The Unity Games 103 members · 1 stories
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Comment posted by TheMessenger deleted Jan 10th, 2013
Comment posted by -Twilight-Sparkle- deleted Jan 10th, 2013

608138((this should be interesting, seeing how Razorbeam controls Twilight))

608276((should i point that out to Razorbeam?))

Group Admin

608276, 608332
((Oh believe me, I've already noticed. I'm just choosing to ignore it, lol. I don't have the time to deal with this on top of everything else I'm in charge of right now.))

Ferris watched from his seat in the stands, his eyes keeping track of every single move made. With a large smile on his face, he placed his paws around his mouth, and started to follow the example of the crowd.

"Go, Mark!" he cheered, somewhat quieter than the others.

608339 ((:twilightblush: Oops I didn't know my spot was already taken. I'll just leave, I'm late in the games anyway.))

Group Admin

((It's not a big deal at all.))

607433 ((Approved by Kapuchu))

Horse feathers. His shove left him open to a grapple by Shade, and his opponent was quickly taking advantage of his positioning. He felt his opponent trying to drive him into the ground, face first.

Mark chose to twist his torso to land on his shoulder instead, and then used his momentum to roll onto his back once he connected with the ground. With Shade still above him, holding him by his waist, Mark took advantage of the height difference to coil up his lower body. The steel of his horseshoes gleamed in the sun as his legs positioned themselves underneath Shade. Mark took a half-moment to aim, and then kicked up at his opponent with his legs again.

608708 ((I'm sure it's not a big deal. I mean, as long as you don't have Twilight going up to meet Razorbeam as he's controlling Twilight and Gearrick! :pinkiecrazy:))

608721 ((....Right?))

((Dang it Sparkle! It tales two bloody weeks for Trixie to get you out here, and you're gone at the drop of a hat? COWARD!))


((Approved by inoeitall))

Shade saw the flash of light and that was enough. The pony released his opponent's waist and attempted to back away from Mark's weapons but once again, he was too close to dodge efficiently.

Shade grit his teeth as he twisted around and the shoes sliced across his chest. Before Mark could pull back, however, Shade grabbed hold of his legs and pulled hard, dragging him in the dirt.

609562 This causes Trixie to mix in confusion to her emotions. What does he intend to do now? Trixie thinks for a moment before realizing that her wide range of emotions she has are probably rubbing off on Mark. Trixie came here to cheer Mark on and she might just cost him the match.

((608761 Mark can block some mental things if he wants to, right?))

609664 ((Yeah. He has to concentrate a bit to do so, though, while passively hearing thoughts requires no concentration. But if you're worried it might affect the match, don't worry. He's concentrating pretty hard, so he can hear it but it won't really bother him. That, and the fact he's surrounded by a crowd means all the thoughts sort of become white noise.))

((Approved by Crafter.))

609562 Mark huffed in annoyance as his legs were being used against him, dragging him along with Shade. I don't have any leverage, so struggling would just tire me out. Time to play the waiting game. Mark relaxed his body, letting his form go limp to reduce any damage he would take while being dragged. He knew he would still have a few cuts and bruises from being dragged on the ground, but it was better that than tiring himself by struggling. So, he simply rested for a moment to regain a bit of stamina.

609664 In the few moments he was being dragged, Mark could feel a veritable wave of concern from a member of the audience. Trixie. He smiled, knowing she was worried for him. He opened his mind to her briefly. Trixie, I'm fine. It's comforting to know you're rooting for me, and it's certainly not a hindrance. Thank you. He broke off the connection, and turned his attention back to the battle.

While he was being dragged, Mark focused intently on Shade, preparing for the moment when his opponent would strike. Wait for it... wait...

((Making a note here, Mark has horseshoes on all of his hooves. Just pointing that out.))


((Approved by Nathan Traveler))

"Hm, yes, he is being awfully quiet..." muttered Shade as he dragged his opponent across the stadium. He considered his options carefully. His opponent was trapped, unable to attack, but the lack of struggle kept Shade on guard and his cautious prevented him from pushing his advantage.

