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Nopony knows where it came from, why it appeared, or what the true nature of the place is. Entrances to it can be found all over Equestria, but the building has never been seen from the outside. It's a simple place for ponies to kick back, have a drink, shoot the breeze, and get caught up in crazy adventures (wait, what?).

This, is the Bar and Grill.

This was a classic RP from my days in the Megaman Community, and I thought I'd give it a shot here. The premise is simple: A Bar and Grill exists, characters show up, and we work from there. Practically anything and everything your mind can come up with can (and most likely will) happen here.

I say "practically" because there are some rules to keep things at least somewhat orderly. So, here they are:

1. This RP is SFW. Minimal swearing and occasional innuendo is allowed, but anything more than that, and you're out on your croup.

2. Players have three character slots; no more, no less. Exceptions are made for NPCs and villains (I'll explain later). At least one character in your team must be canon (those with Ask threads are encouraged to bring their respective characters here).

3. If you do decide to use an OC, introduce them as you would in a regular story. For example:

In walks a rather mysterious-looking stallion. He is a dusty red Earth Pony wearing a purple pinstripe suit and wing-tipped horseshoes. His Cutie Mark depicts a clarinet, which he is carrying in a case on his back.

4. Discord is OP, and therefore off-limits to everyone (including me). Trust me, if everything goes according to plan, this place will be chaotic enough without his help. Running gags involving him are okay, though.

5. No automatic hits; no automatic dodges. If Character X does something to Character Y, don't just assume the action was carried out. Let Character Y respond first. But by the same token, that doesn't give Character Y an excuse to avoid everything Character X does.

6. Respect other people's headcanons. Just because you ship Thunderlane with Blossomforth doesn't mean the person playing Thunderlane is going to go along with it. If conflict arises, sort it out through PM or some other way outside of this thread.

7. Every once in a while, a player may be inclined to introduce a villain or antagonistic force to stir things up. This is allowed. However, once the villain is beaten and everything returns to the status quo, there must be at least a five page grace period before the next villain shows up (believe it or not, this was a big problem in the MMC). Since we're just starting out and getting everyone situated, an extended grace period will be employed, so no villains for the first ten pages (just to clarify, you can play as villainous characters such as Queen Chrysalis if you so desire just as long as they don't go out of their way to make trouble).

8. Beyond that, the sky's the limit. Let your imagination run wild and have fun. Any questions? Feel free to ask me.

Oh, and just to make sure no one gets confused or bombards me with questions of who's taken and who's not, I'll be posting the player/character list here:

Metool Bard: Spitfire, Octavia Melody, Amethyst "Sparkler" Star

Smusher6: Queen Chrysalis, Comet Tail, Derpy Hooves

superpony55: Blizzard, Princess Luna, Hope/Icefall

Terrasora: Flim, Flam

JMac: Twist, Pipsqueak, Quizzical Greystone

Wandering Sadism: Braeburn, Pestilence Pony, Dante

Now then, let's get this party started! :pinkiehappy:

You know what? Why the Tartaurus not? I've never RP faithfully before, but this will give me a reason to keep an eye on my notifications.

I'd appreciate being able to play Queen Chrysalis and Derpy plus one OC. Is that alright?


Me! I'll be Twilight, Blizzard, and Hope/Icefall (Hope and Icefall are the same pony).

Hmmm, interesting... Alright, I'll try my hand at this.
I'll take two characters for now. The Flim Flam Brothers. :pinkiehappy:


Hi Terrasora! I haven't seen you around Changeling Panic in a while!

2071482 ((OOC: Well, someone already has an Ask thread for Derpy, so they have first dibs. Sort it out with JenkinsRevenge if you really want to play as Derpy. The other two are okay, though.

2071510 Twilight Sparkle, Twilight Velvet, or Twilight Sky? Because if it's the first one, you might wanna reconsider unless you plan on taking over Annalisa Flat's Ask thread.

2071521 Well, this should be interesting. :ajsmug:

With that out of the way, I'll just get the ball rolling. Don't mind me.))

Three ponies enter the Bar and Grill. The first is Spitfire, captain of the Wonderbolts. The second is Octavia, the famous cellist for the Canterlot Ensemble. And the third is Amethyst Star, a jeweler's apprentice from Ponyville.

