World War Bronies 734 members · 129 stories
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July 1st 2016: On this day we mark 100 years to the day that the Pals Battalions of the British Fourth and Third Armies went Over the Top of their trenches to begin their walk across the rolling greens of river valley that was once one of the Quiet Sectors of the Western Front. 100 years to the day that those rolling green hills of the Somme ran red with the blood of more then 50,000 British soldiers, mowed down by German machine gun and artillery fire, which they had been told had been silenced by a great artillery bombardment. 100 years to the day that entire towns in Britain had to bury every young man in their populations: Husbands, Fathers, Brothers, Uncles, Friends. 100 years to the day that the name Somme became sinonomus with disaster, and military incompetence. 100 years to the day that a battle that would rage until November 18 1916, and claim the lives of more then 1 million Allied and German Soldiers began

5330050 ...huh. That's depressing. And Canada Day was gonna be so fun. There goes my happy mood.

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