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Viking Hoof
Group Admin

Vicky clutched tightly to Shutter, her resting body slowly breathing in and out.

"What are you doing..." Shutter looked to her with a sad look.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1557436. "I'm hugging you silly." Vicky explains. Her bare chest hanging loose.

Shutter's took the backside of his fingers and gently rubbed her cheek. The soft texture of her skin was enough to put any man into a state of sexual drive, but Shutter stood vigilantly as he took off his jacket and placed it on her. "Please cover yourself." He looked to her with soft, but stern eyes.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1557461 I let the jacket hang loose, the two sides framing my breasts. "Someone has been sad lately. I'm here to fix that."

Zipping up the jacket I look at her and shake my head. "No... not this time..." I begin to walk away.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1557494 "b-but, I was the one feeling sad..." I explain tearfully.

Shutter turned his head back toward her and a few tears could be seen falling from his nose. "I'm sorry Vicky... I'm not the man you thought I was."

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1557531 "explain, now." Vicky ordered forcefully.

"I'm not one to just throw myself into lust so easily... I'm so ashamed of myself... To allow myself to become this way..." He lowered his head and shook it side to side. "Please forgive me, but I respect you to much to allow myself to sexually attack you..."

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1557582 "... but that's what I wanted.."

1557611 He fully turned to her to and stared at her. "What I wanted was for you to be happy and you found it. It's been with you the whole time." He sadly sobbed as he stepped backward to leave.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1557630 "ohh no you don't" I pull out my rope and lasso the idiot.

1557730 Quickly pulls out a pocket knife and cuts the rope. "Stop, Vicky I know your tricks... I'm not falling for the rope."

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1557744 ((if you just don't want to NSFW say so, ))

((you really think I'm an idiot :fluttercry:))

I hate it when you make me feel this way...

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1557769>>1559157 ((you are saying stupid things, I don't want you gone!))

Well thank you for being blunt with me. I Wasn't going to leave. :ajbemused:

When he came to he realized that he didn't cut the rope in time and that he was completely tied up in a spread-eagle fashion in only his briefs. "Vicky I Okay I give I hate this... Why do you treat me so meanly all I ever wanted was to make you happy!" His voice echoed in the room. There was only the light above his head angling the narrow light only a few feet around him. Darkness was the only thing he could see beyond the ring of light.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1559927 "Why do you keep talking like you intend to disappear all of the time?!" I counter angrily.

"One: there's always a chance of me dying, everyday. And Two: I... I just don't think you like me the way you should. You should be with Fade... not me." He closed his eyes with tears in the corners of them.

"PLEASE don't ignore me again it's breaking my heart!"

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1559970 "I like you, fade likes you, what's the problem?"

1560052 "Right now... ME! I'm the problem. Apparently I'm stupid and an idiot all the while I just wanted to say I have some respect for you. I feel like a sex toy more than anything else. I don't want to be something you can toss aside whenever you wish. I want to feel like someone important to you. Is that so bad?"

1560052 (I'm actually crying right now)
"VICKY! This hurts so bad..."

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1560305 i haven't been ignoring you, I was doing this while helping my grandma

I have had time to think and I know that I'm just overreacting to it all... I'm not going to stop you from doing what you do well. I am still your friend... But I can't keep up pretending that I don't care anymore. Truth is I do.

I care deeply about you and feel that it is not right of me to treat you any less than what you are... ONE of My best friends. I no longer wish to do NSFW's Because I don't feel right doing them, even if they were some of the best I ever read. It's just not me. I'm sorry.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1561230 that is just fine, that's all you needed to say.

Then why do I feel like my heart just got punched

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1561320 I don't really know the answer to that.

Look at it this way now you don't need to hear me apologize lol...:twilightsmile:

Now I wish I was still at the fire... GAH!

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1561397 so is that guy really your nephew?

1561601 crazy-chicken13 yes he is... Why?

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1561637 I won't seduce him then :raritywink:

:twilightangry2:...:ajbemused:...:ajsleepy: I don't care do what you want.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1561692 it was just a joke... Remember I'm a guy.

Yeah how can I forget... :ajsleepy:

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1561729 I kinda suspect that's the real reason you want to stop NSFWing.

It doesn't matter what's done is done...:fluttercry::ajsleepy:

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1561815 you are still a better writer and artist, and the next time I hear "I don't deserve" or "I'm not worthy" you're getting booped.

Shakes his head furiously. "I DON'T CARE IF I AM! I'M NOT! Have you read my work recently! Rubbish the whole thing! I MIGHT AS WELL BE A CAR MECHANIC CUZ I CAN'T DO DAMN NEAR ANYTHING HERE!" Breaths heavy as he spoke with a hoarse voice. "It doesn't matter what I do anymore... I'm to always be a failure!":fluttercry:

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1561947 I have read your work recently, it is just as good if not better. Your artwork certainly hasnt gotten worse. You aren't a failure.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1561947 An Artists Dream HAS gotten worse, my stories always do. I just can't maintain quality in anything I do.

YOU KNOW NOTHING OF FAILURE! Do you know what I said to my nephew before he decided to take his life. "You're too stupid to understand the important things in life." <---THAT RIGHT THERE IS FAILURE!!

Just stop it, both of you. You're both FANTASTIC artists and GREAT writers. I don't care what either of you say, I will always hold the both of you in high regard in all respects. I'm tired of this damned self hate, it's gotten to all of us, and it's making us sick in the head. We have each other to help, all you need to do is STOP PUSHING AWAY! I don't want you to feeling like you're anything less than perfect, because in my eyes, that's what you both are. Perfect.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1562097 1562105
No more self hate,,, I can try.

I don't know if I can... there are days where I just wish I could step out of my body.

But I'll try

I'm just tired of all the hurting, I can't take it anymore. I just want you both to feel better, and I'd to anything to make it happen, but I can't, and it hurts, knowing I can't really do anything for you two.

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