"So, this is the new place everypony's been talking about." muses Spitfire, taking a look around. "Can't really say much for the decor."

"Wait a minute." says Amethyst, turning to Octavia and Spitfire. "Did you two just get here?"

"Um, yes." says Octavia. "Although I remember entering this place alone."

"Yeah, same here." says Spitfire, knitting her brow. "Then again, according to what I heard, this place doesn't make a whole lot of sense."

"Gee, that's comforting." says Amethyst, rolling her eyes.

Octavia clears her throat. "Well, as long as we're here, why don't we find a table and make ourselves comfortable?"

"Sounds good to me, Octavia." says Spitfire. "Good to see you, by the way. How's Vinyl?"

"Oh, you know. Same old, same old." says Octavia with a sigh. "I swear, she seems intent on finding new ways to drive me crazy."

"Yeah, I hear that." laughs Spitfire. She then turns to Amethyst. "Oh, sorry for leaving you out like that. Wanna join us?"

"Alright. I've got nothing better to do, anyway." says Amethyst with a shrug. "Name's Amethyst Star, but most ponies call me Sparkler. I'm a jeweler's apprentice."

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Star." says Octavia as the three mares sat at a table. "Hmm. It's awfully quiet here, don't you find?"

"I'm sure it'll pick up." says Spitfire. "That tends to happen in places like this."


Um... I'll be someone else then.

I'll be another OC: Blue Skies.

2071693 ((OOC: Um, alright. But remember, at least one character has to be canon, and I never heard of Blizzard nor Hope/Icefall. :trixieshiftright:))


A filly walk through the door. She looks up. "Thought this was the school," she said.


(Oh. One has to be cannon? 'Kay, then I'll be Luna)

2071721>>2071728 ((OOC: Done.))

Amethyst Star is the first to notice the new arrival. She turns around in her seat and raises an eyebrow.

"Aren't you a bit young to be in a place like this?" she asks the filly. "And, how exactly did you mistake this place for school?"

2071676 (OOC: Not sure what the relevance of the ask thread is since the thread's author has not posted here. Is there any sign that they will be joining this RP? Either way, I will be glad to wait on playing Derpy for now.)

Another door on the far side of the room opens up, revealing none other than Queen Chrysalis. "What is this sorcery?" She asks, looking around at the Bar and Grill in confusion. "Who managed to build this structure within my domain? And why is it larger on the inside than out? I demand an explanation!" She shouts, stomping a hoof as the door closes behind her.

(Also OOC: The OC I'm planning on using is named Comet Tail. He is a student at the Wonderbolts academy with average-high marks in most subjects. He is in the same class as Rainbow Dash, but doesn't know her personally. Is that okay?)


She blushed. "I'm new to Baltimare."

2071774 2071728
Two stallions, exactly alike except for their cutie marks and one's bushy mustache, rush into the Bar and Grill, holding onto their hats and vests for dear life. They pause slightly, blink, and look around.
"Brother?" says the first.
"Yes, Brother?"
"Does it seem to you like this barn has a restaurant inside of it?"
"Yes, Brother."
Flim peeks over his shoulder, back towards the entrance. "And there's no angry crowd of ponies tailing us?"
"No, Brother."
They pause for a few more moments, then break out into grins.
"Well, Flam, there's no use in turning down such a golden opportunity!"
"Exactly, Flim! How about a drink of this wonderful establishment's cider?"
Both brothers trot off towards the bar.

2071933 ((OOC: Well, we already saw all of Rainbow Dash's fellow cadets in the episode Wonderbolts Academy, but otherwise it's okay.))

"Hey, who's yelling?"

Spitfire perks up at Chrysalis' complaint. When she sees who it is, she lowers her shades.

"Hmm? What's wrong?" inquires Octavia.

"Don't look now, but I think we're in for some unpleasant company." Spitfire says with a snort.

Curious, Octavia turns around. When she sees Chrysalis, she jumps.

"Gah!" she exclaims. "Wh-what is she doing here?!"

"You're asking me?" Spitfire says, raising an eyebrow. "Anyway, let's not be hasty here. Something tells me she's not gonna attack unless provoked. I'll just keep my eye on her and see what she does."

