Dragon Age Fanfiction And More 60 members · 9 stories
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who is the worst Companion in the Dragon Age series I mean there is a lot of cool characters in Dragon Age but the guy who is the wrost would have to be Caver he is so horrible he whines like almost all the characters in Dragon Age 2 but the worst character has to be Anders who just whines about the mages hey man I am going to help the mages but stop your whining about it and is it me or was he straight in awakening here in this he goes gay from my Hawke I mean I had have nothing ageist gays but it just odd for some reason.

3764594 Yes, Dragon Age 2 was a funny one from what I've heard. Whilst being good in concept and containing some great elements, it seems its main failing was too much focus on the game-play and not enough on making likeable characters and engaging storyline, something Bioware is well known for. Whilst I haven't played DA2 I have seen enough on YouTube to conclude that Anders is really hard to like, especially after the destruction of the Kirkwall Chantry, especially if you're trying to negotiate a peace between the Templars and Mages. Perhaps that's one other thing that's infuriating about DA2, the choices you make have little to no impact on the overall narrative (Now that's happened before in previous Bioware games, but after the first 2 Mass Effect games and the 1st Dragon Age that seems like a step backwards.). Lets hope Dragon Age Inquisition helps put Bioware back on the right track.

still its just a steping stone for DRAGON AGE INQUISITION which is just two weeks away!!:pinkiehappy:

3764979 I did love DA 2 for its gameplay and it did have some likable characters like Isabella, Varric, Bethany, and Aveline but that was it Merril was ok, Fenus was a jerk, Sebastian was another jerk, and DA 2 left off on a crappy cliffhanger I do hope that the companions in 3 are awesome and hopefully the story is great and you know what is awesome you can make your charater look like David Bowie and yes my charater well sing Space Oddity to my enemies eheheheheh

Logain, I've never even been able to use him because I just don't have the heart to let him live after the atrocities he committed.

I'm reading the Stolen Throne right now and that just makes it worse!

You see what an amazing guy he was during the Orleasian Incursion, yet he turned into a horrid monster that left his king, the son of his best friend, and his son in law to die for no good reason!

Also Zevren, I never use him because he's incapable of doing a rouge's job of picking locks and disarming traps. Though I do enjoy him as a character, he has some great stories.

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