Human in Equestria 16,901 members · 17,099 stories
Comments ( 45 )
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I have not been very active as of late, and for that, I am sorry.

Now get to thinking about possible ways for my story to advance, slaves!

I keed! :rainbowkiss: but seriously though...

Here's the deal, guys. You tell me how you think an actual nation appearing in Equestria would work out. I'm talking about a 1840-60s nation that just came out of a terrible war, full of poverty, death and civil struggle. A nation divided after a long civil war. No, it's not USA, keep your flags down.

Anyway, so these guys suddenly Equestria! And they are still reconstructing after the war. I know the external debts would be fully gone, since there's no more USA Spain France or UK to ask for their money, and they would have an experienced army due to the war, but highly underfunded and somewhat spent.

Also, the people are highly catholic, superstitious, and the government is a federal republic.

So, tell me. How would this play out in your heads?

If can be avoided, please no all out war on the first couple of days... That would be soooo cliche.

Why the Catholic?

Dammit man, I love waving both a Confederate and Union flag!

Confuses the hell out of people!


Because I have a set country in mind, and they are an incredibly interesting religion.


No! Calm yourself man! *slap* Keep calm! It's time for other nations to visit Equestria! We deserve ponies too!:twilightangry2:

this is a good story premise do it:ajsmug::ajsmug:


Ooh yah! :rainbowkiss: T'will be awesome! :yay:

Do tell, how do you think it would go after first contact is made? :rainbowhuh:

964519 well if the what you say that the people are chaotic and just got out of a war either they could except there the rules of equestria or they will isolate them selves for a time .or they could spit in the face of the princess and launch a secret operation to conquer the new world for its recourse.but that would be stupid.And finally the humans are completely "cool story bro" and not care what the ponies do as they have their own things to deal with. :ajsmug::ajsmug:

964466 Hmmmmmmmmmmm... I'll have to wait 'till tomorrow to put some more thought into this. :twilightsheepish: Though I imagine the humans would be supsicious and even a little afraid if the ponies use magic. Not only because real "magic" goes agains the bible in some cases, but it would also defy every law of physics that they know of (science was very advanced, even back then). And of course, they'd deny the Princesses as goddesses (which they aren't) and people already knew that the earth orbited the sun back then, so the idea of moving the sun would be crazy to them.

Which country are you thinking of, anyway? (And I notice you didn't leave a comment on Operation: Falling Leaf. :twilightangry2: lol, I'm not actually mad :rainbowlaugh:... but still.)

"Keep your flags down"



I did comment! :pinkiegasp: on the first chaptah, the other I still have to read :twilightsheepish:

AndI can't tell you. :rainbowkiss: But there's a bunch of hints in the everywhere! It should be easy to figure out. :derpytongue2:


Keep. Them. Down.

I don't trust flags. :trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:

Detective Chmilewsky
Group Contributor

964466 Fear, with veterans being drafted (secretly?) to patrol the borders to make sure no one escapes, or enters...

I'll just leave this here, then.

Flags are awesome.

Would that happen to be between the when this country lost a war against its northern neighbour and lost half of its territory, and the time when the 1857 Constitution was signed?

If you happen to be thinking about the same country as I'm thinking, then this nation would rapidly become a blight: the two political parties wouldn't have to worry any more about foreign invasions, and while we know that the conservatives would rapidly go medieval on the 'sub-humans', we don't really know what the barely-enlightened liberals would do.

964697. "Hello. My name is Doctor Sheldon Cooper. I present to you, Fun With Flags."


Ah, interesting view on the subject. I do have to wonder though, would the conservatives really go down that path? One would think that under such circumstances they'd push their differences to the side. It does seem very unlikely though, given their backgrounds with each other and all.

Perhaps the church would grow stronger among the populace due to the sudden changes? People tend to grip tighter to faith when disaster strikes. Not to mention the conservadores had the upper hand in the guerra de reforma until the foreigners sided with Juarez.

Maybe the second empire would have come sooner then, without foreigner support for the liberals.


I don't like our revolution. It's full of traitors and murders for political power. Pancho and Zapata were very heroic figures though, but I don't like the wars they fought in.

964466 This sounds like Mexico
you trying something over here?


Hmm... That gives me an idea! :pinkiehappy: Thanks!


True, true. Though the internal issues of the nation would prevent that from being too well done. I am planning on placing them just south of the badlands. In my headcannon, the southern part of the badlands connects the desert to a jungle area, where the zebras live. So it will be perfect for my story. :rainbowkiss:


You evil, classy, raptor... :twilightangry2:

I'll have you know that I'm the classiest Tyrannosaur around, and you'd be respectful to remember that.

Raptors are racist little punks.


Meibi. :rainbowkiss: here, I leave you with my favorite part of our anthem.

¡patria! ¡patria! tus hijos te juran
exhalar en tus aras su aliento,
si el clarín con su bélico acento
nos convoca a lidiar con valor.
¡para ti las guirnaldas de oliva!
¡un recuerdo para ellos de gloria!
¡un laurel para ti de victoria!
¡un sepulcro para ellos de honor!


:applejackunsure: I also currently have a mexican soldier, officer, cavalryman, and artilleryman from the liberal army as my pic. I had an aztec warrior too. Not sure how much obvious it can get :derpytongue2:


My apologies, kind Rex. :moustache: Do forgive my unintended disrespect towards you.

Detective Chmilewsky
Group Contributor

964814 Huh, I always imagined the Zebras being from across the ocean. Good to see how someone uses the badlands.

One interesting idea (though very hard to pull off ) would be to have this human nation appear IN Equestria. That is to say, two separate land masses fusing together, causing a catastrophic event.

