Button's Mom 1,598 members · 110 stories
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Group Admin

EDIT: Turns out the data is safe, but Don’t Mine at Night release date will probably be delayed - Source

The computer from our favourite animator just went down. He may have lost all his data, including his upcoming Don’t Mine at Night, featuring Button

Turned on my computer today to stare at a blank white loading screen. (Yes I have a Mac, you can laugh now.)

Called assistance, told me it’s a callback by Apple since they noticed some of the iMacs sold between October 2009 and July 2011 could have a defective HDD and so they have to be brought in assistance for free substitution.
Point is I don’t know if the HDD has been blocked for this reason or if it’s just a coincidence and it decided to fail today.

I will try to connect my Mac to another computer as an external hard disk with a firewire 600 cable and see if I can access my data and make a backup. If not, I have to hope they can do that in Assistance but it could not be possible.

If so, well, I probably lost all my data. That means every in-progress project plus work and personal data are gone. What a beautiful moment for something like this to happen, right? Not only I had a deadline for Don’t Mine at Night, but I was close to finish one of my best works yet.

Farewell, until new updates on the matter.

PS: If my data will be retrievable, I’ll probably leave Apple and go back to windows by making myself an alienware or some other powerful shit like that just because I feel like to.

If you want to donate something to guarantee better assistance and data retrieving/new computer, you can throw some money at my paypal account jan_ocp@libero.it, but I suggest you to wait for more updates on this matter first.


Don't worry everybody! I have something for just this kind of situation!
Instant Noooooo! Button

Group Admin

That does make me feel a little better:twilightsmile:

And now.....Cinema will speak our denial for us: :rainbowlaugh:

fits the theme but i thought i'd lighten the mood a bit...:twilightblush:

It always takes this kind of experience before people learn to create back ups.

...like me.

Life on the internet sparkles
Life on the Internet shines
and I know for absolute certain

That Everything's just Fine

Group Admin

Thanks for the heads up:pinkiehappy:
OP has been edited

1932953Actually that made me feel a little better as well.

The hay is the problem?

Group Admin

What part of the OP is unclear?

Wth is Don't mine at night? I know creepers n' minecraft, but not about this.

Group Admin

It is one of Jan's upcoming video projects, A music video featuring button playing minecraft.

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