Comments ( 214 )
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I swear...

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1545009 becuse you and Shutter are always too down on yourself!!

It's not like there isn't reasoning behind it... All I ever do is screw everything up, or say something I shouldn't... :ajsleepy:

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1545127 *tussles your hair* you are being silly again! Besides the whole DT thing, you are doing great!

No I'm not...You're just saying that to make me feel better. Compared to you and Shutter I'm not even worth your time...

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1545184 Shutter says the same damn thing, and it's just as silly. I don't find either of you to be a waste and it hurts me that you would ever think so.

But Shutter's proved he's worth your time. He's a great writer, and an even greater artist, just like you. All I've ever done use and reuse the same tired old gimmicks over and over again.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1545266 you wrote a great story! It made me cry twice. And while it was a imitation of Shutter's work, your drawing is the most popular of Scribble yet (I think). While you may deny it, you are great at rp, and you are a important admin for a reason!

The only reason you cried was because Twilight and Rainbow Dash are your two favorite ponies! And the only reason I'm 'important' is because I butt my head into any and everything. And that story was crap... It was way too boring and I didn't bother describing anything in the correct context.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1545316 you could have just killed them, that wouldn't be sad! You made it SAD!

What did I do to make it sad??

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1545419 the character's reactions felt personal and horrifying! The backstory for Twilight was so so sad.

Well, I figured a town where everypony is each other's friends would entail them being rather personal when it came to killing their friends. Maybe one day I'll go back and revise that story, and hopefully finish it, I already had the whole thing planned out anyways, I'd just have to write it, and hopefully make it sound as good as it does in my head.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1545518 it made a lot of sense and it was well writen.

The problem with being me is that I always find flaws in everything I do, no matter how minute. Up until I met you I never had a second opinion of something I've done that I value as a friend. Most friends will usually be a bit biased or say everything's fine, I'm happy you're not like that, or at least not to the extent of others.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1545657 I'd love to act as a prereader.

I'd like that too, just as long as you let me do the same for you. :twilightsmile:

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1545749 I'd love to have you help me write the next chapter! It's called "Scribble-Me and Derpy Hangout (Not a date!!)-Scribble"

Have you actually started writing yet, or are you just going through the thought process of what you want to happen?

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1545830 *blush* I-I've been putting it off.

lol, there's nothing wrong with that either :twilightsmile::twilightsheepish:

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1545859. Will you help me?

Of course! What do you need help with?

Although I'm not sure how much help I'll actually be, I can at least try my best!

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1545908 okay the idea is this.Ravenhoof sleep drinks Scribble's blood turning her into a Vampony princess. Ravenhoof promises she can undo it, so Scribble has to disguise herself with Twilight and mom's help. She goes "hangs out" with Derpy while trying to hide her vamponization, but when she gets home Ravenhoof reveals she couldn't actually undo it.9

Hm. What are you planning on making Ravenhoof be like this time around? Is she gonna be more satirical, or do you want to keep a bit of her dark and evilish?

Also, how do Twilight and Winter react to finding out Scribble's turned into a vampony, and what are their specific reactions to Ravenhoof?

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1546067 she is the rewrite one. Winter and Twilight are worried, but they relent under Scribble's puppy dog eyes. They are openly crying when Scribble comes home after Ravenhoof has run away.

And what is Scribble's initial reaction to finding out? I mean, how do you want her to feel towards all this?

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1546211 freaking out a little. When she gets home again she totally freaks.

Okay, and what about Derpy, as they're supposedly on a date during the chapter. What will her and Scribble be doing when they 'hang out'?

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1546279 snacking walking, touring the town, and remember Derpy is all oblivious.

Yeah, I know.

I think I only have one more question, how long are you expecting this chapter to be?

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1546349 longer then 2k, I'm trying to start following my old chapter lengths.

Yeah, I find it's a good idea to try and keep chapter lengths as uniform as possible. That, and I saw some of your readers were kinda getting angry at you for posting short chapters. :twilightsheepish:

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

I can't think of much right now, although a few ideas are forming in my head for what could happen. Maybe Derpy, in all her perceptiveness, notices Scribble's newly acquired teeth, but passes it off as her just growing up or something?

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1546557. Hmm, maybe, and she pops in at the end, comments on it and Twilight panics?

That sounds like it could work.

Alright, I gtg. Be back in maybe ten or fifteen minutes.

*sneak attack hug*

I'm back!!!


Did I scare you?

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1546953 *nods tearfully* vewy scawy!

Aww, I'm sorry...

*even more huggles*

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1547037 *I rest my head against your chest.*

*I rest my hand on yours as I kiss you on your forehead*

You don't need to be scared...

*gives you another kiss*

Feeling better?

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1547192 *nods*

When you picture me, what do you see?

I dunno, I guess I picture you as Scribble, except humanized.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1547241 I have brown hair, but my eyes are a very nice blue (or so I'm told)

What do you picture me as? If you don't mind me asking.

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