The Unity Games 103 members · 1 stories
Comments ( 206 )
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606990 ((approved by Chainlinc3 and Rainbow Bob))
[reaction]: Crafter stood up, the right side of his front shoulder and leg covered in blood. His vision was starting to blur from blood-loss, but not enough to effect his aim.

[action]: Seeing Shadow rushing towards him, sword at the ready. He figured that his foe would most likely be counting on him to use his cannon again, so with a quick calibration of the suits defensive program, Crafter stomped a hoof on the ground, creating a pillar to shoot up from under Shadow. However, this caused the warning light to flash once more, signalling him that he was dangerously low on power.

((Approved by: ShadowBro))
Shadow was so focused on aiming his sword at the cannon that he barely registered the movement as his opponent lifted his hoof. Luna’s voice echoed in his head. Fool you twice... “What?” he answered out loud, just as Crafter’s hoof shot towards the ground. The wall of ice emerged directly under him, and his momentum carried his back legs directly into the swiftly growing ice. He tumbled head over hooves as he came to rest directly in front of his opponent, facing up at him.

Shadow’s horn glowed, preparing a teleportation spell. He rolled to the side, buying the time he needed to activate his lesser used spell to dodge whatever blast that was certain to follow.

607339 ((i think I'm gonna call it for tonight, i went to sleep at 2-3am for the past 3 days :pinkiesick:))

((Okie Dokie Lokie. :pinkiehappy: See ya tomorrow.))

607339(approved by Razorbeam)
[reaction]: Ignoring the suit's energy level warnings, Crafter switched the firing mode of the cannon to 'low energy beam' and took aim as his foe rolled to the side.

[action]: Given how low the suit was on power, he flared up his horn and connected the cannon to his own magic supply. Seeing as how this mode required no charge time, the torrent of icicles towards were quickly sent towards Shadow.

((Approved by: SwiftEthan, Razorbeam))
In a flash of light Shadow disappeared from in front of Crafter, winking into existence on the other side of the ice wall that was just created, and leaving behind his short sword in the process. His teleportation spell left him a bit dazed, and he was forced to sit still for a moment, clearing his head of the stars that invaded his vision.

608395((approved by Razorbeam))
[reaction]: "This is getting ridiculous..." Crafter grumbled, seeing his enemy vanish from thin air. He didn't see where Shadow had teleported too, but that gave him time to focus properly on charging his armor.

[action]: While he poured magic into the armor to let it charge, Crafter spotted the short sword Shadow had been previously using discarded on the ground. Hesitantly, Crafter picked up the sword with his magic.

((Is this Ice wall transparent or opaque?))

((Approved by: ShadowBro))
Shadow ran to the side edge of the dome, not eager to get another surprise blast exiting the wall. He peeked around the side and saw that Crafter’s horn was glowing rather brightly, although the only thing that seemed to be happening was... “Hey!” Shadow shouted. “My sword! Nopony steals from me!”

Shadow charged around the corner, drawing the remaining short sword and dagger from his belt. The dagger he kept next to him, ready to quickly exploit any opening that arose in his opponent’s defense. The short sword flew forward in an overhand blow, aimed at Crafter’s head and visor.

608514((approved by SwiftEthan, Chainlinc3, ShadowBro))

[reaction]: "All's fair in love and wa- GAH!" Crafter started to joke, before realizing that Shadow was charging, sword raised in an overhead swing. Frantic, Crafter rose the sword he stole to block, however his lack of skill caused the flat side of the blade to smack his helmet, cracking the vizor slightly and bringing Crafter to his knees, the strength leaving his body as he bled out.

[action]: This couldn't have been a better position for him. Seeing as how the cannon was still on 'low energy beam' mode, Crafter opened fire, the rapid fire ice bolts quickly closing the distance.

((Approved by: ShadowBro, Razorbeam))
Shadow smirked as he saw his blow’s effect. His smug expression shifted immediately to shock as Crafter dropped to his knees, cannon already letting out a hail ((completely intentional pun)) of spikes that swiftly bridged the short gap between the two unicorns. Shadow twisted to the left mid-step, trying to turn around as fast as possible. His horn flared, gathering energy purely on instinct, but before he could even think of what to target the shards impacted his side, shattering any semblance of concentration he had.

Both of the weapons he held dropped to the ground as he was carried backwards by the force behind the shots. The light leather and chainmail that Shadow wore slowed, but certainly didn’t stop, the piercing projectiles.