"Um, o-okay." says Octavia, although she doesn't seem entirely certain.


2071951 "Baltimare, huh?" says Amethyst. "Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you're a long way from home, kiddo. At least I think; I don't actually know where this place is supposed to be. I came here from Ponyville myself."

Group Contributor

(OOC- are we mixing dimensions? By that I mean, if an OC knows a canon character in their own stories will they know them here? My OC is Twilight's research assistant in her stories, but would Twilight have any idea who she is here? Probably not, for the practical reason that the player running Twilight won't have read the story).

2072028 (OOC: Well, he isn't in the same flight group as RD. That's why he doesn't know her personally. He joined the academy the same year though. Sorry. I should have been more clear.)

"You two there, the ones whispering!" Queen Chrysalis said, looking directly at Spitfire and Octavia and approaching their table. "Do you have something you would like to say to me? Does my presence in my own territory surprise you?" She asked, now looking more directly at Octavia. "If it does, then you are either very foolish, or very pompous. And judging by your collar, I would assume the latter."

2072052 ((OOC: That's something for you to sort out with whoever ends up playing Twilight. If they're okay with it, then go for it. If not, then don't.))

Flim nudges Flam slightly, pointing towards the Queen. They hold their drinks a bit tighter, keeping them close in case something breaks out.

2072078 ((OOC: That's fine then.))

"Eep!" Octavia squeaks, cowering before Chrysalis. "I-I..."

"Hey, cool it." Spitfire says tersely. "We're not trying to start anything here. Also, this isn't your territory anymore."

"M-Ms. Spitfire, I d-don't think you should make her mad!" stammers Octavia.

Spitfire sighs. "Look, it seems like you're out of the loop. This is the Bar and Grill. It's new to Equestria, and entrances to the place can be found all over. I don't know much more than that, but to be honest, I think my brain would start to hurt if I thought about it too much."

"The Bar and Grill, you say?" Chrysalis asked, raising an eyebrow at Spitfire. "I can't say I've ever heard of such a place. I don't know how the magic controlling travel to and from this location work, but it seems I won't be getting any worthwhile answers out of you or your friend." She said, glancing back over to Octavia.

"In any case, I suppose I have some time to spare for some relaxation. The hive can take care of itself for the time being." She continued, walking over to the bar and sitting down next to the Flim Flam brothers. "Might the two of you know anything about this place? I'd imagine two well dressed magic users might have something to do with this... 'Establishment'."

Flim and Flam watch in terror as Queen Chrysalis sits down next to them.
"I-I'm afraid not, Your Highness."
"W-We were just o-on the road, trying to make an honest living. Then things went south, we were chased into a barn and... now we're drinking." Flim holds up cup, trying desperately to keep his hoof from shaking and failing rather miserably.
"It's our first time here, too."
"Place just kinda popped into existence."
"It reaches all the way into your m-most beautiful domain, Your Majesty?"

Queen Chrysalis chuckled a bit at the sudden flattery thrown her way. "It would seem that that is the case." She said. "I can sense that you are quite afraid of me, my young entrepreneurs. Why might that be, I wonder?" She asked, leaning a bit closer to the brothers. "Is it my reputation? Or is it my appearance that unsettles you so?" She asked while emanating a light buzzing sound from her wings. "As you must know, I am more than capable of changing the latter if you prefer."

The brothers lean away subconciously.
"W-we wouldn't want her to do that, would we Flam?"
"We wouldn't?"
"Of course not! It would make it harder to run from her," Flim adds under his breath.
"Oh!" Flam turns back towards Queen Chrysalis. "Don't trouble yourself, Your Highness! It would be an absolute shame to hide you from the rest of the Bar and Grill!"
Flim turns towards the others in the bar, begging with his eyes for help.

Group Contributor

2071425 (OOC - I want to be Twist, Pipsqueak, and my OC Quizzical Greystone)

Realizing that there was much fun to be had with these two skittish unicorns, Queen Chrysalis briefly winked at Flam. Just then, she transformed herself into Flam while Flim's back was turned.

"Brother, I believe we may have a problem here." Chrysalis said in Flam's voice.

