Comments ( 46 )
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Are you guys there?

1569551 I just going to cancel my story man... I can't take it anymore :fluttercry:

Don't do it, you'd be cheating yourself and this site out of a great story. If you really feel you can't do it right now then maybe put it on hiatus, but please don't cancel it...

I just saw the new story poeticheart put up and what people said, I didn't exist anymore... I'm nothing when it comes to his writing.


If you really feel the need to compare yourself to someone like that then just put the story on hiatus, or do the chapters but don't release them for a while.

I thought I was somebody man... I thought what I did was making a difference, But no...I'm not I'm just some other stupid man with a laptop thinking he was special and unique. When in truth I Should have never written that damn piece...

Dude, you are making a difference. Look at how many friends you've made here, you've made a difference to them, haven't you? So what if you're not the most celebrated author or you don't get as much recognition as the next guy? That doesn't mean you stop doing what you do, because if you give in to those thoughts you're letting everyone down...

No one knows who I am... The friends I have made on here will never know me, never hug me, or never see me. I'm just some avatar of some damn pony that I drew in science class. I wish the shutterguy 3 mouths ago was here and I was gone from existence. You deserve that shutterguy not me. I'm sorry... I having a real hard time to type.

I Hate this man I'm crying so hard... My family is dying. I have bill attacking me, I don't even know if I can survive this next coming week I'm so broke.

Damn it man... These friends here care about you, even if they never will truly get to know you, they'll always be here for you. I don't want you from the past, I want you to be you, nothing else. You have no idea how much I want to just reach through this screen and hug you, to do something more meaningful for you.

I feel so weak... like nothing I do will stop the pain... I miss them I miss them all... My heart is broken Fade I feel cold and wounded. I wish I could just vanish sometimes. Escape this world and my sorrows.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1569911 how about trying to do commission work, I'd be your first customer!

Commission work? Sorry I don't know what you mean. *continues to cry*

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1569972drawing artwork for pay.

Comment posted by F4D3 deleted Aug 21st, 2013

That's a terrific idea. I'd gladly pay for some of your artwork, Shutter.

You know once I saved a little boy out of a river and you know what he told me... He told me that he was scared I would hurt myself saving him. Imagine that a little boy on the verge of drowning and he was concerned for me. I've been selfish and wrapped in my own blanket for security for so long. Now longer do I see the respected man I once was, no I see this shell of man that's hollow and brittle. Broken with a single touch. And here you two are... Just like that little boy. With your own problems you still open your heart for me. *More tears are shed* I thank you for just being there. As much as I wish I could hug you both, Know I'm not a whole lot without you guys. :fluttercry:

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1570045 how much for a drawing of scribble cuddling a giant TEDDYBEAR.

Don't be silly! For your drawings I'd say a good twenty to thirty dollars. Have you seen how great your artwork is? It's amazing!

It doesn't feel right to charge... friends I do it for free.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1570141 only if you look up how to get paid through paypale for artwork.

You should also decide on some rates for your artwork. You know, drawings of just characters X amount of dollars, drawings of multiple characters Y amount, etc.1570154

No I Won't charge you and I do it for fun... Besides I'm not that good to charge people yet. 1570164

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1570175 yes you are, and I kinda want to know how too.

You could probably see if anyone in the art for fanfiction group knows how, I'm sure they would.

You guys...:facehoof:

Hey! I just had a great idea!

Why don't we trade artwork? Since you don't want us to pay you for your artwork, we could draw something for you instead.

You wanna draw for me... :fluttercry::heart:

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1570284>>1570294 BRILLIANT!

Of course! Although I don't always have that artistic instinct, and even when I do it doesn't always turn out that good... But I can still try for you. :twilightsmile:

I love you guys.

Well, I still kinda feel like I owe you for that amazing drawing you did of Dreams... :twilightblush:

I'm thinking... I already have a drawing of Aldir, maybe I could try drawing Emora?

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1570376>>1570352 okay, shutter guy is blue with Brown hair and eyes
And what should I draw for Fade?

Um... I don't know really. Can draw weaponry, like swords and stuff like that? :twilightblush:

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1572423 I can draw swords easy! Want me to draw you one? If so what kind?

Yeah, I guess. I don't really know how to explain swords all that well, but I'd like it to be something like this.

Except maybe have the edges a bit more jagged rather than curvy. You don't have to do any of the extra detailed stuff like the dragon on the hilt of the markings on the blade.

Now, what can I draw for you? Would you like another drawing of Scribble, or maybe something else? :twilightsmile:

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1572521 all I really want is a drawing of her hugging a TEDDYBEAR or riding a dragon.

I've never really drawn either of those things... But to hell with it, for you I'll try anything!


Here, have a birthday game

I turn Big Mac into a sex crazed monster. :twilightoops:

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1572639 who the fuck is bloomberg? And why am I murdering my class?

The tree in that one episode, the one that AJ gave to her relatives in that one episode.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1573105 ohh, he's my teacher, we are using a play to murder my classmates.

I feel like writing about that now I have to survive a post apocalyptic equestria with DT

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