When Shadow landed near the side of the wall he had just come from, he rose and limped as fast as he could over to it. He winced in pain as his movement agitated a broken rib. His necklace glowed as he took cover, Luna speaking in his mind. Don’t be such a wimp, Shadow, get back in there. You probably can’t even feel it.

His tone heavy with sarcasm, he muttered, “Of course, my Princess, only, give me a second to pick my spleen up off the ground.” Despite his words, Shadow felt little more than an ache in his right side, due to the numbing effect of the freezing attack. He leaned up against the wall and examined his injured side.

The armor was still intact, but Shadow didn’t even want to think about taking another hit on this side. As he moved to better see, he felt his rib move in his chest. There were cuts up and down his hide, far more than it felt like there should have been, and he was immensely grateful that he couldn’t feel all the damage that had been dealt to him. This whole tournament thing suddenly sounds far less fun than Luna made it out to be. As he thought this, he looked back around the edge of the wall to see how his opponent was faring with his wounds, again flinching as his rib shift.

((Hmmmm, I'm not sure if I enjoy torturing Shadow, or I just feel like I should write more about it because I feel bad for him... Either way, keep shooting him and I may just have a novel done by the end of this. :trollestia: ))

608946((pew pew pew))

608937((approved by ShadowBro and Razorbeam))

[reaction]: Crafter shakily rose to his hooves, growing dizzy with blood loss. The crack in the vizor wasn't that big so he easily saw Shadow leaning against the wall, this gave Crafter an idea.

[action]: Stumbling closer to his opponent, Crafter stomped a hoof, summoning an ice barrier to enclose Shadow, changing firing modes of the cannon to 'sub-zero mist' and waited for Shadow to make a move as he charged the cannon.

((I think I found a better picture of what I think Crafter'sarmor looks like.))

((Unrelated to the fight: That is a super legit picture.))

((Saw this on EqD, totally thought of Crafter and Winter's Breath when I saw it!))

((Duuuuuude. Awesome. Even has Luna. :rainbowdetermined2: ))

((Approved by: ShadowBro))
Shadow only barely glimpsed Crafter as another wall of ice suddenly grew from the ground around Shadow. The ice wall grew, completely surrounding him, and cutting off his view of the world. He sat puzzled for a moment, wondering why his opponent would use this, when it failed to even slow him the first time. Wary of finding another blast in his face as he came out, he walked, wincing with every step, to the furthest wall from Crafter before casting phase and passing easily through to the other side.

Now outside the ring of ice, he moved to look around the side again, as that seemed to be the only thing he could do without getting pelted by increasingly painful forms of freezing death. In the corner of his eye, he noticed a particularly sharp growth of the ice, and it gave him an idea. He broke off three long pointed pieces of the wall, readying them in his telekinetic grip. The instant he saw where his opponent stood, he threw his three improvised spears in rapid succession. Focusing through the pain in his side and chest, he targeted Crafter’s neck, where the tinker had already been wounded. The first shard flew straight, the other two aimed slightly to the side, in case he dodged the first.

611438((curses, all the judges in this timezone are offline!))

((Indeed, I got lucky. ShadowBro came online right when I was checking again, and then went off as soon as he responded.))

611485((lucky dog))

((If you are still looking, ShadowBro just came online.))

611498((yeah he replied to my submission))

611438((approved by ShadowBro))
[reaction/action]: "Got'cha." Crafter coughed as Shadow exited the barrier. He instantly fired the cannon, the cone shaped wall of mist quickly rushing towards his foe, growing wider as it got closer. However, this hid the spears from view, so Crafter did not see the central icicle rush towards his neck. The mist from his own attack built up around the spear, causing it to blunt. Once it was close enough to see, it was too late. The dulled spear punched him in the neck, right where the wound was. Grunting in pain, Crafter struggled to remain standing as fresh blood ran down this right shoulder and foreleg.

611597((Power armor son, motorized joints and crap))

611600 ((i know, i have one too remember?))

611525>>611498 "COME ON CRAFTER!! TURN HIM INTO A POPSICLE!!!!" Archimedes shouted encouraging from the stands "ICE-PONY!! ICE-PONY!! ICE-PONY!!" Archimedes chanted, the spectators close to him who wanted the pony tinkerer to win soon followed.

