spitfire before turning back to Comet. "Anyway, I just heard about this place, so I figured I'd check it out. I told Crescent Moon where I'd be, so he should've informed the rest of the team. I don't know why Fleet didn't get the memo."


2073690 Amethyst forgets her frustration for a moment as she stifles a giggle. "Yep, that was me." she says. "You said you wanted hot coca, so I'm gonna oblige. But in exchange, you're gonna listen to me and do what I ask, alright? I'm taking it upon myself to take care of you here; the least you could do is cooperate."

"Come to think of it, I saw Crescent heading towards Fleet Foot's office before I left. That must have been what it was about." Comet said, touching a hoof to his chin. "Oh well. I'm sure she knows by now."


"Sure thing, Amethyst. I'd be happy to help. Just tell me where to start." Derpy said with a smile.

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2073867 Quiz: You expect cooperation, Ma'am? It has been my experience that that is an unreasonably optimistic expectation.

Pip: Can I have little marshmallows in my coco, please?


"OOPS, SORRY! I mean, oops, sorry," Luna said.

2073959>>2074027>>2073158 "Hopefully that's the case." says Spitfire. "So, how have you been doing, Comet? You keeping up with your training?"


"Well, you could start by helping me round up the kiddies here." Amethyst tells Derpy. "I think I saw that Twist girl come out from under the table."

She then turns to Quiz and narrows her eyes. "As for you, I'm not just being optimistic. I'm trying to prevent myself from getting an unnecessary migraine. Those tend to put me in a bad mood, and trust me: You would not like that. So let's try to keep the back talk to a minimum, 'kay?" She then looks over at Pip and smirks. "I'll give you marshmallows for your coca if you're good. Does that sound fair?"


2076705 "I-it's alright, Your Highness." says Octavia. "Although to be honest, I didn't expect you of all ponies to be here. To what do we owe the pleasure?"

(OOC: This is going to be my only post here until later tonight. Family gathering with work right after. Sorry, but I'll be out of touch for a bit. :applejackconfused:)

"Fleetfoot's been keeping us all busy lately." Comet said, subconsciously wiping some non-existant sweat from his brow. "She really wants to make sure we're ready for the upcoming exam. I just hope none of us are too tired from training to pass it."


"Sure thing." Derpy said, looking around for the little filly. "Aha! There you are!" She cheered as she began walking towards Twist.


"To... the... garden."

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2076705 Pip: Princess Luna!!!! *He ignores Amethyst and his coco and dashes across the room to embrace Luna around her right foreleg (about as high as he can reach). He speaks to her in a stage whisper.*

"Princess, I think there may be bad ponies here!"


"Who DARES be a bad pony in front of ROYALTY?" she thunders. "WE COULD HAVE THEM BEHEADED!"

She paused. "Oh right, we don't do that anymore."

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2079903 Pip: Maybe we could keel haul them, or hang them from a yard arm? I hear those are good punishments. Better than grounding them, or giving them a time out!


"Yes, maybe beheading would be punished in such a time. No matter, we must find these 'bad people.'"

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2080006 Pip: Oh, I know! Do you have a plank? We could make them walk back and forth on it. I'm not sure how that's punishment, but it's supposed to work.

*Quiz did not think her voice could carry across the room, so she used her NOTES spell and sent a message to Pipsqueak. A sheet of translucent note paper floated in front of Pip's nose, glowing beige (the color of Quiz's magic aura).
"Pip, mind your manners. The Princess may be here on important business. Before you begin to play 'Pirate' with her you should first ask if she wishes to play.


"Yes, back in the old days, we were captured by pirates once. They didn't know who we were. When they found out, they let me go. But we had them executed."

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2080146 Pip: But Princess Luna, if you execute all the pirates then the game is all over! Um...is this one of those times when I'm missing the point? Miss Quizzical says I do that a lot.


"'Tis a story to tell another time, we suppose." She sat down and ordered some hot chocolate for herself and Pip.

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(OOC - sorry this is slow, I'm writing in another window)

Twist: Maybe we thshould join him? He's going to natter away, and bother Printhcess Luna, and she's jutht going to let him.

*Twist and Quiz trot over and take places next to Pip*

2080214>>2080508 "Oh, um... I already ordered some hot coca for him, Your Highness." says Amethyst nervously. "Uh, i-if you'd like to help me look after these kids, you're more than welcome to."

2079375 Octavia raises an eyebrow at the newcomer replacing Nero. "Well, this is certainly a new one on me." she says. "I can just imagine Lyra freaking out right about now."


2076989 Spitfire chuckles. "Well, it's a good thing you came here to take a break then." says she. "Although I'm glad that Feetfoot's taking her responsibility as an instructor seriously. Anything to get her mind off of the Wonderbolt Derby, know what I mean?"

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2081253 Quiz to Amethyst: Ma'am, it is to your credit that you volunteer to look after us, but...I do not wish to seem untrusting...um...I am certain that you are a very nice and responsible pony...but...

Twist finishes for her: We don't know you.


"Then he will have TWO!"

2081339>>2086080 "Um, okay." says Amethyst, afraid of protesting to Princess Luna. She then clears her throat. "Anyway, my name's Amethyst Star, but you kids can call me Sparkler. I'm a jeweler's apprentice and part-time foalsitter in Ponyville. Now then, I know these two well enough..."

