Human in Equestria 16,898 members · 17,099 stories
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If I were to make an alien that sortof looked human but really wasn't would it still count as an HiE fic?

What I mean is something that has a human like face but has pale blue skin and two large ears and black eyes with a red slit in the middle of each one, and a long whip like tail and long fingers and toes. Think about Giegue from mother 1 and you will get what I mean.

i fine with it


302301 No. I'm talking about the race of aliens from Mother 1 or Earthbound 0 as it's called here in north amarica. Now that I mention it, Only mother 2 has seen an amaricain release. Oh well, anyway the aliens from mother 1 the japanies version, or the fan translation is kindof hard to explain what they look like. I recomend going to google images and search up Giegue to see what they look like.

302287 But is it still a HiE?

well i think it is as long it still a humanoid
i'm fine with it

Group Contributor

In my opinion, no. It's not a human. But, technically, yes, it would be considered a HiE.

Meaning, once you finish it, you may post it to the group, and neither I nor the other admins will touch it.

302315>>302307>>302301 This is what my character would rughly look like...

302318 i have no clue on how to describe that

Group Admin


302320 Would it still count as a HiE?

302324 Hmm, humanoid in Equestria? To me, it doens't count as human. It also depends on how it acts. If its a race of vegan pacifists, then no. But if they act like us, but look slightly different, then I think it does count as HiE.




Frankly its called HiE and not "Aliens in Equestria". I see how it is a humanoid lifeform but it isn't exactly human. To be human you got to act mortal, thus you got to make mistakes, be logical sometimes and use your instincts other times and so on. If this is basically a animal that relies on its instinct like a dog or something...then no. If it is a smart alien lifeofmr that has evolved to the point it doesnt need instincts then it isn't human. At the moment im going to say no

Group Contributor

I answered you already. I think it would be considered a HiE, so you may post it here on the group.

I got it covered.

302336 Giegue is just a child that lost the happy memories of his adoptive mother who was a human that was abducted by his race. His race killed his mother in order to deatach any emotional feelings he had for her thus creating a monster hell bent on distroying everything. But is he really evil, he does not want to destroy the universe but is forced to do so. Any happy memories he does remember brings pain and suffering to him. In short he is just a lost soul looking for companionship and trying to find his true purpose. He is unsure of his emotions for his mother after she was killed and a certain song tends to jog his memory of her. (See my blog post called Love and Tears on my userpage) I like this concept of this character because it makes him look almost human in a sense that he is still searching for his purpose in life. Also the fact that he has feelings towards his dead mother also states that he has human emotion. It almost makes you pity Giegue if you think about it. Also kickass seems ok with the idea.

Group Contributor

Yes, I agree. If it rely's on instinct, then no. But, if it's pretty much human, but has a different body and is different in other ways, then sure, you can call it human.

But, I'm going to say yes. I say we allow him to post it here once he has it up.

i think that counts as human


Well we got a split decision....

I know how we can solve this though. I say we just make a folder of "Aliens in Equestria", Mainly since we have a sentimental being here that is like a human but has certain asethical (Whatever that means) qualities.

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