Plan 9 from Equestria. 366 members · 2,024 stories
Comments ( 10 )
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Hey all,

This group was recently brought to the attention of the mod team. While we're willing to concede that the aim of the group might not be wholly malicious (TWE flashbacks), we did agree amongst each other that the name is kind of offensive. Imagine being an inexperienced writer and seeing 'Your story was added to [Craptastic Stories]!'

For that reason, we're requesting that you think of another, less offensive name for the group, and we'll change it with our magic site powers. We'll also keep an eye out to make sure there's no offensive conduct going about... but, as long as everything is done in good spirit, should be no issues there either.



1289853 Is "Le Craptastic Stories" better? :moustache:

Perhaps something cool like "The Strugglers" or "Struggling Stories." Something not nearly as offensive, but will still get the point of the group across.

I always liked what this group did. No one complained when they saw that their stories were added to that group, so maybe a similarily-misleading name could work.


Something like that, yeah.

Bad stories. Let's go with that. Not craptastic, not shitty, not very bad. Just bad.

Stories In need of Assistance / Serious Assistance?

Stories In Need Of Reading Other Stories?

Group Admin

You still get TWE flashbacks too? I thought I was the only one even if I thought most of what they did was funny.

We're totally different from them in that we're not a reviiewer group even if some members do try to hand out constructive criticism from time to time. Personally I chose the name "Craptastic" from the portmanteu of "Crap" and "Fantastic" which really comes down to something that's so bad it's good. As I've said int he preamble, we're not here to mock but to celebrate the worst of the worst. These are like "The Room" or "Birdemic" types of stories. Inept, amateurish but at the same time enjoyable.

So while I understand that some people might get offended by the name, that's not the intent. However in the sense of good sportsmanship I've changed the name to "Plan 9 from Eqiuestria" after the classic Ed Wood movie with a similar name. If there's anything you need to do on your end to make this name legal then please do so. And if there's an issue please let me know as soon as possible.

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