Comments ( 214 )
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((*sigh* Whatever, goodnight))

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1555873 ((ohh and tomorrow I'm gonna try to compile all the Scribble threads in one place, it'll be for writing and reference purposes, plz help?))

((I'll try, but Imma be as busy as hell tomorrow. People keep wanting me to post more artwork, I have two books to read for school at the last minute (cuz laziness), and I might be going shopping for important crap. I'll try to help though))

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1555952 ((88 likes! And it's okay, I don't have much to do tomorrow and that's why I'm doing it then.

((Woohoo! :pinkiehappy: And I'll try to help as best I can, but for now, goodnight! :twilightsmile:))

Looks like you two had fun without me maybe I should just leave more often.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1557277 ((but with you here we can have threesomes!(we have NSFW with or without you.))

1557349 (then you can just continue with out me. *smiles*)

Dude, you're already better at me when it comes to NSFW, don't say you should leave more often, cuz it'll make me sad :fluttershysad:

You know what's really funny.

I think the exactly the same about you... I'm no writer, in fact until I joined this site I never took interest in it. Now I can't stand the thought of single day going by without writing. I'm babbling. Point is, is that I think your one of the best writers out there. I read your descriptions and feel so inferior. The time Pine and myself went into the cathedral and did all that with you throwing awesome things our way. I thought I was dealing with one of the top writers on this site. Further investigation showed me that I was right. Your NSFW Makes me shiver and feel as if it's happening. And then you draw and everyone loves you... If anything you are everything that I am and then plus some.

To be honest... I've never been able to look at my own writing and say that I like it. I guess I'm just too self aware to give myself credit where it's due, but I know I'm far from being perfect, and the same goes for you. But know this, the way you write is moving in ways that I can barely describe. I've felt myself nearly go to tears from how you use your characters and their emotions, they feel so real, so alive. All I ever do is use the same gimmicks over and over again, only slightly changing it each time, but you always write in such a way that is so moving.

And you're drawings, I could never put as much careful detail in it as you do. I mean, just look at your profile picture! It's absolutely gorgeous, the colors, the shading... I would never have the patience do do that.

Shutter placed his hand on Fade's shoulder and peered into the pupils of his eyes. The piercing stare of affection and empathy could be seen in his eyes. "Brother you do a lot more than you truly know. You inspire me to continue writing even when I feel truly worthless. I came to the point where I nearly made one of the biggest mistakes of my life and would have gone through with it if you hadn't helped me see what you see in me. I hope I can do the same. The gimmicks you mention of... That is what makes you... You. The love between the characters are only real when you put your magic touch to it. I'm very limited, but that's only because I have limited myself to what I do. You however shine like a star in my eyes... Believe in yourself the way I do." Shutter's smile was highlighted with the sun coming in through the drapes.

You really are a good friend, you know that? This whole time I've been trying my hardest to be 'better' than what I truly am, because I think I'm not good enough, or inferior to everyone around me. I keep on trying to be something I'm not, and I guess that's why I feel like a failure, or that I don't live up to expectations of others. Thank you for making me see that. I'm so happy we can be here for each other, in the good times and bad, when we aren't feeling our best, and sometimes we think things that aren't right... Words can't express how much you mean to me, and I hope this friendship last a long time.

Once you're my friend...You're always my friend...No matter what. :heart:

Comment posted by Viking Hoof deleted Oct 21st, 2013
  • Viewing 201 - 250 of 214