Random Romance 368 members · 37 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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Group Admin

I reformatted the group's story folders! It was starting to get a bit crowded, and I thought this would be a lot easier. Opinions, please.

Also, this is something that's been bugging me: this is a contest-submissions-only group. There have been two stories stuck in the "Main" folder for a veritable eternity, and they are not contest submissions. So my question is simple: why are they there? I came this close to deleting them when I did the folder rearranging, but decided not to in case somebody knew of a good reason why they exist.

Daring Deux
Group Contributor

That's a good question. Also, you seem to have broken your italics tag. I suppose we should ask the Bean, and probably remove it if there isn't a reason for it to be there.

Also, the folders look very nice! Thank you for the back-end work. It is appreciated:heart:.

Group Contributor


I believe Beans put them there during the first contest as examples of how to write Luna and Octavia's personalities. Ever since, people have just been posting links to stories about the characters in the contest brainstorming threads.

I think they were also existing examples of Luna x Octavia, whereas every monthly contest since has been pretty unique, with the possible exception of Trixie x ???.

Group Admin

Stupid italics tag, giong all broke on me like that. :twilightangry2: Oh well, it's fixed.

And you're welcome!

Ah yes, I do vaguely recall him doing that. I guess they can go, then, but I'll wait for his input.

Danger Beans
Group Admin

Back in the early days, after this group's conception, Fiction Fan thought that it would be a good idea to find a story to use as a preexisting example of each month's prompt and put them in the main folder.
With her absence, though, it was discontinued. You can go ahead and delete them. And thank you for cleaning up the folders. I was actually thinking of doing something similar, but had a devil of a time figuring out the sub-folder system.

Group Admin

No problem! Two stories get ze boot!

Danger Beans
Group Admin

I like how we're all online this Saturday morning.

Group Admin

I'm always on, nowadays. Or at the very least I'm constantly getting back on to check for alerts.

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