Miss Harshwhinny is Best Pony 397 members · 94 stories
Comments ( 17 )
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Group Admin

Hey, guys! When you ask yourself, "Self, what are Pony fans known for?" a few ready answers present themselves. First and foremost is, of course, "socially-awkward behavior," which thankfully surpasses "dubious bodily odor" for the top spot. But I'm not here to talk about any of that today. Today, I would like to focus on our giving spirit.

With that in mind, despite the fact that I have no training or qualifications whatsoever, I am going to be setting up a charity fund called "Seeds of Harshness", by which we can send people to underprivileged countries and construct Olympic stadiums for them so that they will learn the value of athletic discipline. What I need most of all is donation incentives! Please use this thread to post fan-works or ideas for fan-works which can be collected together and used to encourage people to open those wallets. Also use this thread to post neat new ideas for more charitable projects we can engage in with the scads of leftover funds we will inevitably have.

send people to underprivileged countries and construct Olympic stadiums for them

Think big? :yay:

Aside from the scope, if you're really serious about starting a charity fund, bravo to you! :pinkiehappy:

Ah, Olympic Stadiums. Jolly good old sport! Myself I cannot stand these "modern" stadiums you see everywhere. Harumph. All flashing lights, and steel girders. No, a good stone, open air colosseum, that's just what these people need.
Perhaps you might use some kind of this, "stretchgoal" concept I have heard about. With each goal achieved, you may then be able to include more facilities and events at startup.


Group Admin

Yeah. I'll totally donate if you'll be promoting like gladiatorial combat. Underprivileged countries need moore blood sports.

Group Admin

I am, of course, being equally serious as any thread in this forum is! Which is to say TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY.

Maybe the final goal could be to add a circus. Like, the old Roman kind of circus. CHARIOT RACES! :rainbowkiss:
Or possibly indoor plumbing.


Group Contributor

When I think Harshwhinny, I think of cruel, unforgiving judgment, delivered with a cruel sneering curl of the lips. What the hell is this? Charity? In her name?

You foul desecrator. Get out of here and take your wishy-washy goodwill projects with you.

Group Contributor

But … this is to get children interested in athletic competitions. Harshwhinny is ALL about the competitions! She's devoted her whole life to enabling them.

Group Contributor

You deluded fool. Harshwhinny's defining feature is stern judgment. Period.

Group Contributor


Group Contributor
Group Contributor

… I can see we're not going to settle this through rational debate. There's only one way to find the correct opinion.

Mud wrestling, winner take all.

Group Contributor

You're on, you pathetic windbag. Name the time and place. I'll prove that judgment is superior to …

… oh, you bastard. :facehoof:

Group Contributor
Group Contributor

I'd pay good money to watch 1098487 and 1098474 mud-wrestle.

SweetAI Belle
Group Contributor

Yay! Waffles!

Wait, what are you guys talking about?

--Sweetie Belle

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