~The Decent Writers Club~ 1,678 members · 9,341 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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May I ask for some opinions of a story of mine? I wrote a story over the new background filly with the creepy super strength. While it did fairly well with 28 upvotes to 1 downvote it was the only story in a group dedicated to her. Probably not the most objective crowd.
If you have the time please give it a read and let me know what you think. You don't have to do a long review just slap a comment in this thread or under the story and tell me if it sucked because of this or was good because of that. Here's a link How Lily got her creepy super strength It is six chapters long with 10,705 words.

4987199 marked for perusing

Group Contributor

4987199 I think I already told you this in the story comments, but I liked this a lot. It has a delightful fairy tale feel to it. Lily means well, and it's always someone else's fault when she gets into trouble. The characterization of the protagonist is wonderful and that dragon is a complete butt! It's also great that Lily gets herself out of trouble not by being super strong, but by being clever. I remember nagging you about the proof reading, I don't know if you've had a chance to fix that.

4987577 Thank you. I always loved stories of a clever hero so I made her one.
As for the proof reader, sadly no. I tried a few groups but no takers.

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