Mormon Bronies 108 members · 233 stories
Comments ( 4 )
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Group Admin

Brothers and Sisters of the Mormon Bronies group, it has come to our attention that activity in this group, especially activity to do with the Church, has been extremely lacking as of late. It is the mission of this group to provide a gathering point for members of the Church on, where we can share in our common interests of the Gospel and technicolor ponies. As it stands, this group has an abundance of the latter but, with the exception of some forum chat and a few very old posts, we are lacking in the former. As such, we would at this time like to propose a few changes.

At this time we would like to ask for volunteers to serve as Contributors, posting somewhat-regular content to the group. Anyone who might be willing to help, be it sharing a spiritual thought every week or so or posting a link to an Ensign article occasionally, can reply to this post or PM me with their idea. We aren't asking you to give weekly Sunday School lessons or a talk in Sacrament Meeting, here. We're just hoping to foster group activity.

In light of what will hopefully be an increase in group activity, it is proposed that the following person be sustained: Cromegas_Flare as a member of the Adminric of the Mormon Bronies group. All in favor by a show of thumbs-up, and any opposed by thumbs-down.

Thank you.

I shall give a thumbs up. However, there isn't a thumbs up to put in here. So a yay will have to suffice. :yay:

I think that would be just dandy.

All of the Above
Group Contributor

I guess I'll volunteer as a contributor.

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