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Just had an idea where the last Roman Emperor, and the last Christian Emperor of Constantinople, Constantine the 11th, who by most accounts, even contemporary Muslim ones, died in battle defending his city, supposedly having thrown off his regalia as well, ends up yeeted to Equestria upon his death.

Fun fact, there's also a legend he never died and was instead turned to stone and hid away by an angel until he is needed again

Hariton #2 · May 2nd · · ·

An interesting idea for a book! Constantine XI Palaiologos was indeed the last emperor of the Byzantine Empire and died defending the city of Constantinople from the Turkish conquest in 1453. His fate causes a lot of speculation and legends, so using such a scenario where he finds himself in Equestria can be a fascinating turn of events.

The addition of the legend that he was turned into stone and hidden by an angel gives the historical character an additional mystery and mystical aspect. Manifesting him in Equestria can be an interesting way to explore his personality, decisions and views in a new light, as well as reflect his influence on the world and the fates of other characters.

It can be a fascinating and original story that can attract readers and allow them to see a historical figure through the prism of fantasy and imagination.

It's a very interesting idea and if executed correctly I think it could make a very good story. Roma Et Imperator.

Now the Question remains on how the last Emperor of Rome, and the last Christian ruler of Constantinople would take to the magick and splendor of Equestria. Would he see such things as miracles and paradise or a false Heaven? Though granted in his time myths of unicorns and such where very common. In his time plenty of people believed that India had a separate race of of Civilized Dog-Men in communication with the Hindu. (Granted these where overly exited and superstitious European merchants seeing baboons gathering and using abandoned ancient Hindu temples as shelters in the Indian jungles.)

Granted that depends on which tale of his death you use. Also never heard of the Dog Men before, but very fascinating. Its possible he could see it as simply another world made by God, maybe akin to an Eden of sorts. He would probably marvel at how, relatively speaking, just....good, everyone is to one another. Granted what we know of his personality is from sources, AFAIK, where a majority of it came from people that were not him, and not from his own mouth. I do recall reading that the Church had apparently banned the belief that witches and the supernatural were real, more or less, as the belief that anyone could grant miraculous abilities sans God as heresy

The church banned it, but people still believed that such things existed. It's just that with the word of the Church it was interpreted that all miracles without the recognition of the Church where likely the work of Satan. And witches where deemed as devil worshipers.

Netflix Ottoman rise of an empire season 1 happens to be that same story.:heart:

True, especially as you still had folk practices and such that were hidden under a veneer of Christianity, or well, syncreticism. Plus, I have read that most small villages would be adverse to turning in say, a local medicine woman or herbalist as a witch as they often acted as midwives and such.

Really now? But yeah, there's a few differing accounts of Constantine's fate, though almost all agree he did die during the events of the Fall

It would be interesting to use the one from fate grand order.

Speaking of, I did get him recently. Would be interesting. Maybe a culmination of all the various Constantines

If you do...I myself, will look forward to every chapter of your story.

Thank you, still have to figure out a plot and whatnot

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