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My oc's dark power is when she gets overly stressed or gets mad extremely she goes discorded where she loses all her color but is more extreme because as this happens blood runs down her eyes and it puts a strain on her body and she can also use black fire which comes out of her hooves and her tail has black fire surrounding it when she is in this state

My OC Scourge was born with Inverted Magics- which instead of the aura of her magic being from within it's raw energy instead is formed around her body- this causes it to affect many around her or anything she touches with raw energy.

It basicly causes Decay and Sickness to living things-So if a pony spends too much time around her they will get sicker and sicker, and if she touches another pony the energy will seep into their bodies and decay them from the inside out.

Though Scourge is not a bad character at all-she keeps her distance from others and cherishes life in general-though most of the time her morals are tested by others with darker intentions.

My OC, Eclipse, is a bit insane. She talks to voices in her head and uses Black Magic, as in, Necromancy magic. While in of herself she isn't evil, she doesn't have emotions. She can use her magic for many things, curses, raising the dead, using green flames and tentacles from the ground.

Guards have tried to arrest her over and over again.

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