The Unity Games 103 members · 1 stories
Comments ( 67 )
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607154 [[fack.. wasnt supposed to have the judges note in there...
that's between me and the judge... lol
And unless Razor wants me to put it back... well...]]

Glaring slightly over at the pegasus next to her, Snowfall responds, "We'll see....we'll see. You better just hope that Skarn doesn't catch him. I know Wastani's not as durable as I am, and Skarn's attacks even give me bruises in sparring."

Rapid just shrugs. "I think the little guy can manage himself." Inside, she worries, knowing exactly the same. One good hit and it could all be over... But Wastani's tougher than he looks. He can do this. Even with her own confidence boost, she leans forward a little, eager to see the match over and Wastani safe.

((I think it's been 2 days of no posting....))

((almost. 1 day, 14 hours))

611141 ((Hmm... someone told me misinformation. Still... Hope he shows back up))

((I'm just going by the time stamp on his last post. I'm not sure how its affected by timezones or anything like that since I can [obviously] only see it all from my own timezone))

611158 ((No, go by the timestamp. It's the best option.))

611147 [[I guess I meant 6PM... whoops. Oh well.. 1 day, 20 hours.]]

605917>>605917>>605917>>605917>>605917 [[HEY! WAKE UP!]]
[[Not being rude, just a friendly reminder via 5 notifications.]]


((Well. RL crap just showed up. I might need to forfeit because I won't be able to do shit for the next three or four weeks.))

611886 [[That sucks huge man. Good luck with that. Although, if you are forfeiting, let me (and Razor) know, because I would rather not have you be DQd tomorrow for latency... T'would be bad.]]


((Yes, I'm going to have to forfeit. Shiest.))

612644 [[Sorry to hear that man... I was looking forward to see if I could outwit you.]]


((And I was looking forward to see if I could give you a hug of death. That would be a funny move right there.))

612657 [[Nah, I'm too small. I would just hide between your pecs.]]

612672 [[and then use them as a David Hasselhoff style launch pad for my awesome zebra acrobatics :derpytongue2:]]

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