The Unity Games 103 members · 1 stories
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Group Admin

If both duelists involved would kindly let me know that they are ready, this duel can begin. If one of the dueling parties does not report in (ready or otherwise) before Wednesday [1/9/2013], they will forfeit the match. If neither report in, both will forfeit.

Whether you are ready or not, please make it known in an ((OOC)) post here in this thread.

This duel was concluded [1/14/2013] with xCRAZYxFACEx as the winner by Killing Blow.

Trixie finds a seat close to the front. She shakes with anticipation. She speaks under her breath so that nethier the spectators nor Mark can hear her. "Be safe. Trixie dosn't want to lose you." She swallows hard, and bites her lip as she waits for the match to begin.

Half-wing takes a seat, waiting for the match to begin.

"I got faith in you, Mark! You're a winner, and damn it, you'll stay that way!"

((I'm posting in all the battle threads about who Sky would be supporting if he could be there...He supports Mark here.))

((Here. Not quite ready, but I can make posts later tonight. Wednesday and Thursday are tricky - from around six to eight both nights [eastern time] I won't be available. Friday should be completely fine, though. 601629>>601795>>601804 :pinkiesad2:))

Mark stood in the stadium, feeling incredibly nervous as he felt thousands of eyes upon him. He heard Half-wing ((601795)) yell from the stadium, and waved to the grounded pegasus. He also noticed Trixie ((601629)) in the stands, and waved to her as well. He caught the end of her thought, though, and felt confused... and maybe giddy as well? Did she just... He shook his head, clearing it. No time for that. Focus on the battle at hand. He waited for his opponent.

((I'm ready, I guess...))

Shade made his way slowly to the stadium, the edges of his cloak swaying in the wind. Cries filled the air, cheers of excitement mingled with shouts of his opponent's name. He didn't mind.

Besides, the voices were on his side. Well, most of them, at least.

As he walked, he hummed, drawing looks from straggling spectators, many who turned away, disturbed by the stallion's manical smile.

"Don't happy..."

((The battle posts are through PM to the judges and opponents, right?))

((School's going to impede my ability to post but I'll try my best.))

Skarn sits down on a bench, stomping his hoof against the ground three times.

"Come now, Mark! Show everyone what I saw you do in the arena those few days ago!"

602416 Mark smiled as he heard the deep rumble of Skarn's voice come from the stands. I'll try not to disappoint. He noticed his opponent had just entered from the opposite side of the arena.

602303 He looked at the stallion with curiosity. This guy... is something else. I heard there were a few contestants with a few loose bolts, I was just hoping I wouldn't have to fight one in the opening round... He waved at the new arrival hesitantly, not sure how he would take it.


Shade watched the Earth pony wave. He quickly approached him and placed a hoof on his shoulder.

"Don't be so nervous," he said cheerfully. "Can't kill you today."

Before the pony could respond, Shade had already wandered off.

Rapid sits in the stand, partially to cheer for the crazy pony she'd met the same night she met Wastani, but mostly to cheer against the ass he was fighting.

"C'mon Shade! You've got this! Kick that mindskimmer right in his recursive flank!"


"Funny, I don't remember that voice in here." Shade turned to the source of the shout, squinting against the sun's glare.

"Oh, hey, hey!" Shade gave a wave in Rapid's direction.

"Hopefully we can have another drink later. It was nice not hearing your constant nagging."

((Sorry for the late reply...I thought I did but it didn't go through))

Group Admin

602268, 602303
((I am opening this duel. You may now fight one another. Please follow this link to see the list of judges.

You must conclude your duel, either by killing blow (judge's rule), forfeit, or voting decision. A vote will be held by default in the event that the duel is not completed by 12:00 a.m. [-5:00 GMT] on Saturday [1/12/2013].

Fight with honor!))

Aurus rose from his seat suddenly, drawing a hush over the crowd and ready combatants alike. His smile was one of excitement, and it was clear from the tone that ventured forth from his throat that he was just as eager as those in the stands who were barely repressing their words to hear him speak.

"It is clear that you are all excited to see this match, and I an right there with you! Lets not delay, and commence the battle, one which I am sure will be monumental. This duel between Shade and Mark should not be taken lightly. Not now, or ever in the future, as this will be a moment of history to be remembered gloriously for ages to come!"

The crowd roared in excitement, stilling once more for Aurus' final words before the unleashing of this once-in-a-lifetime event.

"Begin the match!"

The deafening roars that followed drowned out the trailing of even his mighty voice, and any hope that the clash of steel or a blast of magic had to be heard.

603250 ((Not to be a know-it -all but the date is a Tuesday 1/8/2013 but you say it is Saturday.))

Comment posted by xCRAZYxFACEx deleted Jan 9th, 2013


((Dude, already did hours ago...))