"He's planning something...but what?"

Shade continued to pull the Earth pony through the dirt and dust, heading to the center of the stadium. There, at least, he would have some room to move if Mark tried anything sneaky.

((Approved by Crafter.))

Mark kept up his concentration, not letting his guard down. He did, however, decide it would be the perfect moment to start digging into his opponent's head. He looked at his opponent's cutie mark, and found himself swimming in information. Huh. Surprisingly easy for once. Let's see. An intelligent stallion, but prone to fits of rage; probably don't want that, the adrenaline could give him an edge. Was rejected by the guard, and refused entry due to psychological issues. Could use it to push his buttons, but only as a last resort. And... at the moment, wondering why I'm so quiet. Thinks I might try something sneaky. Alright, time to mess with him.

Mere seconds had passed as Mark accessed the information. He was still being dragged, but he didn't care. He spoke up. "You know, Shade, I'm a bit offended. I'm hardly sneaky, and it's not like I'd be hiding in the shadows with a dagger. Nah, I have horse shoes for that."

610195 Trixie jumped two feet in the air as Mark's words entered her mind. Her heart pounded in her chest because of the start. What he had said put Trixie at a little ease. "Good... good. He'll be fine." Trixie looked at the somewhat comical event before her. Shade dragging Mark around and nether knew how to proceed. "This is a really strange fight."


((Approved by _Medicshy and Razorbeam))

“Offended? Oh, ignore her,” Shade said cheerfully. “She calls everypony we meet fat.”

He continued dragging Mark for a few moments before adding, “Though I have to say, you’re getting kinda heavy. I think you could stand to lose a LITTLE WEIGHT!”

At those words, Shade gave a beast-like yell and, tightening his grip on Mark’s ankles, began to spin. Locked together, Shade and Mark became a brown and tan blur, the ends of Mark’s coat whipping around and against the edges of Shade’s cloak, as if the garments were in combat just as their owners.

610798 ((Shade used seismic toss! It's not very effective.))

((Mark is a psychic-fighting type, so it is not very wise to use fighting type moves on him.))


((Do those exist? Fight-psychic I mean? I have paid much attention since Silver and Gold and the first episode of the third(?) season))

610798 ((lol))

611123 ((Why are you helping him? :fluttercry:))

((Also, Messenger, who was Shade referring to with “Offended? Oh, ignore her,” Shade said cheerfully. “She calls everypony we meet fat.” I was kind of confused by that.))


((Shade's a schizophrenic))

((Approved by SwiftEthan))

610798 Great. He's a schizo. And now he's... WOAH THERE! Mark felt himself being lurched, and was suddenly being swung by his feet around Shade. If he lets go, I fly and hit the ground like a cannon shot. Unacceptable.

The red earth pony was still being spun, but he twisted his torso to the right, letting his right hoof brush across the ground flying beneath him. This is going to hurt... He dug his right hoof into the ground and then reached to place his left hoof as well. The act slowed him down significantly in a few seconds, but his horseshoes quickly started to heat up from the friction. Once he felt he slowed down enough, he twisted his lower body counter clockwise and kicked with his hind legs to break free and land facing towards Shade, nearly unharmed but disoriented. His front hooves, though, were aching a bit from the heat.

((Assuming Mark's back was towards the ground and that Shade was spinning in a counter-clockwise direction.))

611258 ((There are three meditite, medicham, and gallade.))

611723 ((Trixie didn't mean to. :raritycry: Sorry!))

611832 ((It's k. I was just messing with you. (or was I? :trixieshiftright:) ))


((Knowing that doesn't really help so don't worry 'bout helping me.:pinkiehappy: This isn't pokemon. Not sure how typecasts are gonna apply))

611947 ((Pokemon is always relevant.))

