The Unity Games 103 members · 1 stories
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605217 ((fixed it. got distracted with food so i forgot to edit it))

604748 ((approved by razorbeam and Chainlinc3))

Archimedes saw that the unicorn jumped to the side but proceeded with his move anyway. Using the length of the halberd Archimedes made a swipe at the unicorns neck. He also noticed the pickaxe heading towards him but he knew how to minimize the damage. Making a small move to his left should make the pickaxe's pick to go wide and it would put Archimedes closer to the unicorn he wanted to behead. He would get hit by the shaft of the pickaxe but he had dealt with worse. The halberd cracked with electrical energy as it was swung. "No, thank you!" He answered as he made his move

((i just now realized that i didn't reply to you the first time *facepalm*))

Comment posted by Hyzaku deleted Aug 5th, 2013

608142 ((I suspected that. Well, that or you died. Or overslept. Anyway, no worries))

Comment posted by Hyzaku deleted Aug 5th, 2013

610765 ((just to be sure. Who approved and are you remembering to note your health, stamina and mana? I'm not suppose to see it but the judge is suppose to note you on it.))

Comment posted by Hyzaku deleted Aug 5th, 2013

610814 ((Approved by _Medicshy))

Archimedes withdrew his extended left paw to avoid the magical slash. Then with a twist of his hand he directed a open-handed slash with his taloned paw at the pony's face.

((Approved by _Medicshy))
Archimedes withdrew his extended left paw to avoid the magical slash. Then with a twist of his hand he directed a open-handed slash with his taloned paw at the pony's face.

Comment posted by Hyzaku deleted Aug 5th, 2013

613751 ((ok, what? This is clearly a double action. I mean you are making a slash AND a bomd at the same time. No unicorn ever has been seen doing two different spells at the same time.))

613751 ((oh wait. You are bluffing to disguise the bomb, you aren't acually doing a slash. Never mind then.))

613751 ((approved by Dracmatai)

Archimedes saw the glowing of the unicorns horn and the implication in his taunt of a slash attack. He also noticed the lack of the slash in the air which meant he had used another spell. explosives Archimedes thought as he executed his counterattack. i need to end this soon he thought as he quickly took three fast steps towards the unicorn to close the gap the jump had created and to avoid the unseen explosion. In his stride he discreetly aimed the contraption on his left wrist at the unicorn and let loose a small shot from the lightning cannon (see shot description in my bio)

Comment posted by Hyzaku deleted Aug 5th, 2013

614525 ((well the first judge i used said it had a 2 meter radius and a two second delay so im confused. you telling me that it is 5 feet (1,5 meters) in diameter meaning it has a 75 cm radius from the point of origin? now, according to me with a timer i can see your action and take three steps forward in 2 second, this leaves me a bit more then 2 meters from your blast point. and why can i make a decision fast? it was in the action. my full attention is at you, i know that you can do a slice and a blast. i can also see that you did not do a slash or that any other spell with a visible effect. this info + INT: S = fast conclusion that you probably put a bomb somewhere to hurt me))

Comment posted by Hyzaku deleted Aug 5th, 2013

615177 ((dunno, doesn't matter now anyway

i made a open handed slash this leaves me with my belly pointing at you. try standing up and taking three steps in a little above average walking speed. you will get further then 2,5 feet in two seconds

you jumped back and threw your head. i see that no slice is coming and deem that you did an explosion. hell even if you did a slice i would have advanced at you. i want to stay close to a guy who is superior to me in range and weaker in melee

your AGI: S has done nothing? i haven't been able to touch you. stop whining.

your blast has no concussive force? what? how? and why was i not being informed by this? you didn't tell me anything about it so "fog of war".

the halberd was stationary after the slash, that or the momentum would have kept it going and you would have missed anyway. again "fog of war"

and last, i have AGI: C because i am wearing armor. Archimedes would unarmored have a AGI: S but a STR: C. the armor gives him strength with the powered hydraulics but is so thick that he can't move as he would unarmored. i discussed this with razorbeam and he said "ok". i have a unaffected AGI: C.

why are you upset? you are winning! i can't hit you to save my life, you have a armor neglecting spell for close combat and a fricking explosion that you can summon on will. i would say that you are OP as all hell but you are approved so i won't complain. now stop this and fight so i can at least get a small chance of winning. i didn't make this character so he would be forgotten after loosing the first round so im gonna keep that promise i made at the first round.


