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So, the other day, I was lamenting the fact that I've been having zero luck wit finding another co-writer. Someone in a skype group I was in suggested I try a different approach, said approach being to reboot the story with EQG instead of making it a pure human AU as it is now. Me, being the over emotional, irrational moron I am, couldn't understand this or see this as anything other than an attack on me and my work. But, I've had some time to think and...I don't know.

On the one hand, rebooting it could garner more attention and whatnot at the cost of me not enjoying what I'm doing. On the other hand, I could stick to the format I have now and let it continue to be a largely unknown and passed over, but I would be happy. I can only cling to the "write for yourself" mantra for so long. Ultimately, I will want some kind of attention and to have a fic I pour my heart and soul into ignored because there's nothing familiar to the fandom hurts.

I'm just confused is all. Rebooting it would mean I'd have to do everything over again, and while this could give me more time to fully develop story arcs and other things, re-writing all of those chapters would be a massive pain, plus I wouldn't be happy or enjoying myself.

I could really use some advice or...something. Anything!

5536211 I'm going to recommend, in order of how productive it would be for you and how happy I suspect you'll be in the long run:

1) Stop working on the project. Whether that means canceling, or deciding to come back to it in a year or so. I know that probably sounds like the worst, but there are a million ideas in the world, and this one is making you crazy and not achieving the results you want. It's like breaking up with a bad boyfriend or girlfriend, it stings at first because you've invested so much, but after a few weeks I suspect you'll feel like it's a weight off your shoulders, and you'll see how much else is out there the you could be working on.

2) Keep going as it is, but accept that it's not going to be a breakout success, and divide your time accordingly. Maybe dedicate one night a week to working on this project, and use the rest of the week for other stuff. Or make it your "fall back" project for when something else is giving you trouble and you just need to relax. If you want a break out success, focus on more promising ideas. I'm not saying write for the feature box, but we can all see that some ideas will do better than others, even without pandering. Look at ideas you have and pick the one that seems most like it would get attention, based off of other stories that tend to get attention.

3) Just keep writing. Go with this one if this is your story and you're gonna tell it, damn it.

4) Rewrite it. This is an awful idea, the worst parts of all of the above. I highly recommend against it.

That's my advice. Hope it helps!

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