964836 Im not versed in mexican poetry, sorry


Sounds like a lot of destruction from earthquakes and floods :twilightoops:

I was actually planning on good ol Mexico to appear just south of the Badlands, and do the exact thing you mention here, but with the diamond dogs.

Their crude 'civilization' is completely shattered when an established government appears.

I'm kind off sorta thinking the following:

The badlands are separated from the zebra homeland by a large ocean, but when Mexico appears, their landmass fills in that gap.

Now, the diamond dogs where living on the northern part of this ocean, in the Badlands. When they see that new land is before them, they immediately try to walk in and conquer it. Their disorganized efforts, and their lack of firearms make them succumb to the battle-hardened liberal forces. The people of Mexico then set off to conquer their lands, eager to recapture some national pride and territory that was lost against EUA/USA. The diamond dogs are then assimilated into the country as an indigenous population, mostly due to their knowledge of the lands northwards.

They are granted some rights, and are allowed to join expeditionary military forces into the Badlands, but due to religious beliefs they are not considered people. They aren't slaves either, since Mexico, as a country never had slaves.

The zebras keep to themselves, and Mexico doesn't expand southwards as much, due to the thick vegetation.

I want my story to take place when Mexico grows bold enough to press beyond the Badlands, and they meet the first organized government since their arrival. I want it to be a fic of mutual interaction between Equestria and Mexico.

Please tell me what you think, and if I should make any changes to it. I really appreciate the help :twilightsmile:


Darn it. No matter :derpytongue2: So, do you have any suggestions? Any input you'd like to add? :pinkiehappy: I'm completely open to suggestions and criticism, and I'd very much appreciate it if you could add some thoughts into this :rainbowkiss: the more the merrier, aye? :yay:

Here's a suggestion: add talking dinosaurs.
It'll be awesome.


Hmm... Deal. No clothing though :derpytongue2: and they'll be dragon-related, sort of a branch in their family.

I need more populace for the badlands :rainbowkiss:

No, as in the dinos will be a race that is actively hostile to the humans, (if they're carnivorous.) which should add conflict.

Battling for survival against smart raptors and/or Rexes is always fun,

In the dwarf fortress sense.


Yah, that's what I mean :derpytongue2:

Mexican soldiers will march into the Badlands guided by the Diamond Dogs, and they'll fight tribes of other DDs, a few drakelings, Dinos, a couple of Minotaurs, and some Buffalo as well.

It will be GLO-RI-OUS!

964965 Man, you are a yenius.


Why, thank you :moustache:

I try my best.

That read:

Fatherland: your children swear
to expire in your cause
if the bellicose sound of the bugle
calls us to fight bravely.
For you a crown of olives!
A glorious memory for them!
A crown of victory for you!
A memorial for those with honour!

That is the tenth and last paragraph of the Mexican National Anthem. Nowadays people only sing the first and tenth paragraph, considering that those are the least violent, not speaking about fighting to the last man, exterminating the enemy until their blood soaks the ground, instructing retreating troops to not leave a single useful building to the enemy, or reminding flagbearers to soak the flag in enemy blood.

Detective Chmilewsky
Group Contributor

964933 Sounds like a great idea to me. It will be different from where it is always the Stars and Stripes that is being toted around.


Ah, interesting view on the subject. I do have to wonder though, would the conservatives really go down that path? One would think that under such circumstances they'd push their differences to the side. It does seem very unlikely though, given their backgrounds with each other and all.

Perhaps the church would grow stronger among the populace due to the sudden changes? People tend to grip tighter to faith when disaster strikes. Not to mention the conservadores had the upper hand in the guerra de reforma until the foreigners sided with Juarez.

Maybe the second empire would have come sooner then, without foreigner support for the liberals.

The conservatives were conservatives, and their beliefs were those of a particularly retrograde sect of the Catholic church, that yearned for the near-absolute powers once invested on the Inquisition. Just like imported African slaves, the ponies (and other races) would be seen as nothing but animals to be dominated.
On the other hand, I could see the liberals siding with the non-humans, first reluctantly and later wholeheartedly. We know that liberals, at their weakest, were known to do anything in order to tip the scales away from the enemy.


Well yes, but both sides were really similar in that regard. The liberals sold themselves to the north, and the conservatives did so to the french.

I agree though, the conservadores would view the world more imperialistically, while the liberals would do so in a more diplomatic light.


I know! We have had too many marines and SEALS, and spec ops dudes in Equestria already :derpytongue2: time for a change of pace!

964933 D'OH! Can't believe I didn't figure that out before. Irongalley, the biggest Mexican patriot on this site, of course it's Mexico. :facehoof: Forgive my slowness. :derpytongue2:

And this sounds like an awesome story (kind of reminds me that one idea I had) please publish. :rainbowkiss:

... And what's wrong with marines and SEALS? :fluttershysad:

:rainbowlaugh: Messing with you, amigo. Still, the USMC is basically at the top of their game. What other country can but a brigade on land from the sea anywhere in the world? Plus, next to the Brits America has the best special operators in the world. :rainbowkiss:


Dang it, I still can't figure out how to post pictures. :twilightangry2: Just imagine several pictures of marines and SEALS. :rainbowlaugh:


Will publish :rainbowkiss:

And there's nothing really is wrong with your guys, it's just that they are everywhere! It's like this place is currently occupied by US troops. :rainbowwild:


Viva México, Cabrones!


Hmm... I'm planning on realeasing friday afternoon, at around four o clock west coast time :derpytongue2: maybe an hour earlier if possible, since I want as many viewers as possible. :twilightblush:

Detective Chmilewsky
Group Contributor

965349 I just sort of realized this myself.


Flags and fun don't mix. :fluttershbad:

Hmm... Should I place this pre or post alicorn Twilight?

I have this cool idea in which the conservadores ask Twilight to aid them in their war against the liberals, but I'm not sure how realistic that would be...

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