Lilith911's "Special" House 218 members · 48 stories
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Group Admin

Characters: Milano (Button's Mom)(Zoe) and Rune Soldier(me)

Location: GamerCon
Style/Level: Whichever way we take it

Idly I wander the con, looking around for something more fun than normal to do. Suddenly, my eyes catch you as you wander, and I grin. This will be lots of fun. I begin to walk towards you.

2193422 "Mom, you are embarassing me!" my son, Button Mash, says amongst his friends, dressed as a variety of characters. "Oh? I'm embarassing you? Least I'm not dressed up as Samus Aran thinking she is a boy." I say. Button blushes, and walks away with one of his friend's father, who thankfully came to help with them. I look around as I walk, eeping when I accidentally hit you with the spear, not a real spear of course, but still. "Oh! I am so sorry sir, please forgive me." I say as I look at you, blinking. "Twisted Fate?"

Group Admin

I smile at you. "Oh, no problem, Nidalee. No harm, no foul." My eyes can't help but trail over you. "Still, perhaps something good can come out of it. Care to co-op quest?"

(Don't know if the game terminology is accurate.)

2193463 I give a little giggle. "You mean do I wish to team up and take a lane? Of course Twisted Fate." I say with a smile. "Outside of this get up, my name is Milano Mash."

(No quests in League of Legends: It is pure PvP. You buy champions, like Twisted Fate and Nidalee, and you can cusomize their stats with runes that you can also buy, and in game with little items in the shop that are on the battlefields, and you pretty much just kill the other team)

Group Admin

I grin at you. "Rune Soldier. Night Guard Spec Ops Captain." I offer you my arm.

2199299 I smile and take your arm. "My my... and I am just a stay at home mother that runs a daycare out of her house." I say. "Do you main with Twisted Fate?" I ask.

(Meaning does he use Twisted Fate more often than other champions. *nods* I played for a while)

Group Admin

I grin widely. "Sometimes, depending on whether or not I want a challenge. I do like his design, though." I begin leading you around the con. "So, what were you hoping to do at the con today?"

2199407 I smirk a bit, nodding. "That is half the battle." I say. I look at you and nod. "I'm actually here with my son, Button Mash." I say. "Was hoping to enter a cosplay contest that starts in a few moments actually." I say with a nod.

Group Admin

I grin widely. "What say we enter it together?" I suggest, heading towards it.

2199436 I smile and nod my head as I follow. "That's a great idea Rune Sol- I mean, Twisted Fate." I say with a wink

Group Admin

Grinning, I lead her to the contest and register us as a team. Before long, we're on stage, getting rated by the judges as we act in character.

(What if Milano wanted to enter the contest because, secretly, strutting her stuff in public gets her a little excited?)

2199446 (*smirks* Good idea..... I mean, why else would she choose Nidalee?)

I smile and lean forward a bit as the judge comes past us, giving the crowd a generous view down my costume as I wink to them, waiting for teh judge to make his decision.

Group Admin

I grin widely as I pose, using some low level illusion magic to actually make it look like I'm using some of Twisted Fate's abilities. The judges are impressed, and the audience is even more so. We then step off the stage, waiting as other individuals and pairs are rated and judged.

2199470 I look at you, nudging you a bit as we get off the stage. "Nice trick with the cards Rune." I say, kissing your cheek a bit. "And now we wait."

Group Admin

I grin at the kiss on my cheek. "Indeed."

The judges announcement comes out. The winner's are the team of Nidalee and Twisted

(What if the victory gets her excited enough that she jumps up and kisses me full on the lips, a post of me responding to the kiss, and then she pulls back, embarrassed both that she did that - she is married, after all - and that it's gotten her even more 'excited'?)

2199492 (True, she is married..... but where's Button's Dad? Maybe, instead...... she just recently got out of a divorce with him?)

I smile at the announcement, hopping a bit. "Yes! We did it Rune!" I say as I wrap my arms around you and kiss you deeply on your lips.

Group Admin

(Actually, I was thinking he was too busy with work to come to the con...much as he's often too busy with work to be home much to tend to his lusty wife.)

I pull you close as I return the kiss, not thinking much of it, just enjoying kissing such a curvaceous woman and feeling her pressed so close to my body.

2199517 (Good, good.... *smirks*)

I allow the kiss to deepen for a second more before I come to a realization and push you away. "I'm sorry Rune.... I can't..... I mean, I liked the kiss... but I'm married..."

Group Admin

I blink, looking down at you. "Your husband is a lucky man. He must be rushing home to you every night."

(I figure after a bit of conversation as she finds herself explaining without meaning to just how inattentive her husband is - and realizes it's been several months since she's had any - she just decides to go for it.)

2199586 I bite my lip and look at you. "Well..... not exactly Rune...." I say.

Group Admin

"What?" I ask, shocked. "Surely no loyal man would leave a mare such as you alone at nights! Surely he wouldn't leave you wanting?" I shake my head. "Well, surely he makes it up to you when he is home?"

(Hoo boy. Now he's implied that her husband is cheating.)(What if her husband spends most of his time at home with the kids, and they at most generally cuddle - or that's the case lately - at night?)

