Technology VS. Magic 2,666 members · 784 stories
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There's been a question that's been bugging me for awhile now. Would Equestria survive a war?

That depends on its offensive and defensive capabilities, not to mention its overall size, who they would be fighting against, etc, etc.

More data would be required to form any estimate with any amount of certainty.

In short: Not a clue.

Depend. Who is the opponent? What weapons are available to both sides?


Probably. They've survived parasprites, Discord, Changelings, NMM, Celestia and Luna being trapped by the tree of harmony, Sombra, windigos, dragons, and I don't know how many other threats.

Survive, more than likely. Magic usually comes in and saves their asses. :trixieshiftleft:

2415218 Depends on who they're fighting. If it's humanity, they'll be curb-stomped, but not wiped out.

2415233 I've have always seen Equestria going up against a 17th Century army.

2415260 They will fall.

I can see gunpowder weaponry to be an edge against the Equestrians. Also pikes.

What a minute, I just had an interesting idea: Equestria vs. the Empire from Warhammer Fantasy!

Equestria vs WH40K = Hyper_curbstomp

Really, it depends on your in-universe mages. Going based entirely off what we've seen in the show, I think the ponies would definitely lose just about any kind of war against anything ever, because we've yet to see much in the way of combat magic or powerful mages aside from Twilight and the princesses. But if we're going off magic in general, they'd stand a much better chance, but would still lose to any significantly advanced civilization or one with particularly good strategists.

Twilight said that most unicorns don't know much magic aside from what their cutie mark is about, so you shouldn't expect random civilian unicorns to be shooting fireballs. But I imagine the guards are trained for stuff like that, so they could be useful in fights. Still, they probably wouldn't be overly strong on average. And even if there is a massive collection of unicorns somewhere that study deep magic, most of the magic they study probably has little direct value in combat, since Equestria doesn't seem to be a very violent area.

That said, with a sufficient imagination, anything has combat applications. But good luck finding a pony with a mind like that. Get a human defector to lead them, then they'd have a better chance.

2415234 ya because of dam plot devices in real war agents a true empire built from the ground up with out 2 demigods holding their hands 24-7 they get destroyed

2415312 and they die in a single night from shere badassrey unless they can weponize cuteness

2415480 Nobody should have that kind of power. If so, Fluttershy would be a walking WMD.

2415234 would they survive jedi master chief chuck norris prime?

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