Flim puts on an uneasy grin. "What do you mean Flam? How could there possibly be a-" He pauses, his mouth hanging open. Flim kneads his eyelids, then flashes glances between the two Flams.
"Brother. That's me," says Flam, staring at his copy.
"I've noticed that."
"Wait, no!" Flam grabs Flim by the shoulders. "I mean, I'm me! That's not me!"

2072439 Spitfire is the first to notice the FlimFlam Brothers freaking out. She turns around and narrows her eyes at Chrysalis.

"Don't try anything funny." she warns, giving Chrysalis an "I'm watching you" gesture. She then turns back to Octavia. "You alright there?"

"F-fine." says Octavia. "Um, perhaps we should order something."

"Yeah, sounds like a good idea." says Spitfire. "Hey, waiter!"

A platinum Crystal Pony stallion with wings on his hooves appears at Spitfire's table in the blink of an eye.

"You called?" he asks.

"Um, yes." says Spitfire. "I'll have a cup of coffee, please. Black."

Octavia raises an eyebrow. "Coffee?"

"I don't like drinking without a designated flyer." says Spitfire with a shrug. "It's just common sense."

"Ah." says Octavia. "Anyway, I'll just have a cup of tea to start. Earl Grey, if you please."

"Of course." says the waiter. "And for you?"

Amethyst looks up from her conversation with the enigmatic filly. "Huh wha? Oh, um... Give me a minute."

"Very well." says the waiter. "I'll be back in a moment."

With that, he dashes off.

((OOC: Just FYI, the waiter is an NPC, meaning anyone can control him.))

2072481 ((OOC: Go for it. I'll put you on the list.))

Group Contributor

(three foals wander in, so deeply into an argument that they do not notice their surroundings. With Twist and Pipsqueak is an unfamiliar filly. She has a pale grey coat and a dull grey mane and tail; her cutie mark is two intersecting colored circles with symbols within).

Twist: I thed I was thorry!

Quiz: And I accepted your apology...

Pip: Well, you shouldn't have! Twist, you had no right to say that about Miss Quizzical!

Quiz: Thank you, Pip, but I do not feel there is any need for you to defend me...

Pip: It's not true, and she shouldn't have said it!

Quiz: It was a only a joke. I have enough of a sense of humor to recognize a joke, though I fear I did not get it...

Twist: Never mind, it wathn't very funny.

Pip: Yeah, Twist, what did you mean by that?

Twist: I didn't mean anything!

Quiz: But I would still appreciate an explanation.


(Mind if I join in the festivities?)

"Don't be fooled, brother of mine." Chrysalis said, standing up. "Can't you tell she's just trying to confuse you? She's already slipped up!"

Just as the tensions in the room were heightening, one of the doors nearest the bar opened up to reveal an orange pegasus stallion with a bright aqua colored mane. His cutie mark was an image of a grey comet streaking in a circle towards it's own blue trail.

"So this is the Bar and Grill, huh?" He asked as he looked around. "OH! Captain Spitfire!" He said, suddenly standing at attention. "I didn't expect to see you here, ma'am!"

2072801 ((OOC: Not at all.))

2072806 Spitfire looks up and smirks at the newcomer saluting her. "At ease, cadet. There's no need for that here. Come, join us."

"I take it you know this fellow?" asks Octavia.

"I should." says Spitfire. "Octavia, this is Comet Tail, Wonderbolt Cadet First Class."

"Oh." says Octavia, giving Comet a friendly nod. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr. Tail. I am Octavia Melody, cellist for the Canterlot Ensemble."

((OOC: Just FYI, Cadet First Class means he's a lead pony; Cadet Second Class means he's a wingpony. If you want me to correct this, just let me know.))


Icefall stared. "Whoa."


"That's not good," she said. All of a sudden, her sister barged in.

"What's going on?" asked Blizzard.

2072886 ((OOC: Yeah, that works. The pony from Robot Chicken (although I haven't seen that sketch) should be particularly interesting. :ajsmug: ))

Flim downs the rest of his drink, then bats away his brother's hooves. "Get off of me, Flam, and think for a bit. You're the only one holding a drink and you're sitting right next to me, right where Flam was before there were two of you. You're you."
"I am?"
Flim facehoofs. "I'd be better off with the Queen, but yes." He turns towards the other Flam with a self-satisfied smirk. "Very good, Your Highness, you have an incredible talent! But I've been working with my brother ever since we were brothers and it'd take a bit more than that to full these eyes. Barkeep!"
The waiter appears, armed with a pad of paper and a pen.
"A round of cider for us three, if you don't mind."
"And an order of hay fries," adds Flam.
The waiter nods, and disappears again.