615177 ((are you alive? It's your turn to do something))

Comment posted by Hyzaku deleted Aug 5th, 2013

618772 ((cool, I'm at the gym but I'll try to respond as soon as possible))

Comment posted by Hyzaku deleted Aug 5th, 2013

618812 ((two bloody hours. fuck me. im sorry i couldn't manage to write a reply at the gym and went to my dad to buy food directly after. getting judged now))

618812 ((approved by Nathan traveler))

the storm cannon fired. the 5 meters in front of Archimedes became filled with with electricity in a rather narrow cone. the shot had been fired perfectly.

shame that there was only air there. Archimedes had noticed a quick blink from the pony before the cannon fired. great! so not only is he fast, he can teleport too! he thought angrily. Archimedes looked around to find his enemy. when he turned around he found him standing by the rock spires a distance away from him. i need to get closer. and with that thought Archimedes marched towards his enemy

Comment posted by Hyzaku deleted Aug 5th, 2013

619237 ((how much force are you putting into this? enough to pierce 2 inches of steel?))

Comment posted by Hyzaku deleted Aug 5th, 2013

619289 ((son. of. a. bitch. you have no idea what you just did))

619237 ((Approved by Nathan traveler))

what is he doing no- AAH!! Archimedes thought was interrupted as the pickaxe impacted with his back. the armor was at it's thickest at the back rather then the front for a reason. why? because it was there the reactor was integrated with the suit. no NO NO!! THE REACTOR!!!. archimedes thought in half panic as he reached with his left to feel what had hit him. his talons fell on the pickaxe and he quickly removed it. To his horror the pickaxe seemed to have pierced the shield.

to say archimedes was now furious would be a grave understatement. with every single piece of enhanced strength he had he threw the pickaxe at the unicorn. after this he simply sprinted forward, halberd in his right and left paw raised, the cannon glowing with energy.

Comment posted by Hyzaku deleted Aug 5th, 2013

619420 ((i won't tell you because you wouldn't know but i got it covered, Nathan can can vouch for me. after all even i can't know where exactly the generator was hurt so i have a general effect to it. and i don't want you acting as if you knew. hell, you don't even know what you just did or the possible effects. what you know is that you have a pickaxe flying at you at the speed of a cannonball and that i am rushing at you.))

Comment posted by Hyzaku deleted Aug 5th, 2013

619479 ((eh, i never took it out of the right hand. there must have been a misunderstanding somewhere along the line))

Comment posted by Hyzaku deleted Aug 5th, 2013

619525 ((i was holding the halberd with both hands there. i still held the halberd with the right hand and simply slid the left out of the was of the slash. but i fail to see the relevance in this now.

and stop asking these questions. not even archimedes knows for certain that the reactor is damage (it is). all will be made clear so make a move already!))

Comment posted by Hyzaku deleted Aug 5th, 2013

619614 ((point, sorry. well right now there would not be any sparks. the damage is after all not that great as you only hit it with the pickaxe. realistically you could have hit the main boiler thus making be loose all pressure and therefor draining me of power instantly. you could also have hit the main energy distributor which would give me a big problems but i would never actually loose power. i decided that it will overload. it will become to out of control for me to wield safely in X number of turns (your action + my action = turn). the overload doesn't give me a boost or anything but the reactor will have a violent crash depending on how long i keep using it but it will blow at turn X+1 if i don't take it off (which brings another thing but that can wait). for now there are no sparks but you will see some as time progresses))

Comment posted by Hyzaku deleted Aug 5th, 2013

619801 ((it must take serious telekinetic skill to not only catch a object that travels at the speed of a cannon ball but also spinning it around yourself and flinging it back (with more kinetic force that was already there) accurately at someone that is running towards you. do you really have that skill?))

Comment posted by Hyzaku deleted Aug 5th, 2013

619801 ((approved by Nathan traveler))

archimedes did no act to dodge the incoming projectile. he wouldn't need to as the cannon was fully charged.

out of the cannon came a meter thick beam of pure lightning. the heat was enough to turn the dust under it to glass and the recoil was enough to kick up a clout of dust as it traveled forward. the beam hit the pickaxe in flight, the kinetic power of the beam enough to make it drop to the ground before it reached archimedes. his kept running towards his opponent with his halberd in his right paw, pure rage hiding behind his mask.

619979 ((welp, I need to bed it now. It is 3 in the morning here and I have school tomorrow and need to be up at 7. I'm gonna be a zombie. I really hate to say it but you will highly likely win on leading in damage due to the generator hit if this ends now. Can't say I'm happy by any means as I would much more have liked to play this to the point where one was defeated but you can't get everything in life. Hope I get over this eventually. But who knows. Maybe some miracle (for me that is) will happen and I will win (but I doubt it). Anyway, see ya.))

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