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IT was a quiet evening in a local stable tavern. The booths were filled with one or two ponies and few griffins talking it up about random things in their personal lives. On a stool nearest the counter was a man. The only of his kind. He wore the very same army uniform that brought him to this world of talking ponies. His features weren't pretty as his face was gruff and his eyes seemed dull and lifeless. The belly on his torso was a sign of one too many drinks, but he was still a muscular man with toned forearms. Hair on his head was thinning, indicating much stress and fatigue. Overall he wasn't a trophy that you took home to show your family. In fact the only thing truly handsome about this man was his voice. Silky smooth with a touch of silver tongue, able to talk his way into and out of anything. That's why the bartender is currently filling his glass up for free.

"Thanks..." The man said with a bit of sorrow.

The pegasus eyed him and shook his head. "You need to find your self a girl man."

"You think I would drinking alone if I had one?" The pegasus shook his head and turned to look outside to the evening traffic.

"Looks like I might be busy tonight... Your welcomed to stay with me if you don't have a home." The pegasus spoke with kindness.

The man merely looked to him and drank in silence.

"Just let me know okay..." The pegasus continued to continue on with his duties.

"Talking ponies... bah." He took another sip of his drink.

Just then a young looking mare went up to the bar and ordered a drink. She looked to be rater naive, as her light blue coat shimmered in the dim bar lights hanging over head. She let out a small sigh, and didn't notice the strange creature sitting one or two stools away.

The man glanced over and sighed as he adjusted to his seat better. It was made for ponies so his rather small bottom made it difficult. He tried shifting over, but only resulted to falling onto the floor. The whole bar erupted in laughter at the scene.

"He's as ugly as he is stupid." One griffin yelled.

the man dusted himself off and picked up the stool. He resumed to take his original place at the counter as the laughter died down.

The pony jolted as the clamor nearby took her out of her thoughts. She looked down at the poor soul as he stammered back to his feet, then to the onlookers who laughed. She sighed once again, at least someone had been having a worse day than her.

"A-are you okay...?" She asked, her voice barely audible over the racket of the bar.

Comment posted by F4D3 deleted Aug 26th, 2013

The human sensed her to his side and looked to her with his eyes. They were filled with deep despair and anguish from things that would humble even the mightiest of men. "Yes... I'm okay, thank you."

The bartender came over and looked to him with a concerned look. "Is everything alright... Do you need some water?"

The man looked up and shook his head "No, but you can get my friend here whatever she wants. Please."

The Pegasus nodded and looked to the mare. "What can I get you?"

The pony just stared at him for a few seconds before turning back to the bartender. "U-um... A martini I guess" The mare quickly turned back to the human and gave him a sympathetic look. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm just under the weather." the human sadly smiled to her. The pegasus busted up laughing.

"Sorry inside joke please ignore me. Here you go ma'am" The Pegasus winged her an Apple martini.

The man looked back to his glass and shook it a little. "Your very sweet to be concerned for me." He then sipped it dry.

The mare continued to eye him, and turned to take a sip of her martini, flipping her silky black mane in the process. After taking a small sip she turned back to the man and flashed a small smile. "Well... I hope you feel better." She said kindly, not sure there was really much she could do for him.

"Can I ask you a favor..." His head still lowered to the counter.

She tilted her head, her mane slightly bobbing as she did so. "What?"

"Can you please forgive me for what I'm about to do..." He slowly got up his gut slowly receding. Without slouching over he appeared to be relatively thin. His breaths deepened as he approached her.

She looked at him quizzically, her mind was still focused on other things as the man walked up to her. "What are you about to..."

Without much thought the man licked his lips and kissed her, his tongue smaller than hers. He gently rubbed the back of her mane with one hand and caressed her cheek with the other. He lightly moaned as he closed his eyes. He could sense the ponies in the booth getting upset at this.

The pony's eyes went wide as she was immediately brought back into reality. She let out a muffled protest and struggled against his advances, but eventually stopped fighting it when she came to a realization. Everything felt so... Strange. Everything felt so right. She didn't know who or what this guy was, but something about his kiss made her shiver all over. Her protests soon turned to moans as she closed her eyes and freely fell into the kiss, allowing his alcohol filled breath to enter her mouth.

The man gently pulled away and stepped back as a hoof hit the counter where he stood. A purple earth pony was glaring at him. "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE! SHE CLEARLY WASN'T INTO YOU!" The purple earth pony then turned to the mare. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

The mare stood there for a second, still mesmerized, she barely even noticed the kiss was broken. She held a hoof to her lips and looked at the man standing in front of her with sparkling eyes. She looked over at the earth pony "N-no... I'm fine..." She said dreamily as she looked back to the man.

The man stepped forward and looked to her, "Again I'm hoping you can forgive me. I've been away from home for so long and have been so lonely. And you looked so beautiful..."

The earth pony took his hoof and jabbed it into his shoulder. "You stay away from her! She doesn't need the likes of you."

The stepped forward and pleaded to the earth pony. "Please... This isn't necessary! He didn't do anything wrong." She said as she went to the man's side. "Are you alright..." She asked once again.

"What is he? your 'pet'?" the Purple earth pony growled as two other ponies came up behind him.