She points to Twist and Pipsqueak as she says that, and then turns to Quiz.

"But I can't say that I know you." she says plainly.


The bartender observes the coins with a critical eye and then nods.

"That'll do. I'll see to your order right away." says he.

"Huh. I was sure he'd at least bat an eyelid at that odd creature." Octavia ponders aloud. "I guess with this place being what it is, the staff has to be prepared for anything and everything."

Comment posted by JMac deleted Nov 4th, 2013
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2089151 Quiz: But I have been in Ponyville for nearly a year...I fear there have been 'accidents' that the whole town knew of...surely you would know of me...hmmm. Could this place be a nexus of multiple realities? Ponies entering at different times might come from alternate existences. Oh, dear. Princess Luna did not come in with us, she might not know me.

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2089770 Quiz: Worlds or talking ponies are not the norm? Oh, my, this is a day for unpleasant discoveries.

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2089943 Quiz: That is terribly sad. But it is fascinating. *with a pop a notebook appears hovering in front of Quiz's nose, the quill writing automatically* I must make a note of this. I wonder if I am happy in any other reality. I doubt it.

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2090175 Quiz: Do you refer to levitating my notebook? It is a common spell for unicorns, though it is one of my weakest spells. I can lift very little, though my fine control is quite good.

Pip: Miss Quizzical has won remote writing contests, her quill work is very pretty.

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Twist: Thith ith paradise?

Pip: We're sinners?

Quiz: Oh, I do not believe that. We are neither being reward nor punished. We are not...er...that aweful thing has not happened to us.

2089575 Amethyst raises an eyebrow. "Sorry, kiddo. A, lot of that flew over my head. Wow, you're pretty smart for your age, aren't you?"

2091003 "I, take it this is your first time in Equestria." says Octavia, who couldn't help but overhear. "Magic is actually quite common around here. Unicorns utilize it in their everyday lives. It's not an abnormality to be persecuted."

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2091003>>2092327 Twist whispers in Quiz's ear: Quiz, you thshudn;t argue with crazy!
*Twist grips Quiz's mane and attempts to draw her back*

Pip turns to Amethyst: Oh, yes, Miss Quizzical is very smart. She knows all about stuff like 'quantums' and 'potentials' and things!


Luna hands Pip his drink.

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2092327 Quiz *Twist has back them away from the theology rant until the foals back into her* What? Oh, well, yes, Ma'am. I can illustrate this.
*her horn glows and a black board appear in mid-air. A wire frame drawing appears, it bears a passing resemblance to a pair of paints*

This is Little Pratch's Chaps of Time Hypothesis. The lines represent reality, the X axis is time. The intersection at what looks like the crotch is a decision. One choice creates the right leg and another choice leads to the left. Both realities are possible, Multiplicity theory states that both realities actually come to exist. This is, of course, an over simplification.
Um..I could elaborate, but you complained of headaches. Headaches are a common side effect of exposure to theoretical magic.

2093837 "Thanks for sparing me." says Amethyst. "So, your name's Quizzical, huh? That's what Pip here says, anyway. How'd you get so smart?"


2097580 "Equestria." says Octavia. "I, suppose the best way to put it for someone like you is that it's a land of talking horses. Of course, that's an oversimplification, as many other creatures live here. Oh, by the by, my name's Octavia Melody. May I ask yours?"

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2099372 Quiz *blushing*: Smart? I merely try to study diligently, Miss Amethyst.

Twist whispers an aside to Amethyst: Quiz ith not very good at taking a compliment, Ma'am.

2099672 ((OOC: You mean a cross? :rainbowhuh: ))

Octavia tilts her head. "That is, interesting." she says. "Although to be honest, a lot of that flew over my head. For one, I'm not sure who this Lucifer fellow is."


2099789 "Ah, the modest type. I gotcha." Amethyst says, winking at Twist. "So, how did you kids get here without any parental supervision, anyway?"

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2105799 Quiz: It was not intentional, Miss Amethyst. We were on our way home from school and I had stopped to pick up Miss Twilight's weekly order of quills. We were so deeply engross in our conversation that the door had closed behind us before any of us realized that this was not actually Mr. Davenport's store.

Pip: It's going to be an adventure!

Quiz: Yes, Pip. It is therefore guaranteed to make us late for dinner.

2106052 ((OOC: I think ponies would know the shape of a cross without the religious context. But, that's just me. :applejackunsure: ))

Octavia stares blankly at Dante. "Okay then. Something tells me things are more complicated than to pin all evil on this one bloke, but another part of me says that I shouldn't get into a debate with you over the subject. I'll just say I'm glad I never met the fellow." she says. "So, what brings you to Equestria, Mr. Dante?"

2105841 "Huh. Not the weirdest thing I heard today." says Amethyst. "Well, if you're worried about dinner, this is a Bar and Grill. I can always order you guys something. Although I'm making sure you stay away from the bar part."

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2112821 Pip: Oh! Hay fries, with extra ketchup!

Twist: No, maybe just thome coco. With marshmallows. And a peppermint stick. And a roll of cinnamon bark...

Quiz: Now, I have to object, we must not impose on Miss Amethyst. However, I do have a few bits *she begins looking in her saddle bag*

Twist: That'ths not fair, Quiz, you always buy.

Quiz *shrugs*: I always have the bits.

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