Comments ( 2 )
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In the show they say that victor keeps trying to get his 50th trophy..... My question is.....

How did he get 49 trophies in the first place? How did he become student class president ithe first place?

Seriously that tennis episodes was the only time we saw him being able to be capable at anything, did he get the others by cheating? Though that might not surprise me as the town seems to have some stupid officials as when the mayor was going to give him a trophy for getting himself injured for saving people during an earthquake during a concert, no one checked to see if he was actually injured, plus why was they nto arrested for sneaking in and getting on to the stage?

Plus when they did get arrested for stealing a cow, (somethign forgotten afterwards) the police had the cow pick them out in a line up... I think that would have been rejected from season 1 of might morphing for being too silly

Yes too silly for a franchise with evil pizzas defeated by stop lights and ancient ninja samurai guitars (I love linkara and history of power rangers)

its neo-Saban logic, don't question is and hope Hasbro changes it for beast morphers

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