I can't tell if he's chanting for Crafter the 'ice-pony', or if he wants to see the other guy get turned into an 'ice-pony'... either way, it works.
"ICE-PONY!! ICE-PONY!! ICE-PONY!! ICE-PONY!!" Liu chanted, adding to the rising voices.

((Approved by: Chainlinc))
Shadow, by this point expecting something to come flying at him when he looked around the corner, jerked his head back behind cover as soon as his spikes were thrown. As took a step back the mist reached the edge of the wall, swirling around the wall towards him, almost as if it was giving chase. Shadow flared his horn, phasing the wall he had just come through. He backpedaled away from the approaching mist, but not fast enough, as it flowed over his left foreleg and he immediately lost almost all feeling.

Once inside the area enclosed by barriers he paused. At this point it’s only a matter of time before I get hit and don’t get up. That cannon is going to turn me into a... well, an Ice-pony, he thought, as he heard another jeer from the crowd. Shadow began charging his horn in preparation for a more difficult bit of magic, and shook his leg out, regaining some of the feeling. Time to start the last skirmish. This whole fight has been messy, and mistakes have been made on both sides. Now all that’s left is to take a chance, and see who takes the match.

((I probably won't be able to get on tomorrow, so today will be it. :trixieshiftleft: Prepare yourself.

EDIT: changed "ponysickle" to "Ice-pony" because I misread the taunt, and yeah... :twilightsheepish: ))

611888 ((going to be awhile, need to work on a resume))

611888((wait, are you inside one of my ice domes?))

((Yes. The one that you caused to form around me that I just got out of. I went back in to avoid the mist.))




Shoot me now...

no wait! don't shoot! no more cannon stuff!))

611974 ((:trollestia: *fires cannon* :trollestia:))

611888 ((you gonna loose. why? because you are on thin ice!))

((ICE WAT U DID THAR :rainbowwild:

What have I done?!?! :raritycry: :raritydespair: What have I begun?!?!?!))

611888((approved by Razorbeam))

[reaction]: I really hate that spell... Crafter grumbled to himself as Shadow phased again. Switching to 'low energy beam' mode again, Crafter hobbled over to the cover Shadow was using.

[action]: The cheering of the crowd was giving Crafter the motivation to keep going, he wasn't one to disappoint. "Come out, come out." He taunted, staying just far enough away (so he wouldn't get shanked again if Shadow suddenly jumped out) and keeping his cannon pointed at the dome.

612006 ((you still there?))

((Approved by: Razorbeam))
Shadow heard the hoofsteps of the power armored pony though the wall, and felt them through the ground. He turned, searching his icy prison for anything he could use as a weapon.

He saw plenty of jagged edges in the ice that he could pull off try to swing, but without being able to see his opponent to target his weak points, a sharp icicle would be nothing against the tinker’s armor. Although, he thought, maybe I don’t need a sharp edge... He brought his hoof to the wall and phased a small spherical area, then grasped it with telekinesis and pulled it into the enclosure, resulting in a ball of solid ice about the size of his head. He repeated the process three more times, using the mana that he had stored just before. When he had all four of the balls hovering near him, he limped over to the wall where he had last heard a hoofstep. He waited for one more hoofstep, and even heard a taunt, “come out, come out.” He then phased the wall, but instead of stepping through, he sent all his bludgeons through the wall, aimed at where he believed the other unicorn to be.

((Yeah, I just tried to get one of my moves passed for near 2 hours and then it got shot down. Then I had to make a new one, and .... well, it took a while, sorry bout that. ))

((Welp, turns out I am probably going to be here tomorrow. Even though I didn't get to do the ending gambit I was planning, I'll likely get to continue the battle with you tomorrow.))

612992 ((sweet, considering you survive my next move :trollestia:))

612911((approved by ShadowBro))
[reaction]: Crafter had been expecting Shadow to fly out, not 4 spheres of ice. Two whizzed harmlessly by, one lodged itself into the cannon's barrel, and another hit him right on the knee.

[action}: Shadow clearly hated the right side of his body, for Crafter was sure that his knee was broken. Struggling to remain standing, calibrated the defensive systems to create a pillar the same diameter as the shield, and stomped his left hoof, creating a pillar inside the shield.

" Come on, Crafter! You can pull through!" Half-wing shouts as he stands up, other onlookers shooting him a weird glance. "Get up, and get out there!"

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