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Like the title says, writing an OC in Ponyville story, won't go into the details of his character or backstory to much as I feel you don't wanna hear about that. Anyway, like I said, writing him into Ponyville during season 2, before Lesson Zero, but a little after Return of Harmony. I know the basics of course, never let friendships or romance develop to fast. And I have ideas in mind for who he would interact with, based on his personality and interactions as a whole. (Shy writer who doesn't do well with crowds but once you get him to open up. Unoriginal I know, but it's something I know how to write, and I wanna try writing it.) But still, as always, I'm worried that I may write development for friendships to quickly, or make it unrealistic. any advice/tips?

4579232 I'd say to remember that every character is different and every friendship is different. Sometimes it comes fast because they're a more confident/open person, and at other times it comes slow. Knowing the characters inside and out is essential to writing a realistic story. You need to understand what kind of baggage/bias each character brings with them, how they view the world and the situations they find themselves in. Keep imagining yourself as the character as that's often the best way to go about writing a scene. Remember that relationships and romance isn't necessarily a team pulling at equal speed. One party or the other often drags or pulls ahead/jumps to conclusions. It's not cut and dry and it doesn't come about as a sudden epiphany (despite what hollywood would like to make us believe). Relationships tend to develop subtly or gradually, though, given the characters, it can develop fast. You need to know which camp the characters you are working with fall into.

Hope that helps. Good luck to you!

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