2199605 I shake my head. "It's not that.... he's just very busy.... he runs a successful business up in Canterlot." I say. I look down a bit. "And when he is at home, he spends a lot of time with Button.... not really doing much with me.... lately that is." I say with a sigh

Group Admin

I blink, shocked. "Always away, and when he's back he doesn't take time for you? When was the last time he tended to your needs?" My voice is concerned, caring.

2199636 I blush a bit, looking down, circling a bit with the spear. "U-Umm...... six.... seven months I think?" I say.

Group Admin

I look at you in surprise. "So long, with no one tending to you?" I say, surprised and sorrowful, tracing one hand down your arm.

(If it's that long, I could see just the gentle touch on her arm like that getting her excited.)

2199665 I bite my lip to keep the soft moan in, looking at you. "No one...... most times, when I feel the need to.... well.... release.... I just end up doing it myself." I say, blushing with embarassment

Group Admin

"But it's not the same, is it?" I ask, bringing my other hand up to caress your other arm.

(I could see her actually letting the moan out, then saying fuck it and asking if I had a hotel room.)

2199684 I give in to my body, letting out a loud, pleasing moan. "Oh fuck this...... Rune, you better have a hotel room." I say, glaring into your eyes with lust in mine

Group Admin

I smile. "I do. Let's get our trophy and I'll take you there." I offer you my arm once more.

(I could see her taking his arm and squishing it between her breasts to get him excited on the way back to the hotel room.)

2199721 I take your arm, squishing it against my breasts. "Better hurry.... Nidalee wants to play..." I say with a smirk on my face

Group Admin

Walking up, I take the trophy. "I won't keep her waiting," I say. As soon as the trophy's in my hand - along with the prize money, as it turns out - I teleport us to my hotel room. Floating the trophy off to the side, I pull you into a deep kiss before you can reorient from the teleport.

2199765 I feel my mind and head spin as we come out of the teleport, but I return the kiss without a second though, letting it deepen as I moan softly. "I really need this Rune...."

Group Admin

I smile. "I can tell," I reply, pulling you tight against me and groping your rear. "I'd better give you what you need, then." I rub my other hand up and down your spine.

2200026 The moan gets deeper and louder as you work, and I shake as I feel myself get wet. "Dammit..... why are you teasing me Rune?"

Group Admin

I smile. "It's not teasing, it's foreplay." I pull your top down slightly, setting your breasts free as I begin caressing them. "It's not just a man's dick you've been needing...but a man's hands on your body, bringing you pleasure." Seeing your nipples have become quite hard, I smile. "And a man's mouth." Leaning forward, I begin sucking on one of your nipples.

2200046 I give another loud moan as you start to play with my breasts, squirming. "S-Silly me.... sorry, but it has been quite a while since I've had any.... you know?"

Group Admin

I grin widely. "Then let me remind you of what you've been missing." I slip one hand under your bottoms to rub directly at your slit as I fondle one breast with my other hand while sucking on the other nipple.

2200091 I squirm and moan loudly, the feeling from you doing your actions exciting, reminding my body of what it feels like. "F-F-Fuck...... this is amazing...." I say softly, in between moians

Group Admin

Smiling as I continue my ministrations on your breasts, I begin pushing my fingers into you.

(I could see that being enough for her first climax if she's been that long without another's touch.)

2200110 I scream out and press your head to my chest, the inserting of your fingers sending me over the edge, cumming hard against your fingers, my juices pooling below us as I gasp.

Group Admin

I grin widely. "See? I haven't even gotten undressed and you've already climaxed. Imagine what it'll be like once I've started to fuck you." I unzip my pants, letting my large, erect member pop out.

2200130 My attention is drawn to your erect member as it pops out, nodding. "Too late.... already thinking..... now get over here..." I say, not waiting for you to move before I twist myself, placing my mouth before your member. "Give eet......" I say

Group Admin

Grinning, I offer my erect member to your mouth. "You've been wanting a taste of this for so long, haven't you? The taste of a cock."

2200157 I nod my head as I look up at you with eyes that tell my answer. "Yes." I say simply as I reach forward, and take your member in my mouth, sucking as I moan around it.

Group Admin

I smile. "Then taste to your heart's content."

2200176 I nod my head with your member in my mouth. I pull off and take it in my hand, and begin to generously lick your shaft all over, moaning softly at the taste. I pause for a bit, looking at you. "What about Button?"

Group Admin

I pause, my horn glowing. "Your son is still with his friend's and the other adult. He hasn't noticed you've been gone so long. They're at a gaming endurance tournament."

(She'd know that means they've got a good 5 hours before he even thinks to wonder where she's been.)

I moan happily. "You're really good at this, by the way. How could anyone stay away long enough for a job after experiencing this?"

2200219 I nod my head, giving a smile as I kiss the tip of your shaft. "That's good...... and I don't know..... but I am hoping it's not...." I say, my voice trailing

Group Admin

Smiling, I reach down to caress your cheek. "Don't think about that now," I say softly. "Just focus on the now."

(I have a rather twisted thought to explain everything, but I want to save it for later...unless you want to hear it now.)

2205652 I smile, than take your tip in, starting to suck on it eagerly.

(Fire away)

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