Adopt a Human 1,689 members · 271 stories
Comments ( 4 )
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I've written it in another thread, but I don't want to hijack it, so I'll make a separate thread.

I've been struggling with a story about a human in pony family. Too many ideas, too hard to choose. Asking other people can't make it any worse, right?

An 8-year-old fan of the show ends up in the family of one of the Main 6 (but not Twilight) of the same age. Said human looks normal, but the trip to Equestria has given her some unique abilities.
Where does she end up?
What are her abilities?
Some options are mutually exclusive, some come together. I may pick not the most popular, but the combination with highest sum. Suggestions in the comments are welcome.

I'm not inclined to start until Distorted Resonance finishes. I'm not going to start writing until the most popular option reaches 20 votes. I'm not a fast writer, but if the least popular option reaches 20, I'll be very motivated to publish something.

P.S. "Another pony" without a comment doesn't count, because I have no idea who do you mean.

Does it have to be the main six because I prefer stories were Celestetia adopts human children also I think it would be really cool for the child to have the powers of Elizabeth from BioShock and it would make sense because he'd be a traveler between dimensions if you don't understand then look up Elizabeth from BioShock but in summary Elizabeth had her pinky severed by a closing portal between two universes this gave her the ability to open tears into other universes and after acquiring enough power she gains the ability to create tears see into all the universes and I think becomes omnipotent

5747138 I think, there's already many stories with Celestia. I was thinking of a more ordinary family. Either parents of Main 5 or some background family.

As for tears between universes, something like that is going to be the goal for the final of the story, but never the focus. Granting such a power from the start won't be right.

5747859 I actually have an idea that's been in my noggin for-freaking-EVER!!!! Let me know if you're interested and send me a PM:scootangel:

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