Humans turned ??? 2,399 members · 1,236 stories
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For the scenario of being sent to Equestria and turned into a different creature: lets you choose species, powers, skills, equipment etc : character creator - stats (how many people chose which option). Once you've answered all the mandatory questions the summary page shows your build in a format ready to copy/paste into a FIMfic comment, blog, reddit etc.

Hope it's fun to play with! I made this as a web dev skills refresher and modernisation of this old-school CYOA. Feel free to post your build in a reply. :)

P.S. The options are dynamic, e.g. chimeras and dragons get different 'physical' choices, allies & enemies available depends on the timeline, and the available magical skills change depending on the species you pick.

This is honestly super cool.

Thanks! Did you make a build? 😀

ya have been messing around with it.

If you go to the last page, enter a name, click FIMfiction tab and then click on the summary itself, it will copy to your clipboard. You can then paste it into a comment and it will be correctly formatted.

but just to tell you you might want to fix a few things. some text on some options goes past the bottom and is unreadable. Also it would be nice if you made a page with some descriptions like what is longevity and some other similar things.

Also pro isekai tip is to chose option that allow you to gain skills faster rather than starting out with said skill unless they are strickly necessary. Honestly i read too many isekai and reincarnation stories :pinkiecrazy:

If I ever get around to it can I use this as a way to have people send me characters to use in a story?

Ah yes there does appear to be a font size inconsistency despite using a web standard font. I'll look at autoadjusting that.

In terms of gaining more skills, you can learn them like any other creature (if you find a teacher and take the time). 'Sphinx' is a very popular ally presumably because the description says 'you can gain more powers' - clearly people are confident they won't fail / be eaten. :) Surprisingly no one took 'bewitching bell' which is clearly the most effective way to gain magical powers, not even the blatantly evil builds - though it is pretty expensive in terms of points.

Sure feel free. I should probably add an option to disable the points cap for people who want to just describe chars rather than make trade-offs.

I also thought that this would be a great tool for helping to kickstart stories ideas.

Portal to Equestria

Name           : Gabriel
[Flying Darksight Good Pet]
Species        : Bat Pony
Timeline       : Empires of Fear
Quest          : Guardian of Harmony
Age            : Teenager
Physical       : Strong, Hardened, Acrobatic
Opponents      : Nemesis
Allies         : Familiar
Equipment      : Smartphone
Assets         : Intelligence, Determination
Knowledge      : Native Knowledge
Magic          : Friendship (Simple)
Entry Point    : Hollow Shades
Unused Favour  : 16

How does this look?

For whatever reason I can't open the cyoa

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