Comments ( 4 )
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Group Admin

We need more group members, and people want reviews. Solution? Give them reviews for joining.
Now, you ask, how does this work, exactly? I'm glad you asked!
Let's say that you're looking at the new stories and you see one that looks interesting or like it needs help (lots of dislikes). You read through it and think of a few things that could be fixed, then scroll to the comments and leave a review. Just remember one thing, though: Keep it short
For example, let's say that you think the story needs more description. In this review, just say that, but don't give any examples (and if you do, keep them very general)
See, the thing is, if they like the review and want more details, they can join the group to get a better detailed one. However, to keep things short, they have to choose what kind of review they want. It can be based on things like characterization, plot, description, etc. (They can choose multiple and get multiple reviews if they feel they really need to, but it's highly encouraged they only pick one) They choose what review they want, then leave a comment either on the main page of this group or as a reply to your review. You then take it upon yourself to leave the more detailed review, going all out on the details and examples and suggestions.

Want an example? I did one on the story The Return of Sombra
Now everyone's happy!

Group Admin

Ok, I can do this.

I see you made Admin for this. Good job.

Group Admin

625156 How does this look?

Group Admin

Perfect! Keep up the good work! :pinkiehappy:

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