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That's right... The time has come... Faster than a speeding bullet... More powerful than a locomotive.... Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.... This amazing strange visitor from another universe.... The Man of Steel..... Superman!

Allies and villains:

1: Captain America

Clark has the utmost respect for Steve, finding in him a man of not only astounding courage and drive similar to a Dark Knight he knows, but one of the same morals and values he was always raised to believe in. If there is one person that Superman feels at home battling the forces of evil with, it's Captain America

2: Thor

Superman is one of the few mortals that Thor has met, who has no magical nor godly enhanced abilities, that can match him so well. Many times has Thor called for Superman's aid in battling against one of Loki's schemes or dispatching troublesome Frost Giants. Clark is a little hesitant to get involved with magical dealings, but will nonetheless help his newest friend in any way he can.

3: Spider-Man

Clark first met Spider-Man by total accident when he applied for a job at the Daily Bugle. When Sandman began his new crime spree, Clark and Peter both ended up running to a janitors closet to change and the rest is history. Clark respects Peter greatly, having seen first hand that all the bad press he gets is nothing but slander in every sense of the word, and is in awe of his drive to continue being a hero despite it.

4: Gladiator

Superman first met Gladiator when he accidentally flew into Shi'ar space to aid a colony that was under attack by the Skrulls. Gladiator also responded to the threat, but after it was over, ordered Superman to leave. When Clark offered to help with the clean-up, Gladiator took it as a challenge to his position as he had seen the Kryptonian's strength. So the Shi'ar Guard challenged the Man of Steel, punching him into space to avoid collateral damage, taking Clark by surprise. Clark eventually managed to sucker punch the Strontian and discreetly flew him back down to the planet, away from prying eyes so as not to embarrass the man, though Clark was sorely tempted to do just that.

5: The Hulk

While aiding The Hulk in a battle against The Leader, the big headed genius managed to turn The Hulk against Superman. The Jade Giant's strength was great, and increasing by the minute, but Clark managed to destroy Leader's hold on The Hulk and super sped him to a remote location miles and miles away from any intelligent life so he could calm down. Clark has to admit, The Hulk isn't too far off from his claim of being the "strongest one there is" if his short battle with him was any indication of his potential strength

6: Doctor Doom

Doom first captured Superman in a magical field and whisked him away to Latveria in order to study his alien biology in hopes of transplanting his powers to himself. Unfortunately Doom greatly underestimated the Man of Tomorrow's intelligence as he promptly escaped, using his heat vision to destroy any data Doom had collected. Since then Doom has yet to attempt kidnapping the Kryptonian again, but no one makes a fool of Doom and gets away with it for long

7: Thanos

Superman first encountered the Mad Titan when he inadvertently discovered Thanos' ship while attempting to stop an asteroid from colliding with a primitive planet. However Thanos had his ship blast him aside, allowing the asteroid to wipe out almost all life on the planet below. Filled with a righteous fury, Superman forced his way into the ship, only to be met with a powerful punch to the face. Thanos had caught him by surprise, and this was all the Mad Titan needed to effortlessly manhandle Superman with his massive strength. Superman had to flee the encounter, but he knew that next time he'd be ready as he finally found this universe's version of the ruler of Apokalips.

8: The Impossible Man

Just when Clark Kent thought he was safe from extremely annoying shape shifting beings, he met the Impossible Man. Not only was he the most powerful shapeshifter he had ever come across, able to almost PERFECTLY mimic the powers of anyone he changed into, but he was as annoying as a certain 5th Dimensional Imp he knew. Still, he managed to trick the Impossible Man into leaving him be, saying that he knew of a better playmate for him by the name of Mxyzptlk and he could do whatever he liked to him. Knowing full well that the Imp didn't exist in this universe's upper dimensions, Clark allowed the Impossible Man to go and seek out this new friend.

9: She-Hulk

Clark met Jennifer Walters when he was investigating an illegal gambling ring for the Bugle. She greatly reminded him, in both forms, of a certain fearless reporter he was... Well acquainted with in his universe. If there's one thing Clark knows it's that he's got a farmboy crush on the heroine, and the feeling is mutual

10: Iron Man

If there is one person Clark finds hard to be around it's Tony Stark. From the fact he could give Lex Luthor a run for his money in the ego department, to the fact his playboy attitude ISN'T just an act.... Yeah Clark respects him as a hero.... Not so much as a person.

Well, Captain America and Spider-Man, I'll give you Them.

Iron Man however, I have to say this: He'd Compare him to Bruce a lot, as tony is what Bruce could of become without all the rage. You have to remember Tony is Intelligent and Built the Armor himself. Yes, he'd Also compare him to Lex, but I believe he'd ultimately see tony for what he really is: Someone who just doesn't know how to relate to people on a personal level and that he does mean well, even if he can be a jerk at times. I think He'd respect him as a man who at least tries to do whats right in a similar way he respects Bruce.

But How would he act around the mutants. Clark really would be taken aback by things Like the Registration act and the Sentinels. Probably would come to blows with the X-men over how they handle things. And how would he deal with Magneto and his guys.

3870753 I'll give you that on Tony, but honestly with his new direction of being the "Superior Iron Man" it's left a BAD taste in my mouth about him... Seriously they've taken the "Tony is a jerk" angle and amped it up to 11.

As for mutants, since it's a very clear political issue Clark can't exactly step-in. After all, metahumans were a major minority in his universe while in Marvel there's enough of them to qualify as an entire RACE so there's a lot of nuances and red tape he just can't deal with. Before you say anything, Clark doesn't try to get involved with politics too much. Hell when being classified as an American citizen was giving him problems with helping in other countries he RENOUNCED it to AVOID politics.

As far as Cyclops' new team of X-Men goes.... He would not care for them at all and thinks Scott is ruining the name of Charles Xavier by CALLING them X-Men. However, he DOES however greatly support the X-Men of the Jean Grey School of Higher Learning, even occasionally volunteering to substitute there. If such a school existed in the DCU, you can bet that Clark would do that.

I am interested in one for batman and I would hope to see his conflict with the punisher

Nor do I think ounisher would get along with clark since he uses the same methods as a bunch of anti heroes that supes had to deal with called the elite

3871127 I actually think it's Clark's distaste for politics that would lead him to be very involved with the X-Men. Particularly in his younger days, Clark can't stand political bs getting in the way of him helping people, and has frequently tried to intervene in international relations in ways that very few other heroes would dare. If his reactions in JLA/Avengers were any indication, he would have zero tolerance for the way mutants are treated.
Also, now I really want to see Clark try to be a teacher. It'd be a struggle, but I ultimately think he'd be fantastic at it.

3880095 Well I more or less see it as Clark not being okay with it... But since this is a thing that's been a MAJOR issue for years in the Marvel Universe with the X-Men being the main protectors of the mutant race, I see it being more of Clark simply respecting the X-Men's position and what they stand for to mutants, though more or less still publicly making it known that he doesn't abide by what's been done to the mutant community and will be the first to help them out whenever the government dusts off the Sentinel Program.

3880116 For that matter, I imagine he'd instantly ask Steve to let him be on the Avengers Unity Devision.

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