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Divine Path
Group Contributor

To Master Thread

To the extent of refining anything...
Stage FINAL~
—Boss; BGM: Pure Furies ~ Whereabouts of the Heart
Spell Card: Pure Sign "A Pristine Danmaku Hell"

(Nameless Being)

"Putting that aside, you will triumph over me.
That is the scenario that has
been constructed by another's hand.
However, that victory will surely
be accompanied by a nightmare.
Even if we are unable to dwell together under Heaven,
my hatred alone will be refined.
That this hatred will never touch her
leaves nothing for me but vexation!
In exchange, I'll vent myself against you, such that your
victory, the outcome of this cruel fate, may be realized!"
"But schemes are just schemes.
The people of the moon have made a foolish mistake, as well.
This earth rabbit bears impurity
beyond what is necessary.
Like this, she is powerless against my strength!
Absolutely powerless!
Now, my mortal enemy, Chang'e.
Are you watching?
I'm going to torment this girl
until you come out!"
"Though she now lives on another heavenly body,
and I am unable to meet with her...
Even if we are unable to dwell together under Heaven,
my hatred alone will be refined.
Now, show me!
Just what an earthling risking her life is capable of!
And behold!
This pristine spiritual force that rejects life and death!"

Feel free to discus sstuff like character design, head canons, theories, opinions and the sort.
Also, feel free to post favorite fan art or character specific themes, or whatever so long it's relevant to the topic.
Cut and paste bit for anyone else who wants to do this
To spread these out so we has some steady discussion, each new character thread will be made 2-3 days from the last one(rule not set in stone. Flexible if needed) Feel free to bump up old threads.
Fan Art: Try and make it SFW as far as content and hosting site, though if you need to just add (Gore), (NSFW) or whatever is needed. Safebooru is an alternative to danbooru. if you want to find a particular piece on another site, Go Here, Click on the camera and paste the direct image link , hopefully another link to it should turn up.
Copy Paste: end

I'll give her points for having an amazing theme. <3 ZUN.

I remember a certain Youtube comment that sums her up pretty well. I don't remember it exactly, so I'll put my own twist on it;

Miko: I'll kill you! (Fires a ton of Danmaku)
Reimu: (Dodges all of it) Yeah, no.

Sukuna: This will end you! (Fires massive Danmaku)
Reimu: (Dodges all of it) Quiet, you brat.

Junko: I've already lost, but whatever. (Fires barely any Danmaku)
Reimu: (Dies a lot) WTF?!

In all honesty, I'm amazed that Zun made such a purity centered character that has such dangerous Danmaku. Nothing fancy. No gimmicks. Just pure, pristine Danmaku.

Divine Path
Group Contributor

Pure, refined power and elegance.
And that's wonderful.:3

Divine Path
Group Contributor

Junko, a divine spirit embodying her own hatred for the moon and its people.
Once in a very distant past, ten suns had risen together to the heavens, thus causing hardship for the people. The archer called Yi shot down nine of them and was given the elixir of immortality as a reward, but he did not consume it as he did not want to gain immortality without his beloved wife Chang'e. However, while Yi went out hunting, Yi's apprentice, Feng Meng, broke into his house and forced Chang'e to give up the elixir of immortality to him, but she refused to do so; instead, Chang'e drank it herself and flew upwards towards the heavens, choosing the moon as residence to be nearby her beloved husband. It seems she was then revered as a goddess, and appointed an authority figure. But, sicne she had become an immortal being, she was deemed unfit, and was imprisoned there. So the story goes.
A sun that was shot down by Chang'e's husband fell, and killed the son of one certain Lunarian. That Lunarian was Junko, who fell into hatred and rage, abandoning all else and swearing vengeance on the closest being to the murdered she could find to avenge her child's death, Chang'e, his wife. Many eons has passed since then. Not many know of the sagacious spirit bearing ill will toward all lunatic beings. Those that know, know that her rage has burnt pure and warm for an eternity, and always will be.
Junko may be based on Chún Hú (纯狐), a Chinese legendary figure mentioned in the Zuǒ Zhuàn historical narrative and Tiānwèn poems. Chún Hú, also known as "Xuán Qī" (玄妻, lit. "dark lady"), was the wife of Xia Dynasty ruler Hòu Yì (后羿). Yi usurped the previous ruler (Chún Hú's former husband) and married Chún Hú, having a child with her named Bà Fēng (伯封) who he later killed. Chún Hú then conspired with Yi's minister to kill him as revenge. This account seems to line up with statements about Junko's past from Reisen's ending in Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom.

Though sharing a name, the Hou Yi of the Xia Dynasty was not necessarily the same one who married Chang'e and shot down the ten suns in legend. The conflation of various historical figures named "Hou Yi" has been the subject of at least one contemporary academic paper. Within the Touhou series, however, the disparate Hou Yis appear to be treated as a single person. Yi was Junko's husband, and for the three grievous sins he had committed, not even his soul remained of the woman's revenge.


Species: Divine spirit
Ability: Capable of purifying anything

A being who holds a deep resentment for the People of the Moon.
She herself is a spirit who has been purified by that resentment.
By now, she has no need even for information on what exactly she is.

She had a deep grudge against Chang'e, one of the Moon's people.
Details are included in one of the game's endings, so things will be kept brief here,
but it seems that she calmed her rage against the sages by repeatedly attacking the Lunar Capital.
Her first grudge came about when her husband killed her child, but said grudge has already been purified
to the point where her anger stands on its own.

Her existence is unknown to all but a select few of the Moon's people.
It was hardly necessary for them to live in fear of her, after all.
It's unknown if Chang'e has full knowledge of who she is, but she's likely aware of her to some extent.

Chang'e doesn't appear in the game itself, but she's a goddess of the moon imprisoned in the Lunar Capital.
She rules over the moon rabbits and is extremely powerful, but she doesn't show herself publicly.
She is also a criminal who drank the Hourai Elixir.

Junko's plan to attack the Lunar Capital was as follows.

"I'll fill the near side of the moon with fairies whose life force I purified,
turning the moon itself into a planet with life on it.
Thus, the Lunar Capital's residents will have no choice but to flee.
Then I'll seize that opportunity, and shoot Chang'e down as she's escaping."

The Lunar Capital was first founded by people who migrated to the moon to escape the Earth's impurity (life force).
Junko was going to cause the same thing to happen on the moon.

The plan went well.
The Sea of Tranquility began to fill with life.
It seemed that the fairies from Hell thought the moon to be a paradise.
That's how awful the environment in Hell must've been.

The People of the Moon couldn't raise a finger against her 'Planet with Life' plan.

However, Junko knew.
The moon's people would hardly wait around near all that impurity, and would flee into the Dream World.
Anticipating this, she sent one of her friends over there as well.

Just as she planned, but perhaps not quite as she expected, the moon's people showed no sign of action for over half a year.
Junko was again at a loss as to how to attack the Capital. Both sides were locked in a stalemate.
As her anger gradually began to settle, she thought she might have to reconsider her course of action.

It was then that a human, of all things, appeared before her.
Not just any human, but one whose impurity had been wiped clean away. Likely due to the effects of some drug.

They did not abhor life, but no life could be felt from them.
She never imagined that they'd come up with such a plan to send such a human in, but she felt at ease.

The lunar sages had done something she never expected.
She could at least enjoy that fact.
And thus, her current revenge drama came to a close.

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