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So, as my oh so interesting title says I thought we could liven this place up a lil bit with some discussion / story suggestions and character.

By the way if this is annoying or against some rules or any other reason I'll quietly delete this and go sob in the corner for a while.

Well, what does this "challenge" entail you ask? Why, that's simple but first let me explain myself and my reading style a bit.

Personaly I have a very strong emotional connection to my "head canon" if you want and I find it pretty hard to get out of these tracks of how I belive certain characters should be and act. And to help me with that I have some of what I call "Character Defining Stories" that basically is just what I want from said character and therefor absolutely adore said story. Problem here is that Pinkie Pie is overwhelmingly on top of this and as such has quickly become my "best pony" even though I don't belive in such a thing. So now I'm on a hunt for more of said Character Defining Stories and even though this has nothing to do with TD directly I figured it would be a fun thing to do anywho.

And with that said and done I think I should just start by showing some of said stories, hmm?

Pinkie Pie:
Why Pinkie Pie Smiles Filly Pinkie Pie at the best. (OBS. sad story is sad.)
Just Another Party Pinkies determination is second only to Dash.

It Never Happened.. A perfect Element of Honesty doesn't lie, that doesn't mean that what she says is true.

Gift Funny coincident that "gift" means "poison" in swedish making this story just that little bit extra creepy and awesome.

And as such I herby challenge you guys to make me read stuff that isnt Pinki Pie cause ive read so many.... so, so many. *haunted eyes look*.

Oh and before I forget a secondary part of this thread would be to discuss what exactly is said characters "real" character and how to bring that to light.

// Sphex

Group Admin

Haha it's not against the rules! No sobbing or corner hunting required! Also, gift means poison in German too!
Also, to clarify, your looking for stories that define our own Headcanons for you to read as well...?

Yes, in short I'm looking for stories with good characterization as the focus and preferably with the Mane 6 or "well known" background ponies. Generally these are short stories and very focused on said ponys problems / situation / whatnot. It doesn't have to be though as Rainbow Typhoon shows for Rainbow Dash.

And yes, I'm basically looking for good stories to read but figured I'd make it a bit more interesting. :twilightblush:

Group Admin

Ah! I have some! Here's a few! I would post more but I'm mobile currently

['Destiny' and Other Lies Told to Foalsnullurl=]Through Death and Life100% Move=50% Fire

Just want to point out again that just earlier today the story that is currently featured, Diary of a Pliant Tyrant, is a very good example if what I'd lable as a "Discord character defining story" (which I've also saved it as, by the way).

// Sphex

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