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I always wonder about hoverbikes the coolest looking thing in sci-fi, but it got me wondering can it really work?

like can hover tech go to a point where it can carry a metal like a frame and a person (fat or skinny) and go fast still or is it just a pipe dream and we should just use the term "its sci-fi its made up or its magic"

am asking because it going to be part of a story one day where should i go into detail of it or not, i mean we seen real-life hover boards now just need to be in a city with LOTS of metal streets and sidewalks

Comment posted by Jack Hammer deleted May 12th, 2019

nice and i have seen that before, I knew that would happen with drone tech being super cheap now for the everyday joe can buy and soon it be so cheap that any kid that moe people grass can buy one.

but its really not what i have in mind in hover tech as in like ion jet or something like that would it be able one day to be use for hovercraft or just a pipe dream?

True hover technology, like from Star Wars or Back to the Future, requires a combination of anti-gravity generators and a propulsion method. Said propulsion method could still be the anti-grav generators, but that in itself is harder than what we have currently. Mag rails are the closest thing we have, but that would require lots and lots and lots of rails, making it far too expensive and costly as we would have to rip apart every road and rail track to put in the mag rails. But true anti-grav technology is just out of our grasp currently.

The ion jets wouldn't work on Earth, they only work in space. But it is possible to find a new way of propulsion


so it can be done after all? if so that's good anyway I can make it look like its real. in star trek even do it was WAY before any idea what computers and other things can be it was mostly spot on.

even in star wars both old and new can be somewhat spot on at times (but its more on fantasy then logical, I mean really people starving in the street from just a dumb trade deal.... really?)


Can it be done? Eventually, yes. Key word eventually. As I said, it is currently out of our grasp at the moment. The main component, anti-grav generators, are going to be the hardest thing. The very concept of anti-gravity technology is about opposing gravity. Planes, helicopters, and drones don’t oppose gravity so much as overcome it. That, and gravity is just plain strong. So keep those aspects in mind when you’re doing your story.

Well, as for that trade deal thing, the planet could've made the mistake of getting rid of it's farmland, and in turn, became entirely reliant on imports.

Also, someone is working on making a fully working iron Man suit. The channel on YouTube is Make it real (The hacksmith industries)


Again? People have been trying to do that since the first movie came out.

Well now we have one that (sorta) works like in the novies

Micro-jet engines have been coming along nicely if you want something that looks like a 50s sci-fi.

However in terms of just like, floating there with no apparent forces and such like in a lot of movies, not quite feasible for the foreseeable future outside of magnetic levitation systems, which would require the roadways themselves to be altered, expensive, but technically plausible.

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