Crack Ships Inc. 612 members · 878 stories
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I had a shipping idea a while ago, back in June, and thought it had a lot of potential, but I was told it was stupid by the people in the official shipping group so I stopped trying to make it. but now that I've discovered crack ships inc., I think it might work, and that it finally has a place on fimfiction.

here's the idea(which is currently generally referred to(by me) as incident jm6): juggernaut of Khorne X mane six

now, before you shoot me down with an orbital friendship cannon, I want to see someone at least try.... guys did say that if they can become friends, they can be shipped, and you know what they say; opposites attract...

1696071 Who of what?:rainbowhuh:

You mean a Khornate Berzerker? I think that may be TOO cracky. Even for a crack shipping. And rather out of character. They weren't kidding when they named those whackos "Berzerkers".

1696382 no,no, juggernaut of Khorne. completely different thing

berserkers are (mostly) human, where as juggernauts are demons

1696106 could you please rephrase that question so that I can answer it?

whoa whoa whoa whoa there, slow down.
When you say X the mane you mean all the mane six? at the same time? because I would be very interested

And it could actually be fairly easy.....set it up as a redemption fic, leave the juggernaut powerless and leave him in the care of the ponies, etc etc.

Otherwise, have the Juggernaut threatening some other ponies, the mane six fighting him, the rivalry getting more and more passionate, and then have 'em act on the unresolved sexual tension

Crossovers don't really count as crack ships.

I've never heard of a Juggernaut. But then, I only play the games, and those don't quite have the full range. But a daemon might be even MORE out of character. They are literally composed of one or two emotions, you know that, right?

1696464 I only know of one Juggernaut, and I have no idea what this 'Khorne' thing is.

Could you explain?

1697678 it's warhammer stuff,if you don't recognize it you probably couldn't write the story....

1696981 the fact that it is a crossover is a coincidence, the point is that I think this ship has potential...(it probably doesn't)

1699522 see...It...

Are you sure it's this:

1697170 poking holes in the story idea only makes writing it well six times harder...

1696640 redemption fic!:pinkiehappy:

I never thought of that!

go,write it!


I still have to understand whether he's supposed to have a relationship with ALL the mane six, at the same time, or with just one.

Also, the problem with redemption fics is that...well....they're usually as cliche ridden as an action movie :-/
I guess it COULD work if RD was in charge of redeeming him and she just beat him black and blue every day, unwittingly gaining his admiration/love.

Brainfart: is all sex with a Khorne demon hate sex?

and.....I'm not sure I'm the most qualified guy to write this :twilightoops:
Also also: a weird crossover doesn't actually qualify as a "crack ship" under the unwritten rules for this group.
Although it IS pretty cracky

1699538 uh....there are two demons there....only one of them is a juggernaut

1706176 I know which one your referring too

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