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Got your attention with the title? Good. This is a little idea I've had for a while now. Basically it has to do with The Avatar. It's really more or less speculation and connecting the dots.

Now we all know what The Avatar is, a bridge between the Spirit World and the human world and a keeper of balance and peace in the world. However that last role and how the Avatar reincarnates into different people greatly reminds me of another character with multiple lives.

The more I think about it the more The Avatar is like The Doctor from Doctor Who. Hear me out here. The Doctor can regenerate into a new body, totally rewriting his genetic code and becoming an entirely new person, new personality and everything. He still has the same memories and is TECHNICALLY the same person, but if you had two Doctor's in the same room you'd never know it. What is the Avatar's reincarnating if not a more complicated form of regeneration?

It has a couple of the same properties. One Avatar or Doctor dies and is replaced with a new one. The new Avatar/Doctor looks different, sounds different, and has a completely different personality from the last.

The Doctor is a character that has been described as a hero, but has done a number of morally ambiguous things in the pursuit of helping people. Quite a few Avatars like Kyoshi has done just that, some Avatars even telling Aang to kill Ozai.

The Doctor is well known for taking companions on adventures and trips across time and space. The Avatar also seems to take companions on adventures. We've seen Aang do this and Korra as well, and if they have it's not too hard to think that other Avatar's didn't as well.

Also The Doctor is currently the last Time Lord. Aang was the last airbender, the only one of his race left, another connection.

So is The Avatar like a certain Time Lord? Should we add this little tidbit to the ever growing list of homages Avatar has with other series?

1983613 I don't think you should. Avatar is, for the most part, it's own show. To compare it to another like that by saying it's an homage is a disservice to it, I think :moustache:

I don't anything about Doctor who to agree or disagree:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

1983622 I'm not saying the SHOW is an homage, I'm saying The Avatar as a concept is. Besides it wouldn't be the first case of Avatar having homages to other things. There's a BOATLOAD of comic book references and homages in the show

Aang is like a cross between Captain America and Superman. He was frozen and wakes up in a different time, was the last of his kind, and the most powerful person on the planet. Also he had his own symbol on his head(Cap's A), and it was a triangle(Supes S-shield).

The way an Airbender's arrow tattoo is designed looks identical to Red Tornado's arrow design

Sokka's sword was made of black metal from a meteor, and Marvel's Ebony Blade was made from a meteor as well as being a solid black sword.

Toph Beifong basically had Daredevil's powers.

Zuko was a bigger scar away from being Two-Face, and he had a LITTLE Thor thrown in as he was a banished prince, had a manipulative sibling in Azula who filled the role of Loki, fought said sibling for thrown, joined team of heroes, etc.

For Legend of Korra, the Equalists are basically an anti-mutant organization like the Purifiers
Mako has Batman's origin.

Lin Beifong was shown swinging around in a manner identical to Spider-Man.

Hiroshi Sato and Asami Sato's relationship greatly mirrors Norman Osborn and Harry Osborn's. The fathers in the relationships claim to love their children, when in actuality would turn on them and harm them in a second if it suited their needs.

Amon is designed similarly to Doctor Doom with the mask and hood combination, his motivations and terrorist ideals seem to be based on V from V for Vendetta, as well as his "disfigurement."
The Equalists electric gloves function almost exactly like Iron Man's repulsor beams, as they fire from the palm of the hand.

Varrick is for all intents and purposes basically Tony Stark

Korra has quite a lot in common with a comic book character. She's pigheaded, stubborn, abuses her powers occasionally, gets mad when people give her good advice and does the exact opposite of what they said, can be single minded, easily manipulated, is incredibly aggressive when she thinks she's right about something, at times is selfish and doesn't care who she hurts(Wrecking Mako and Asami's relationship). Now what comic character is exactly like that?

1983636 Well, historically speaking, meteor blades have been seen a lot through out history

And if you see all of that from one show, then you would make a helluvan English teacher :rainbowdetermined2:

1983654 English has always been my strong point. Also I'm one of the biggest geek's you'll ever meet


Also I'm one of the biggest geek's you'll ever meet

I can tell. You profile pic is only missing a pair of glasses to show it completely.

Which is my own superpower... blending in with cool people. :ajsmug:

EDIT: More backhanded than I intended, sorry

1983613 OH MY GOD


1983678... nothing?

Is knowing for it's own sake not enough? :ajsmug:

1983677 My profile pic is of a redneck/hillbilly pony who is the greatest!! He is simply............ Hayseed Turnip Truck. :ajsmug:

1983678 I'm assuming nothing since you've said you don't like Doctor Who. :applejackunsure:

1983691 YOU KIDDING?


1983693 looks like someone found caps lock :ajsmug:

1983693 In that case PM me over on fanfiction. I'll be glad to help out on any Doctor Who stuff you may need. :ajsmug: Who knows? I may end up making you a Whovian! :pinkiecrazy::pinkiehappy:

1983705 That would be fun!

(probably after I finish Phase One of Harmony's Warriors)

1983735 Also if this doesn't make you interested in Doctor Who, nothing will

1983755>>1983735 Gentlemen, I think that we have hijacked another thread :moustache:

1983810>>1983755>>1983741 Yes...that does seem to be the case.

1983810 How so? Doctor Who is part of my OP so it's only natural it would come up

1983828 there's 19 comments thus far

17 of them are between the three of us :moustache:

1983838 Can we help it if other people are slow to post? :trixieshiftleft:

1983613 It is quite intresting and possible. Of course now I'm wondering how long til someone makes this into a fanfic.

Comment posted by Captain Lunar deleted Oct 21st, 2013

1983838 1990218

Also there's a theory that Unalaq might fuse with Vaatu and create a Dark Avatar line, basically a Doctor and Master parallel. If that happens of course, but still that would be very interesting to see

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