The Unity Games 103 members · 1 stories
Comments ( 151 )
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613711 ((Crap... I had meant to say that Mark rose up and then swung down with his full body, deflecting the attack and landing back on all fours. Oh well, I'll just roll with it.))

613769 Trixie watched intently as the fight raged on. If he is grabbing Mark's waste, what is stopping him from tearing up Shade's back with his horse shoes?"

((Approved by SwiftEthan))

613711 Mark's eyes widened as he saw the incoming blow, and realized he had left himself wide open for the tackle. It was then that he heard Trixie's thoughts. He opened his mind to her again before he moved. 614103 Trixie, I could kiss you right now.

Mark decided to slam forward and downward with his fore hooves, taking the tackle in exchange for a clean, heavy shot at Shade's back with both of his horseshoes.


((Approved by SwiftEthan))

Shade was extending his legs around Mark’s waist when the blow landed. He gasped as pain spread through his back and shook his entire body. The tackle, however, was complete and the two tumbled down.

Shade shifted himself to sit on his opponent’s stomach. With the entirety of his right leg he tried pinning Mark down by slamming it over his neck and shoulder and with his free hoof Shade took a swing at his face.

((Approved by Crafter.))

615294 Mark grunted as he was tackled into the ground. He felt a hoof slam between his neck and shoulder blade, and saw that Shade was raising his left hoof to slam directly on to his face. In a deft movement, he brought his right hoof up and to the left, and then swung outward to deflect the blow to his side.

Feeling his opponent on his stomach, Mark couldn't use his legs to gain any traction. He opted to shift his left fore leg so that his opponent's arm slid snugly into the crook of his arm, aided by how hard Shade was pushing downward. He clenched his left arm, trapping the leg as he first rolled slightly to the left (to both surprise Shade and gain a bit of room to move) and then rolled with all of his strength to the right in an attempt to roll over Shade and switch their positions.

((TheMessenger: this is a warning for a godmodding post.))


((Approved by Chainlinc3))

Shade let out a cry of surprise as Mark suddenly turned and rolled himself on top, trapping his foreleg in the process.

With his other leg still on Mark’s neck, Shade pushed hard on his opponent’s throat and quickly withdrew. He leaned forward, ramming his forehead towards Mark’s nose.

615748 615729 ((Just to clarify, Shade's right arm is locked in by Mark's left arm, and Shade pushed back against Mark's throat with his left arm, followed by a ram with his head. Mark is now also on top of Shade. Is that all correct?))




((It didn't mean anything :pinkiegasp:, we swear))

615767 ((lol, don't worry about him and Trixie. In all honesty she's probably more worried about Mark walking out with something broken than whatever position they get into as they fight. :ajsmug:))

((Approved by RainbowBob.))

615748 Mark paused for a fraction of a moment as he landed with Shade beneath him. Okay... what now? His question was answered for him as his opponent shoved his arm into Mark's throat to push him away. Mark recoiled from the strike, lifting his head up and coughing a bit from the force of it. He glanced back down, and saw Shade bringing his head forward in a ram. A reflexive hit, he wasn't expecting me to raise my head from his push.

He waited as Shade's head passed right where his own head would have been had he not raised it, and then brought his right fore hoof down to stomp on Shade's face.


((Approved by _Medicshy))

Shade’s eyes widened as he saw Mark’s metal-adorn hoof rise and fall toward his face. On reflex, Shade tried moving his arm to block. Still caught in the crook of Mark’s arm, it knocked against appendage, shifting the blow’s direction.

Shade flinched as Mark’s hoof gashed through his cheek and gorged into the dirt besides his head.

Extending his free foreleg, Shade wrapped it over Mark’s neck and pulled his head toward his own, hoping to smash the Earth pony’s more fragile features against his own thick forehead.

616119 ((Seeing that they're both earth ponies, and STR are equal between them, I'm not sure about that, but whatev.))


((A nose is softer than the forehead))


((That's what I meant by softer features. You know, "facial features"))

616200 ((Right, right. I was wondering why Shade had a stronger face than Mark if they were both earth ponies and had same STR. Alright, I'll get to posting a reply soon.))

((Approved by RainbowBob.))

616119 Slippery bastard, Mark thought as Shade budged ever so slightly so that his hoof only grazed his opponent's face. He widened his eyes in surprise as Shade raised his arm to smash their faces together. No room to dodge... this'll hurt...

His left fore leg was still clenched around Shade's right hoof. Mark swung his left fore leg so he could place it between their heads, simultaneously dragging Shade's hoof as well. There were now two legs in the path that Shade was forcing Mark's head to go down.

