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1824653 Only one problem. With the low level of thrust, it would not be usable for something which must first lift off from a planet. Granted, if getting there quickly or having to lift off from a planet is part of the equation, then they are ideal. But, for a lot of things, I suspect that another form of propulsion will have to be devised.

Now, if they were able to take the principal behind the Tokamok fusion design, which encases a hydrogen plasma within a torus, and adapt it to be able to bleed and channel some of the exhaust plasma into a thrust chamber of some sort... maybe that would produce much more thrust for the amount of fuel used. Possibly, enough that it could even lift off from the surface of a planet without having to rely on conventional chemical rockets.

1825144 Already working on it. NASA has a 90 year trip to proxima centauri in the works. One of the things they're working on is a plasma drive that, at full speed, could propel the craft at an incredible 12% the speed of light!

It's absolutely FABULOUS darling! :raritystarry:

1824653 It's only a matter of time before I can take my TIE-Fighter to work! :yay:

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