Human in Equestria 16,884 members · 17,078 stories
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So I was wondering if anyone has ever done something like Ponies trying to destroy Earth and having the Avengers fight hoards of them? Those big floating whale things could be dragons, and loki could be replaced by chrysalis or the royal sisters.

If no one has ever written something like then what do you people think? I'm not going to write one, because I'm already working on a couple stories. Just a thought.

Why would the peaceful, gentle, kind, "Friendship is literally, no kidding, a type of magic!" ponies of Equestria be trying to invade or destroy anything?

Well, you have to first consider... are we talking about the Marvel Cinematic Universe, or Marvel Universe comics proper? Coz if its the latter, there's no contest. Marvel Universe wins hands down. The comic book is situated where magic is actually studied and quantified that there's no way MLP would even dent them.

Actually, even if its set in the MCU. I doubt MLP would be able to fight off Any of the Marvel heroes.

As long as the Avengers win and the ponies aren't all evil and all completely destroyed, I'd find it quite interesting.

1057410 *Takes a glance at TCB stories* *Shudders*. I think you should have ample proof that fans can be a little extreme with the ponies. (I personally don't like TCB even remotely, one; the ponies wouldn't do such a thing, and two; humanity would kick their ass due to our long history of war and combat experience. Even with magic it's 7billion+ gun wielding humans vs spears and magic, and a less than a billion population.)

Yeah, I know the fandom has some weird ideas when it comes to what makes for a good conflict or believable motivations for the ponies, but I can at least try to reason with people...

Good point about the mainstream MU; Doc Strange would make quick work of Celestia if he were forced to fight her. Come to think of it, technological-and-magical genius Doctor Doom would take her down without hesitation. "I'm the one who's going to conquer this planet! You can't have it!"

1057410 I was thinking that something had happened in Equestria, forcing the ponies to find a new home. They find planet Earth (obviously) and ask if they could recede on our land, our government says hell no, they use force thus leading to war.

Though now that I think about it I don't think our government would say no to such a small population, even with the fact that they're still trying to stop immigration (I think. I'm not great at this subject.) I don't know if they are still trying to stop it or not, I don't pay much attention.

The ponies have a small population, and allowances would be made for "refugees", especially in a unique situation. (See the movie Alien Nation.) And it's not like they would be a strain on resources with their talents -- I imagine some pegasus weather manipulation would completely remake the deserts of the southwest. Plus there are plenty of other countries that would take some (or all) of their population...

Oh, and there are hundreds of thousands of people who immigrate to the US every year. The only real fuss is about people who do so without going through the proper channels.

1057556 Reasonable point, like in the movie 'District 9' where they make the small districts for the pawns.

As Demon Eyes Laharl stated it all depends on which we are talking about, if this was DC universe MLP would win hands down.

I beg to differ, sir. There would be plenty of members of the Green Lantern Corps (and maybe some of the other ring colors) willing to defend DC Earth at a moment's notice, plus the dozens of members of teams like the Justice League, the Outsiders, the Titans, the LSH, and so on. Not to mention god-proxies like the Spectre...

1057556 But I was also thinking about what would happen to Celestia and Luna? Unless they were in some foreign country, and they allowed royalty. Though it still wouldn't work out because the sisters are aliens to our planet, and maybe try to form and equestrian country or something like that.

If the sisters tried to form a new pony nation, I think they would do so through diplomacy. In fact, this could actually be a really good angle for a story. The ponies are in exile, they find their way to Earth, and they try to adapt. Eventually they form a new Equestria in a very green territory that used to be unwanted desert land in Nevada or something...

1057589 Now if I was actually good a writing stories, this would be epic.

1057617 Well, thanks. I'll look into it and see if I can work up something.

1057579 But you have to see after a while lanterns, exception of red lanterns, would lose power after a while. You also have to consider there are 7 lanterns: Sinestro corp hates the green lanterns, Rage hates everyone, there is only one orange, and the Black corp is the green lanterns foe, Superman is critically affected by magic, Batman is just a rich guy with toys, Flash can't do much, Wonder women's only asset is her invisible plane, as long as the ponies have the advantage of height and the elements along with an army of soldiers to fight for them, and as long Celestia can transport them to a different dimension thus separating the Outsiders. Their only chance is the LSH, the Titains, and Spectre but lets face it, they brought down chaos himself, they defeated a god that Celestia's only choice was to banish, and saved a kingdom all before bedtime.

:rainbowlaugh: Captain Marvel: like Superman, but powered by magic. And yeah, fighting gods is one thing, but Spectre works for God, big G. If it's Zatanna versus Celestia, I'm giving it to the pony. Throw in Doctor Fate and I'm betting on the guy in the funny helmet. Then there are all of those other spellcasters around...

But, y'know, whatever. I can't talk you out of your headcanon.


Uh, actually, MLP would still lose. You have Captain Marvel, which is basically Superman, with magic. And Supes himself is already a game breaker even with the weakness to magic. You have the best tactical mind of DC (Batman) who can whip up technology and is responsible for designing the hybrid magi-science tools that the JLA Tower uses. Then you have the Green Lantern Corps, Spectre (who is basically THE guardian of the Earth), Lobo, Constantine, and a whole other slew of heroes that can fight with magic.

Pitting MLP against DC or Marvel is basically suicide. Best case scenario, no war. Worst case scenario, Ponies lose, but they aren't destroyed (coz Marvel and DC rarely work that way).

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