((Wow, you're really trying to make this awkward between him and Trixie, aren't ya? :trollestia:))

((Edit: oops, forgot to post who approved it. Fixed.))


((Approved by _Medicshy))

Shade opened his eyes and growled at the disappointing lack of blood. Mark had ingeniously shielded his face with both his and Shade’s arm, softening the blow.

Shade wiggled his caught leg, winning some freedom. He thrust it upward while tightening his hold on Marks neck, hoping to lock it between both legs.

((Approved by _Medicshy))

616511 Mark was now stuck between both of Shade's fore hooves. He couldn't move much, but then he realized he didn't need to. He's trying to choke me out, but he's using his muscle strength. I have gravity.

He made no move to break the lock, and instead moved his left fore hoof so that it was on Shade's neck. He leaned on it, throwing his body weight onto Shade to choke him out.

"Wrong move," Mark grunted.

616564 Trixie watched the two "grapple", as they would call it, with a slight amusement. Really getting to know your opponent, huh? Trixie chucked a little. Do what ever it takes to win.

As the battle continued Trixie felt her heart jump at the several near misses and blows. "Don't falter now! Keep strong!" She yelled, leaving telepathy for a more direct approach.

616511 ((Trixie doesn't really care what they do in the fight... as long as the battle doesn't turn Mark gay that is.))

616728 ((:trollestia:))

((Also, how 'far' did Mark and Trixie go after they teleported? You left it a bit vague.))

616758 ((You tell me. Rp-Trixie is limited to what the show says is canon, and they really didn't cover anything like this in the show. Mark is your OC, so you have complete control of him and know more about him. You would have more of an idea of what would have happened.))

616786 ((Hmm... he wouldn't push it the first night, feeling a bit giddy after the rooftop. Let's say they just went to a park bench to snuggle more, and fell asleep. Trixie woke up and went to the Scorpion to eat, then left. Mark woke up even later to find Trixie gone, so he wandered around the city aimlessly, until he went back to the Scorpion to find the situation he's currently in.))

616802 ((Sounds good. Let's go with that.))


((Approved by SwiftEthan))

Shade twisted and turned but to no avail. Mark was too powerful.

Changing tactics, Shade swung his leg off the back of the stallion’s neck and struck at his side weakly. In desperation, Shade collected what he moisture could spare and spat up toward Mark’s face, aiming for the eye. At the same time, Shade thrust upward with his right leg up from Mark’s neck to his chin. Hopefully that would give Shade the opportunity to shake Mark off him.

((Approved by SwiftEthan.))

616728 Mark smiled inwardly as he felt Trixie's thoughts. I'll do whatever is necessary. Although, I think I'd prefer to get to know you better. ((In a battle = more aggression. :rainbowdetermined2:))

616996 Mark winced slightly at the blow; it was weak, but it still stung. He then flinched as the spit hit his left eye. "Gah!" He flinched instinctively to his right, missing Shade's punch by millimeters. He turned back with a glare, his left eye clenched shut. "Would you surrender already!?" Mark shouted as he pressed even harder into Shade's neck.


((Approved by SwiftEthan and RainbowBob))

“Sur-render?” Shade managed to choke. “Bah!”

With both forelegs now free, Shade grabbed hold of Mark’s arm that was crushing his neck and pushed. With his body, he rocked side to side, trying to upset Mark’s balance and push him off.

Comment posted by xCRAZYxFACEx deleted Jan 13th, 2013
Comment posted by TheMessenger deleted Jan 13th, 2013

((Approved by RainbowBob.))

617329 Mark realized he hadn't pinned down Shade's arms again, leaving him free to try and push him off. As Shade both pushed up and rocked his body to wriggle free, Mark grew even more determined to keep him where he was. His arm was no longer applying nearly as much force as before, and was close to flying off of Shade's neck. Mark suddenly released his grip, letting his left hoof and both of Shade's fore hooves fly off to the left (Shade's right). Mark brought his right hoof down as quickly as possible onto Shade's neck, hoping to surprise him before he could react or take in another breath.


((Approved by RainbowBob))

The sudden lack of resistance was a surprise and Shade’s hooves flew into space. At the same time he had rocked and leaned hard to his left side just as Mark brought his hoof back on to his neck. Instead of crushing the center of the throat, Mark’s hoof was now on the stiffer side of Shade’s neck.

Still trapped, Shade wildly swung both his legs at Mark’s head, hoping to knock him off.

619057 ((You need make the bottoms of the horseshoes serrated. This would be over by now if you did.))

619197 ((Hey, he just bought them from a blacksmith if Fillydelphia. He doesn't have the time or resources to do otherwise. And besides, too far in the tourney to change that now.))

