Button's Mom 1,598 members · 110 stories
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Group Admin

One thing I noticed in this site, is that no group that I know of has any of the classical forum games you can find everywhere else.

I guess I can see why, without the ability to create sub-forums they would probably clog up the main page pretty fast.

Still, with 600+ members and relatively low activity, and no more Buttons adventures episodes on the horizon, how would everyone feel about one or two such games?

1807993 Might be interesting...
I know Alexstranzsa (have him on my Skype) and I can have him pass on a suggestion to Knighty about adding sub-folders to the group forums coding.

Fitting, given the focus of the group.

That would be nice.

I just talked with Alex, and it is something Knighty and his team have discussed.
It is a lot more complex than it seems, and this is what Alex says Knighty says about it:

knighty described forums as "coding a site within a site"

It adds a whole new layer of coding that has to be added to the site, and a whole new layer of potential bugs. I can understand why Knighty is hesitant about doing this.

Group Admin

Not in the slightest, I'm afraid. I was suggesting the implementation of classical forum games.

The one I would suggest is Tug of War. You start with the number 50. The goal is to reach either 100 or 0. One group of players will try to reach 0 the other 100 (you add or subtract points by posting).

Other options would be Spam Points, where each player get a point for each post, the goal being having the most points, or the ever popular, last post wins.

Huh, I was thinking Mafia or Roll to Dodge. Those ideas of yours seem to fit the motif a bit more... clearly, though. I did find a group that does MLP Mafia. Plus I think Ponytales has the Stabletop games monopolized.

Still be willing to run one on here, though.

Group Admin

Never heard of. What are those?

Mafia, as I know it, is a game where there are two groups. An informed minority known as the Mafia, and an uninformed majority known as the Town. Perhaps a ratio of seven town to two scum. How it works is a day and night phase, during the day everyone talks and tries to root out the Mafia. At the end of the day everyone votes on someone to lynch and that player is out of the game. The player's role is also revealed. Then the night begins, and the Mafia get to kill one member of the Town. Repeat as long as needed.

The Mafia know who is who and have their own special chat, the Town have no idea.

Fun game, honestly. I've played two games but never run one, though I think I could if needed.

Roll to Dodge is basically a watered-down version of any classic tabletop role-playing game: Dungeons and Dragons, Call of Cthulhu, Shadowrun, Rogue Heresy, Pathfinders, even Toon. Though RTDs are mostly Toon. They're simple games run on a system of few rules.

1: State an action and wait for the Game Master to compile the results.
2: Players are done, GM's job starts here: Roll a six-sided die for each action and extra for additional variables inside those actions, results decided by GM and guided by chart below.
3: Compile results into a turn post and post it.
4: Repeat.

Six-Sided Chart:
1: Miserably Epic Fail: Fail so mindlessly terribad that you likely broke physics just to prove how badly you suck.
2: Fail: Whatever you wanted, you don't get it.
3: Sort of: Depends on GM, but it's either a slight victory, slight defeat, or just a wasted turn.
4: Victory: Get what you wanted, probably. So long it isn't ridiculous this should be enough.
5: Mind-blowing Victory: Get what you wanted and then some. Sky's the limit, buddy.
6: Overshot: Get what you wanted, as shown by a fun-house mirror. Depends on GM again.

"I want to jump over the moon."
1: You smash right into it and are turned into a fine red paste. Next!
2: You can almost feel the moon getting closer. Six inches closer. Aaaand it's six inches farther. Maybe you just suck at math?
3: Huh, looks like you've got some height in you. Actually got about a foot up.
4: I don't know, I don't want to know. You're in orbit.
5: Up, up, and away. Somehow you crested over it and landed back where you started. Why did you want this?
6: Up, up, and through interstellar space. You just might want to call a space-taxi, because you just redefined lost.

And so on, the game can actually be serious and all those rolls would have all ended in "You fail." Maybe it's a superhero game where everyone could reasonably do that, and almost all those rolls would have ended in a Cow jumped over the Moon joke.

All up to the GM, ultimately. A good place to learn about RTDs is here.

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