The man looked the mare and softly rubbed her ear. "I'm okay with you around..." He turned to the stallion that was a bit taller than him and stepped toward him. "Look please you have no need to quarrel here. I'm just like you... if you come to think about it. The true difference is my hands." The purple pony looked at him as if he just put him under a spell.

"I guess your... Right."

The mare looked at all of them in befuddlement. What did he just do...

The man smiled widely "If you don't mind I would like to leave with my lady friend here."

The purple pony shook his head and nodded "Most certainly, sir." The pony then scooted away to clear a path to the front door.

The man turned back the beautiful mare with his hand extended out. "Shall we take our leave?"

She stood there for a second, and then shook herself back to reality. She smiled widely at him and his warm complexion. She nodded and took the man's hand for him to lead.

He softly wrapped his appendages around her as he took her out of the bar and into the dirt street. The ponies inside went back to where they previously were before the whole confrontation. The man took a moment and looked to the mare. "The name's Benjamin Judge I'm a second lieutenant of the United States Army, 3rd division. My platoon was named Thunder Spear. What's your name beautiful?"

She smiled at him, she didn't know a thing he was talking about. "Twisted, but my friends call me Twist." She gave him a playful wink as they stood outside in the night sky, taking in the beautiful moonlight.

"I really like that name, Twist." He turned his body to her and looked at her with his blue eyes "I'm sorry don't know if you can love me... being two separate species and all. Hmm... Back where I come from this is considered lightly wrong, but it's been proven that in history it happened all the time. Come with me Twist I want to show you something." He sprinted toward an open field.

She faltered for a second. Did he just say... Love? Then immediately chased after him.

He flops down on the soft grass and stares upward to the starry night sky. As twist comes up to him, He lightly pats the ground next to him. "Lay down with me... Please." His voice was like silk as it spoke.

Twist was almost shocked at how sweetly he spoke. The alcohol didn't get to him at all... She thought to herself as his voice still rang up and down her spine. Shaking the feeling off Twist jumped up and landed a few inches away from Benjamin. She slowly squirmed a little closer to him and sighed as he rested her head on his chest. She let out a little sigh as she looked up at the stars.

Tenderly he rubbed between her ears and scanned the night sky, "Um... let's see... it should be... there!" He pointed to a faintly glimmering star, it could barely be seen. "That's my solar system. That's where I'm from." He stared down at her and in a loving voice spoke. "But there is nothing like you there."

Twist tried to hide her blush by nuzzling into his chest. She looked up to him with shimmering eyes, giving him a cute puppy dog look as she remained silent.

"Twist... I think I have something to tell you..." He said with his own blush coming on.

"Mm?" She spoke into his shirt innocently, continuing to look up at him with her deep dark blue eyes.

"I think I might have grown feelings for you... I feel like I might even..." His pants gave a slight tug, but he wanted to keep her attention. "I feel like your my..." the smoothness of his voice seemed to flow out as he came the four letter word. "...Love"

Twist could feel her wings slightly ruffle as she buried her head into his chest. You could hear her saying something, but her saying it into his shirt kinda made it hard to understand.

"I'm sorry I didn't catch that..." He sweetly spoke to her.

Comment posted by F4D3 deleted Aug 26th, 2013

She spoke a little louder. "I love you."

"Twist I have human ears... you need to speak up, beautiful..."

She wrapped her hooves tightly around his shoulders and whispered in his ear. "I love you..."

Ben didn't wait a second longer as he slowly slipped his tongue through her lips and kissed her deeply. One hand stroking a wing while the other was firmly wrapped around her back. He lightly moaned a loving soft moan. His hands were shaky from the sensation.

Twist moaned in Ben's mouth as s few tears began to roll down her muzzle. Tears of joy.

((I'm really sorry, but I need to wake up early today, so I have to sign off for now. I promise I'll continue this first chance I get. I'm sorry))

((You there?))

1611429 (have work today sorry)
Ben rolled on top of her and laid on her belly she was almost as tall as he was. The fireflies started to swirl and buzz around them in the magical moment.


Twist looked up at him with a mixture of indecipherable emotions in her eyes. Her wings struggled to stretch out to their full length underneath Ben. She let out a small squeak as she felt his breath on her neck.

Ben grabbed her wings and began to stroke her feathers. "I can't believe such a beautiful creature exists." He said as he took the tip of her wing into his mouth.

Twist let out a little gasp as she felt his warm mouth surround her wing tip. Her entire body cringed a little underneath his influence. "P-please..." She said weakly, her mind beginning to melt away whatever she was going to say to him.

Ben stopped and gently wrapped his legs around her as he laid his head on her chest to listen to her heartbeat. "Wow... your heart is pumping, my love" He nuzzled her chest fur and took in her scent. The sweet aroma of flowers and oats could be smelled.

She let out a small whimper as he took in her scent. "I-I'm s-sorry..." She let out as more tears fell down her cheek. She slowly put a hoof around his waist and rubbed it back and forth across his back.

"For what sweetheart? You have nothing to be sorry about... What's bothering you please tell me." He spoke gently and soft as he stroked her mane away from her gorgeous eyes.

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