619207 ((Fair enough. Now that I think of it, it might be frowned upon if you just cut your opponent's throat out.))

619222 ((yup. Although the various kicks and punches that have landed would have been much more devastating. Truth be told, I'm just trying to see how far I can get with a (somewhat) average joe with the equivalent of brass knuckles and mind reading.))

((Approved by SwiftEthan.))

619196 Mark showed no reaction to Shade's wild punches, letting the clumsy limbs hit him in the chin and torso. He flinched slightly as they hit, but he diverted no energy to grunting or reacting to the pain. Instead, he leaned forward and put more pressure on both his front limbs, one on the ground and the other on Shade's neck. While leaning forward, Mark brought up his rear right leg, and slammed it down towards Shade's stomach, the steel tipped hoof angled in a way that it looked like it would cause serious damage if it connected.

((Mark took the hit, so that should mean you get no reaction phase.))


((Approved by _Medicshy))

Shade gasped as the blow crushed his ribs. A metallic taste filled his mouth and he began to cough. The strikes to Mark’s head weakened. With the last of his reserves and his sight fading fast, Shade pulled his right leg in and shifted his knee up toward Mark’s crotch…

620277 "Hey!" Trixie yelled. "That's Trixie's area! You can't touch it!" She thought of using her magic to teach Shade a lesson, but stopped herself mid-spell. "Get a hold of yourself girl. Don't get Mark the big DQ." Trixie decided to wait until after the fight to get Shade back.

620407 ((

"That's Trixie's area! You can't touch it!"


((Approved by ShadowBro))

620277 Mark couldn't see his opponent's movement, but he could definitely sense his intentions. He had a second before he potentially lost his stallion-hood. Sparing no thought for gracious movement, he flung himself forward, tucking his head into a roll and landing roughly on his back. His front hooves exerted more pressure as he lifted himself over, then quickly released as he landed on his back. He coughed as the air was partly knocked out of him.


((Approved by ShadowBro and Chainlinc3))

Shade got to his feet unsteadily. His legs shook and he kept his head low as he gulped for air.

“N-not over yet,” he managed to say. He took a shaky step forward and swayed to the side, nearly collapsing. He grinned, displaying darkly stained teeth. “Not yet…I know Mother…not yet…”

((Approved by Razorbeam.))

620723 Mark got up, taking several deep breaths. He was about to ask Shade to surrender for his own sake, but then heard what Shade had said. He's not going to surrender - not until he's forced to, whether by judge's decision or knockout blow. He sighed.

Mark raised himself on his hooves, and prepared to deliver a devastating blow with his front hooves. He was taking advantage of his opponent's severely weakened state, and he knew it. If this isn't deemed a deathblow, I'm not sure Shade will get back up. Oh, please stop the fight... I don't want to do this.... He threw his body downward, throwing his full weight behind the blow.

Group Admin

620967, 620723
((Which it is, unfortunately. I am ruling this as a death-blow, given that shade seems to be in straights too dire to resist is. My apologies, Messenger.))

Seeing the blow that would likely spell Shade's end, Aurus' augmented voice rushed over the stadium, even drowning out the powerful roars of the crowd, who had been cheering for a blow even they knew would be the last.

"Stop!" Aurus commanded, his voice echoing off the countless bodies in the stands and spires of rock crowding the arena floor. If Mark could not pull the attack in time himself, Aurus would be ready to save shade with a barrier, if needed.

620993 Mark heard the thundering of Aurus' voice, and immediately swerved his body to the left to avoid hitting Shade. His hooves hit right next to Shade, doing no damage other than to throw up a bit of dust from the arena floor. Mark sighed in relief. It's over.



((GG, great match. Had a wonderful time fighting against you, Crazy))

Shade barely heard Aurus' declaration. His vision blurred as he saw Mark slow his charge. The world spun as he collapsed onto his side.


Shade refused to embrace unconsciousness so it smothered him instead. His eyes shut and the shouts from around him ceased. Even those in his head fell silent for once.

621050 ((good match, Messenger. It was fun, and I definitely found myself pondering at times what to do next. Hope to RP with you again some time, without trying to kill each other.))

Mark looked on as his opponent finally collapsed from his injuries. Mark walked over and picked him up, putting his unconscious opponent on his back.

"Come on, let's get you to the infirmary," Mark said as he jogged as best as he could to the medical tent inside the arena.


((Hopefully when we're not so busy. School really took a blow at my ability to respond...or maybe this took a blow at my ability to do school:rainbowderp:))

Group Admin

((I will post the results to the first post shortly, and close the thread. Good match you guys; well fought!))

621093 ((Definitely the second for me. :rainbowlaugh:))

621100 ((Alright, thanks Razor!))

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