Vice City 18 members · 0 stories
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Bill Clinton
Group Admin

So this is the character introduction thread thing dingy where you fill out this application for your character.
By the way,be sure to check out This Thread in case you haven't.
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Birth Place: Gotham City
Year: 1952
Name: Joker
Are you Good, Neutral, or Evil?
Occupation: Psychopathic boss of the Joker Family.
Bio: An unknown crook started out as a young enforcer working for the mob triad of Sal Valestra, Buzz Bronski, and Chuckie Sol. At one point early on, before his future accident, he and Bruce Wayne caught a glimpse of each other. One of his last jobs took place in Europe on the Mediterranean Coast. His target was Carl Beaumont, a businessman who had fled the states after the mob bosses discovered he'd embezzled a fortune.
Years later, the man formed his own gang and staged their first robbery at the Ace Chemical Plant. It was during this heist that he first encountered Batman. It's unknown whether the man was pushed or simply fell, but he did fall off a catwalk and into a drainage vat of chemical waste that washed him out into the river. The chemicals had an adverse effect on him: they dyed his hair green, his skin was bleached white, and his lips were stretched into a permanently stained red grin, giving him the appearance of a clown. All this snapped the crook's already twisted mind and sadistic nature, giving birth to the Joker. Vowing to show the world the triumph of his comic genius, the career of one of history's most dangerous psychopaths began. Joker now finds himself the don of his own Mob in Vice City.

Hobbies: Killing innocent people, drinking, etc
Things you suck at: Being abusive towards all his love interests. Also has a little bit of a anger problem.
Do you have a criminal record? Yes or no.
If so than what for?
Alot of fucking things.
Do you have a dark and tragic past? Yes or no.
Thank you for filling out this application. Enjoy your stay at Vice City.


Name: Midnight
Sex: Yes please Male
Race: Uniporncorn
Birth Place: Canterlot
Are you Good, Neutral, or Evil: Neutral
Occupation: BOIKER LEAODER! Biker Leader
Bio:((I'll fix this later))
Hobbies: Flirting with that hot police chief. Other stuff
Things you suck at: Using cheat codes! I always get the wrong one!
Do you have a criminal record:Yes
If so than what for: Something something sexual harrasment:trollestia:

Name: Terry
Sex: Female
Race: Anthro Unicorn
Birth Place: CuntCanterlot
Good, Neutral, Or Evil: Neutral
Occupation: Joker Hitman
Bio: Dumped from a alternate universe, landing in Germany, over the years learning the common language. Going for a hit worth a couple-million bounty in Vice City, only to meet the Joker; offering her a bigger salary.
Hobbies: Having sex, and drinking booze.
Things you suck at: Having actual relationships; usually ends in being fuck-buddies only.
Do you have a criminal record: DUH.
If so then what for: ...I'm a hitwoman. What did you fucking expect?


I'm a hitwoman. What did you fucking expect?

I dunno... theft?

...Touche. Say, you look real... delicious...

1608336 Sorry, already spoken for.

Bill Clinton
Group Admin

1608164 1608271 Oops, I forgot to add one last thing to the Application :trollestia:
Which happens to be the year of Birth.
Year: 1952.

I would've put it in as ??? anyways.

Sex: Male
Race: Human
Birth Place: Clones, Republic of Ireland
Year: 1984
Name: Naomhán (NEV awn) McKnight
Are you Good, Neutral, or Evil? Chaotic Good.
Occupation: Pub owner (secretly Mob Killer)
Bio: He came here, that is all. No tragic story, he just doesn't like what the mobs are doing. His weapons are from his contact with the IRA.
Hobbies: Drinking, killing mobsters
Things you suck at: being discrete about kills. (as in people find out they died FAST. But he is discrete about himself. No one knows it's him.)
Do you have a criminal record? Yes.
If so than what for? Arms dealing.
Do you have a dark and tragic past? No.

Bill Clinton
Group Admin

1608752 Just wandering, have you ever played Grand Theft Auto Vice City?

Bill Clinton
Group Admin

1608854 And so you know a little bit more about Vice City?

Group Contributor


Sex: Female

Race: Human

Birth Place: Venice, Italy (Expect some Italian words throw in here and there, just cuz I can. And no, I don't speak translators are your friend.)

Year: 1977

Name: Carmen Cirincione

Are you Good, Neutral, or Evil?
Neutral, it depends who's paying her the money

Occupation: Arms Dealer/Smuggler, Hired Hitwoman for anyone with the right kind of price.

Bio: Born in the bottom ends of Venice, Italy, Carmen Cirincione quickly learned, at an early age, that life was hard and that, in order to survive, you had to be harder. throughout her teens, Carmen ran with a small gang of thieves, stealing money and other valuable from any nobles they met and selling it in the back alleys for money. At times, they also got into fights with other rival gangs of thieves for territory. This resulted in her getting arrested several times for theft, breaking and entering, as well as assault and battery. It was also during this time that, through a friend of her who practiced it, she mastered the martial art Judo.

At the age of 19, she left the gang and got inducted with the Venetian Mafia, who approached her after a member observed her pick-pocketing skills, and worked with them in that way. Although eventually she found herself to have a talent for smuggling contraband, and selling weapons. seven years later, she emigrated to North America as an independent arms-dealer and smuggler, keeping her weapons contacts in Venice, and a second in Cuba, as well as offering herself as a Hit-woman on the side for some extra cash.
She now resides in Vice City, selling weapons to the different mobs, biker gangs and solo criminals, as well as taking on hit-contracts for anyone with the right kind of price.

Hobbies: Clubbing. She's a sadist and finds enjoyment in torturing her contracts to near death before finally finishing them off. Exploiting weaknesses to get her way. Socializing with the criminal underworld, making private deals with mob members etc. to get more money. Gambling. Listening to classical music and rock bands from the 60's-90's.

Things you suck at: Accepting defeat and will often get angry and violent if beaten at something. Respecting authority and often gets into arguments with mob bosses and the po po as a result of it. She has a very short temper. For an arms dealer, she's quite bad at bartering prices and often just names a price and expects people to pay it, getting angry and refusing the sale if they won't pay it.

Do you have a criminal record? Yes or no.
Yes...Yes she does...

If so than what for?
Theft, Breaking and Entering, Assault and Battery, Weapons Trafficking, Drugs Trafficking, Arms Dealing, Murder.

Do you have a dark and tragic past? Yes or no.
Not really...I'ma leave this one up to you but, I don't think so.

And, to answer your inevitable question, I have played GTA IV, but not Vice City.

Comment posted by Ukaih deleted Aug 26th, 2013

1609886 For that hobbies thing she's a sadist.

Group Contributor

That's the word I was looking for.

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