611967 ((Only ever played sapphire version. But, I loved that zigzagoon - he was one of my favorites. :pinkiesad2:))


((Approved by SwiftEthan))

Shade felt his opponent slip from his grasp. He tried tightening his grip but it was in vain; Mark had escape.

The cloaked pony shook his head, trying to reorient himself. From the corner of his eye, Shade saw Mark who looked just as dizzy. Both stood, struggling to stand straight as they faced each other.

“I know now’s my chance,” Shade whispered. He took a step back. “But I can’t do anything while I’m still dizzy…” He took another step back.

611973 ((i own every pokemon game ever made :trollestia:))

612108 (( I own every, uh, Harry Potter book? Um... I really like your mane? :unsuresweetie:))


612135 ((Welp, give me a minute, need to think of how to move the fight forward...))



...and ponymon mod:trixieshiftright:...))


((My bro and sis play a lot of pokemon since we've got an R4 for our ds. Sucks that X and Y's on the 3ds...))

612193 ((i STILL play pokemon, gold and silver are the BEST))

((Approved by SwiftEthan.))

612094 Mark was still feeling dizzy, and wobbled slightly as he struggled to not fall over. He beat his hooves on the ground a couple of times to cool his horseshoes, and then heard Shade's mutterings as he backed away slowly. "Oh no you don't!"

Mark willed himself to run as straight as possible as he charged the dazed stallion, and then leaped when he was within five feet, intending to tackle him with the front of his steel-tipped legs.


((Approved by _Medicshy))

As Mark charged forward, Shade stood his ground. "Here he comes," he said quietly, digging his back legs into the ground as he crouched. The ground seemed to shake as his opponent thundered toward him, like a train.

Mark sprung into the air, his metal hooves extended forward. As he rocketed toward him, Shade leaped forward as well, diving below the attacking stallion. As Mark soared above, Shade stood up, thrusting his shoulder toward his opponent's stomach.

((Approved by Crafter.))

612383 Having still been a bit dizzy after the spin, Mark's aim hadn't been perfect. He flew slightly off-center, to the right of his opponent. When Shade dove below and rammed upward, it impacted the side of Mark's stomach, hitting him very solidly but not delivering its full force.

He flew away from Shade at an angle, and Mark had only a second to react. Once he was hit he curled himself into a ball to roll onto the ground behind Shade. He popped up facing Shade again, and sported a new bruise on his belly. "Going to have to hit harder than that, Shade." He backed up slightly, giving his opponent some room. I should probably let him make the first move, he can react almost as quick as myself...


((Approved by Nathan Traveler))

Shade rolled to his feet and found Mark ready for him.

Shade shrugged. “I told you, I can’t kill you today…no matter what everyone keeps saying.”

He began to trot toward his backing opponent, slowly at first, then picking speed. The distance between the two quickly disappeared as Shade’s accelerating charge ate away the ground.

With only a few feet left, Shade changed directions, moving to the left and at Mark’s flank.

“Keep an eye on that back leg…” he muttered.

((Approved by SwiftEthan.))

613308 "You're making it sound like people want me dead," Mark said while chuckling. He kept a wary eye on his opponent as he approached, both mentally and physically checking for any sort of feint or other trick. He heard Shade's thoughts as he approached. Well, time to surprise him. He saw his opponent swerve to his right, going for his flank.

Instead of turning to try and kick, as his opponent would expect at this point, Mark simply stood up on his hind legs before swinging his fore hooves down to his right, straight in the path that Shade was taking. If he tries to punch me, I block it with my swing. If he doesn't move out of the way, he has a black eye at the very least.


((Approved by Chainlinc3 and _Medicshy))

Shade threw a punch and snarled as his adversary deflected his blow, sending him back.

“Not that easy,” he said as he landed and sprung into a tackle at Mark’s waist. Being on his hind legs may have saved him from the initial attack but if left him in an unstable position where he would have difficulty moving. Ponies weren’t built to stand on their hind legs for long, after all…

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