The Coltcuddlers 2,216 members · 1,177 stories
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Dear Bronies and Pegasisters,

A couple of months ago, I've received a request from a user on this site that went by the name The Buck it Bros who asked me if they could do a reading of one of my stories. It was to read on their YouTube channel by the same name a story that up until previously has been incomplete. And that was, "Their First Date." For a while, I kinda forgot all about it until they contacted me again saying that they were serious about doing this. Sure enough, they delivered. Not only did they released the first chapter, but they did all of it!

I'm not only here to spread the word, and to suggest that you should probably check out their channel, but to also publically thank these guys for putting the effort of reading this on YouTube. If either of you is reading this, I wanna thank you both for doing this, as well as giving me updates on your project. It is extraordinary to finally hear this story in its completion. All I can manage to say is thank you guys so much.

Signed, your fellow writer and Brony,

- CrackedInkWell

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