Gods,Deities,spirits and Monsters 1,320 members · 930 stories
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Hi, I’m looking for stories where ponies view humans as gods or mythical beings, and the main character is a human. Any suggestions?


I try looking for stories that fit with the premise that you ask for but so far I only can find these two here. I think that you should try searching groups like Humans are Superior, Humans Magic, Humans with Super Powers, Humans in Positions of Power or Wealth, etc. To find what you are looking.
The Gods known as "Humans"? by A Lost Anonymous:

An Empress' Wish by Overlord-flinx:

And was another interesting erotic MLP that I remember reading a long ago that I can't seem to find that was about a young man that woke up to discover that he is naked and super hung and that he been sleeping for millions of centuries and the ponies and others races that discovered him were worshipping his nude sleeping form for centuries. The story setting was a alternative ancient Egyptian version of Equestria with a culture that revolves around Egyptian mythology. The man that woke up was view as one of the gods by the inhabitants even other Egyptian gods/goddesses of the realm see him somewhat as their rival and equal both power and endowment (all the Egypt gods are super endowed and/or busty) while others view him as a threat to their order. The world/setting is pretty much a nude anthro Egyptian MLP world where the inhabitants goes around completely naked and with buff super endowed sexy Egypt gods thrown in while also being a harem god collecting story with a bit of Egypt gods politics thrown in (which are mostly just nude Dragon Ball Z battles or "I challenges you" to their nude magical egyptian version of a sports/games). One of the things that I like about the story what made it stood out for me was the way nudity plays a big part in the story and it's scenes in funny and serious ways like there was a scene where the protagonist was fighting against the gods Anubis and Sobek the huge buff anthro crocodile (along with some of their followers which are just basically canon fodder during the fight) during the fight the scene focus on how their expose flaccid junk flops and bounce freely without any protection and there were moments that the protagonist surprisingly took advantage of it like when he grabs Sobek by his huge junk and his god strength to fling/swing Sobek around like Bowser from Mario 64 using him to attack Anubis and their minions then toss at Anubis, or when he entered into a interesting competition between male gods and one of the matches was a interesting race between teams of pairs compete in a interesting unique version of a Three-legged race mix with battle royale where two gods must partnered up with each other then have their huge junk bounded together must do a race that expands days through a dangerous (even for gods) jungle full of monsters while bounded together by the junk. I remember the protagonist wind up partnered up with Ra the buff anthro bird-like sun god who was very prideful and very headstrong like at the start of the race Ra completely ignore the existence of the protagonist and immediately try to take flight even though protagonist is bonded to him by the junk he quickly learn that having a person was being painfully drag along by the junk was a bad idea. After establishing that traveling on foot is their only option they spends most of the time traveling the jungle with Ra mainly dragging and pulling along by their junk having no sense of teamwork but after barely surviving a dangerous fight against a powerful monster pack Ra begrudgingly is open to the suggestion of cooperation then after forming a camp for the night they somewhat bonded together and form a understanding each other and that they have to like each other to work together. To make it short after that night of bonding they started to learn how to work together like learning to move in at the same pace so that they won't pulls each other junk whenever they are walking or running and learn to be aware of each other's body and moments so they can be more in sync in battle and over time they form a somewhat of a respectful rivalry between them. They encounter and fought against another pair of gods they manage to defeat the enemy gods with their teamwork and finish the race afterwards Ra acknowledge the protagonist as a worthy rival for him before leaving while the protagonist realizing that he might gain another ally/enemy. Sorry for writing this long post it just that remembering all the things in that story that stand out to me making me want to find that story again and finish reading it if it have a ending now.

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