(OOC: Wow. I actually hadn't decided yet if he was a wingpony or lead pony. Thanks for helping me develop my OC a little bit. I haven't used him in a story yet, but I will be sometime in the future.)

"Thanks, ma'am." Comet Tail said, loosening up a bit and smiling as he walked over to Spitfire's table. "Hello to you too, Octavia. I've never been very musically inclined, myself." He said before shifting his attention to the commotion at the bar. "So what's going on over there? Three brothers having an argument or something?"


Icefall stares. Blizzard glares at her. "Be polite!" she whispers.

2072892 2072720 "Um, okay. Who's letting kids in here?" Amethyst asks nopony in particular as more young fillies and colts arrive. She then sighs. "I guess I'm playing foalsitter. Again." She then turns to the young filly she had been talking to. "Hey, kid. Think you could do me a favor? I know your mom probably warned you against talking to strangers, but I could use some help here."

She then notices the odd pony addressing the two fillies and narrows her eyes. "And apparently, I'm not a moment too soon."

2072919 "You, could say that." says Spitfire. "It's a bit complicated."

Just then, the waiter returns with Spitfire's coffee and Octavia's tea.

"Thank you." says Spitfire with a nod before turning back to the cadet. "Oh, you want anything, Comet? It's on me."


"What do you need?" Icefall asks. Blizzard sighs and looks at Amethyst Star. "Why don't I help," she says, pushing her sister behind her.

"I hope you're happy," Icefall grumbles. "You interrupted our conversation!"

Group Contributor

2072908>>2072960 Pip shrieks "A Monster!"

He and Twist run for cover, they hide under Flim and Flam's bar stools. This leaves Quiz standing alone.

"Um....I...er...dear me, I seem to be at a loss for words...."


Icefall looks at him sympathetically. "There's no such thing as monsters," she says. "So those silly foals need to come on out!" She sounded bossier now, as though she was older than the others, though truthfully she was a little younger than Pip and Twist.


Icefall yelps, as she is just a filly herself. She scoots away nervously, forgetting her (one-sided) conversation with Quiz.

Flim and Flam draw up their hooves as the two young ponies run under their stools.
"Hey, hey! Get out of there! It's dirty!"
"Do you even know what goes on under a bar stool?!"
Flim looks up at his brother. "I think I'd be more worried if they did."
"Agreed, Brother."

Group Contributor

2073032>>2072908 (there is the sound of wood scraping against wood, as Pip tries to creep away from the Pestilence pony, pushing his hiding place as he goes. It is slow going as one of the brothers is still seated on the stool).


"What is? Dirt? Filth? Gum? Old drinks? Glass?" Icefall asks.


Icefall still looks uncomfortable, but doesn't scoot away any further.

"That and more, little filly," says Flim with a nod.

Flam feels himself scoot away from the bar and, more importantly, the cup of cider that sits on the bar. "No! You! Colt! Little white and brown pipsqueak of a pony! Stop, I say, stop!"
Flim watches his brother struggle for a bit, then levitates the mug over to the frantically flailing Flam.

2072990 Amethyst groans and rubs the bridge of her nose with her hoof. "Great. As if my life wasn't crazy enough." she grumbles before looking up at Blizzard. "Look, kid. Y'mind rounding up all the young ponies here so that I can keep an eye on you all? Seeing as your parents aren't here, it wouldn't be right of me to let you all fend for yourselves." She then glares at the bipedal creature. "Especially with things like that running around."


Snowfall giggles. "I myself think my sister deserves 'all that and more'," she says, making Blizzard glare at her. All of a sudden the door bangs open. There stands Luna!

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2073082 "Eeep!" Pip turns the flee, forgetting where he is. He runs into one of the stool's legs and knocks himself silly).

Quiz addresses the Pestilence pony. "Oh, my, I do not believe he took what you said as reassuring, Sir. Frankly, that is understandable. Is your order really on the menu here?

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