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This may be old news for some, but after looking back at a few past episodes, I realized by chance that Equestrian telecommunications technology is more broadly developed than I originally believed. Barring anything Discord has conjured up, the two images below are clear evidence of in-universe telephones:

Both images depict what appear to be old fashioned rotary dial phones; the one in the first image debuting in the 1930s and older "candlestick" design in the early 1900s. Since the older design in shown in an antique shop, then modern Equestrian phones would probably be as advanced as what existed between the 30s and at least the 60s. I'd also have to assume that, since most of the long range forms communication we've seen onscreen have been limited to dragonfire, telegram, and mail, telephones may not be in widespread use. My guess is that they are limited to towns and cities with a more developed infrastructure, such as Manehattan, compared to smaller, less developed settlements like Ponyville.

Any thoughts?


They also have helicopters but apparently no airplanes. (Aside from what seemed to be a prototype propeller plane made by the Doctor in Slice of Life.)

That's interesting seeing as in real life we invented the airplane way before we figured out how to make working helicopter.

medieval weapons/armor,

Except they do know what cannons are, suggesting they may be able to deploy artillery. Also, going by Dragon Quest, they also have an understanding of camouflage and trench warfare.

Equestria technology and society is all over the place.

At its lowest its late 1890's, sans technology, take Ponyville as a perfect example of this. Though incidentally in Ponyville common electrical appliances are cannon, as is a slate of advanced technology in different locations, primarily Twilights lab, Ponyville Hospital (which would be right at home in 1990's world) and Dr. Hooves lab.

On the other hand you have places like Manehattan and Las Pegasus, which are somewhere between 1990's to early 2000's minus computers.

It is inconsistent, but it irks me that so many writers completely forget about the fact that Equestrias technology is far more advanced than medieval.

Actually, I do remember Jet Set’s cutie mark being a jet airplane.


I'd say they average about mid 20th century, mostly due to the show using a lot of old-school cartoon visual gags.


Well, the weapons and armor thing may not be that weird. They don't seem to use firearms at all, which may be for cultural reasons rather than their technological capabilities. Plus, magic complicates everything - ranged combat may simply be considered a unicorn-specific thing, and they don't need guns.

Without firearms there is actually very little reason to ever move away from old-school armor and melee weapons. Plus, for all we know that armor may be enchanted to make bullets ineffective.

Anyway, pretty much the only ponies we see wearing armor are the royal guards, and that's probably mostly due to tradition. (Note that their armor is distinctly classical period, really more Roman or ancient Greek, even though we know they had medieval-style plate mail at some point.) The various uniforms worn by the Wonderbolts were considerably more modern by comparison.


That would be really weird. Do you happen know which episode that was in? I can't seem to find a canon picture showing his mark.

Sweet and Elite. It’s a hard to see at times but the wiki can confirm it.

How would they know what a phone is to make a prop out of it?
The show just doesn't care about tech level, just throw whatever at it.

One MLP commercial had Pinkie Pie playing an old video-game type system on a tv.


Until it is used, I'm just going to assume it's there to take up space because an animator wanted something to decorate that spot, because that is probably what happened.

This guy scene builds

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