603478 ((:twilightoops: How did I not see that? Damn refresh button. :twilightangry2:))

602838 Mark stood there, unsure of how to respond. "Glad to hear it?" he ventured. He noticed the sudden hush of the crowd, and looked on as Aurus announced their fight was beginning. He looked back at the crazy stallion in front of him. "Good luck, I guess." He stepped back, and readied himself.

((Can't really do anything atm; going to try and post tomorrow if I get the chance. Physics HW :pinkiesick:))

((gg, I have math :pinkiesick: I'll probably send something to judges tonight))

((Approved by Cyberfire22 ))
At Aurus call, Shade took a cautious step toward his opponent. "I don't know what he's capable of," the stallion muttered angrily. He took another step forward. "Gotta take this slow..."

((Approved by Chainlinc3 and Garion))

Mark circled to his right slowly, keeping Shade inside his field of vision. He's being a bit cautious; he hasn't spoken to me, we haven't met. He's exercising caution, so should I.

The red earth pony called out while continuing his circle. "So Shade, I haven't seen you around the city before. We haven't met; pleasure to meet you." His voice showed no sign of the hesitation he had shown before.

605493 "Talking?" Trixie mused. "He is playing a long game, as Trixie would expect." Trixie watched a bit nervously, mumbling to herself all the while. "Take the fist move, take the first move. Don't let him get the jump on you."

((Approved by Cyberfire22))

Shade followed suit, moving to the right in a circle, never taking his eyes off of his opponent.

"A pleasure, eh?" he said with a chuckle. "Thanks..."

For a few moments, the two circled each other, like two dancers linked in a simple waltz. Suddenly Shade pivoted and charged to the left.

605893 ((Are you charging at me or some random place to my right?))

605893 ((Approved by Medicshy and Dracmatais))

With over a dozen feet between himself and Shade, and already sensing his intention to charge, Mark initially didn't react, and let the opposing earth pony charge at him. Closer... closer...

When Shade was almost at his throat, Mark quickly spun around and delivered a full kick with his hind legs, aiming at his head.


((Approved by Medicshy,))

Shade's eyes widened as a blow drew near. He had expected an attack, even provoking one, but he was too close. There was little area to maneuver. There was no way to dodge it completely...

Shade rolled back, catching Mark's left hind foot with the side of his chin. It hurt but much less than if he had been hit by the full kick. Moving with the momentum, Shade spun against his opponent's side until he had a clear shot of his back.

Shade dug his back hooves into the dirt and struck at his adversary's back. He didn't have the time to aim true for the spine but the blow would be painful.

607224 ((I thought you weren't supposed to post any health loss - gave your opponent a needless advantage.))

((Your profile pic is very appropriate right now))

607255 ((And people wonder why I chose it. :trollestia:))

Seeing the blow connect made Trixie jump up from her seat. "Yes." Watching Shade's reaction she noticed instantly what he was doing, but would Mark be able to doge? (607258) Roll you fool!


((I'm bringing the hammer down...I'll accept dodging but if he "rolls" I'll scream))

607298 (( Well, I like rolls and cinnabons as much as the next guy, but, screaming?))

607298 ((We must be imagining the battle differently. The way Trixie sees it the only way to dodge is to roll to the side. Sorry.))

607323 ((:yay:))

607324 ((:fluttercry: you... you MONSTER! Why did you make Fluttershy cry? She's sensitive, and doesn't like being reminded of this stuff!))

607224 ((Approved by RainbowBob))
Mark cursed his luck as the full extent of his blow didn't connect. The few seconds that Shade used to partially dodge his attack and set himself up for a counter-attack passed agonizingly slowly for him. Shade was now on his hind legs, ready to strike down at his back. If I try to dodge, I get scraped and end up at square one. Gotta try something else.

Making a decision, Mark pushed himself into Shade, hoping to surprise him with a quick body-check.


607355 ((tHE KNUKLES The knuckles vs. face match.))

((Quick joke: Trixie went to a fight and a hockey game broke out!))

607383 ((Crap, midnight. Trixie is gotta go, curse you people with your late night battles and possibly better time zone positioning.))

607399 ((Yeah.. need to do my english paper still. Sleep eludes me yet again. And yeah, midnight for me too, so I ain't got no 'positioning' to speak of.))

607408 (Trixie was suppose to read up to chapter 15 of the hunger games she is on three.



((Homework is the worst :fluttercry: It makes Fluttershy cry :pinkiesad2: It makes Pinkie cry :raritycry::raritydespair: it makes Rarity cry))

((Approved by Cyberfire22))
Shade grunted at the sudden move. It startled him, if nothing else, and Shade quickly took the advantage.

With his front hoof already brushing past Mark's side, it wasn't difficult for Shade to wrap his legs around Mark's waist. With a roar, the stallion leaned forward, trying to drive his opponent's face into the dirt.

Comment posted by TheMessenger deleted Jan 10th, 2013
Comment posted by TheMessenger deleted Jan 10th, 2013
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