The Coalition Against Adminless Groups 70 members · 0 stories
Comments ( 4 )
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Group Admin

This is a major group, right? 238 people at the time of posting are in the Cutie Mark Crusaders group, and a lot of people like the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

The only admin is jtylerg, and he has been missing for 53 weeks 6 days. More than a year.

I started a thread in the group about a month ago. several people indicated that they were interested in being part of an admin team for the group, but no one knew how to get ahold of jtylerg.

I pmed him with no results. His deviantart account is similarly abandoned. I found someone on Steam that may or may not be him, and left a message, with no results. And when SweetAI Belle was pm'ing poultron about her own crusade to take over a group, she mentioned this group as well. He never responded.

So far, no results. Next step is probably pm'ing another admin, though I doubt it will help.

Group Admin

I've pm'ed Xaquseg about this group at this point.

Group Admin

And I've pm'ed knighty. He was last seen 10 minutes ago at the time.

Group Admin

E-mailed knighty, asking him about both the "Cutie Mark Crusaders" group and the "Sweetie Belle" group.

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