The Unity Games 103 members · 1 stories
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Group Admin

If both duelists involved would kindly let me know that they are ready, this duel can begin. If one of the dueling parties does not report in (ready or otherwise) before Wednesday [1/9/2013], they will forfeit the match. If neither report in, both will forfeit.

Whether you are ready or not, please make it known in an ((OOC)) post here in this thread.

This match concluded [1/13/2013] with musicman722 as the victor by default.

((All ready on my end.))

((I'm ready))

Garret sat near the center of the arena, a bored look on his face as he waited for his opponent to show up.
602184 ((Wanna RP a bit while we wait for Razor?))


Silver silently stepped up behind his opponent, assessing what he could do before jumping in front of him and holding out a deck of cards. "Wanna play some poker?"

((let's try not to go too into detail with that. Just a few posts since we have a battle to do.))

602233 ((Woo))
He notices a slight noise behind him, but disregards it as his imagination. Suddenly, a Diamond Dog, jumps in front of him, "Whaa! Oh, hey, poker sounds great. Name's Garret, I'm guessing you're Silver Slip, then." Holding out a claw, " Nice to meet you!"

602263 Silver slip shakes back with one paw as he uses to other to single pawedly shuffle and deal the cards. "Yeah that's me. Expert thief. Oh and you might not want to wrap any shinies in this stuff. Kinda awkward for both of us." Silver pulls out a wad of griffon lingere and dumps out the coins from it into the stakes pile.

((all i know about your character is that he's a traveler. So i assume he's been places..if you know what i mean.:trollestia::moustache:))

602278 ((Eh, why the hell not, It'll be fun.:rainbowwild:))
"..." He immediately turns around and checks his pack, noticing the distinct lack of all his money, "You're good, I'll give you that much!"

Looking at his cards & pointedly ignoring the wad of garments to the side, "So, thief huh? Well, you obviously have the talent for it, I hope you're as good at cards."

602300 Silver slip performs card tricks and shuffles left and right, rolling them up his arm and shooting them from palm to palm, "Eh, I dabble." With quick dexterity, he deals the cards. "Let's play."

602326((I think I'm gonna time skip a bit if you don't mind... I've never been that good at poker. >.<))
Garret looks between his small stack of coins and the much larger one next to his opponent, "Fold. I feel like this is a rather one sided game." Pushing the hands pot towards Silver with a chuckle & sly grin, "You probably need it more anyways."


Silver stacked up all the shinies around his body. "Come to Papa!" He then proceeded to roll around in the gold and make a small little bed for him to rest in while he waited for the match to start. One would think he was in a deep sleep with the loud snoring, but those who knew him (which were few) would see that it was a ruse for the naive to try and steal his money.

I don't think I've ever seen someone sleep on coins before! That just looks, uncomfortable. Hm, I wonder.
Picking up his remaining coins, the Gryphon holds them between his talons, and starts flicking them at Silver one at a time.

602373 Silver doesn't mind the coins being flicked at him at all. It was more for him. He just hoped the griffon wasn't foolish enough to try to steal from him.

602390 ((Well, that dried up quick:twilightoops:. I'm looking forward to the fight.))

After finally running out of money, Garret decides to go put his pack away, then returns to the center to take a short nap until Aurus starts the match.

Group Admin

601580, 602184
((I am opening this duel. You may now fight one another. Please follow this link to see the list of judges.

You must conclude your duel, either by killing blow (judge's rule), forfeit, or voting decision. A vote will be held by default in the event that the duel is not completed by 12:00 a.m. [-5:00 GMT] on Saturday [1/12/2013].

Fight with honor!))

Aurus rose from his seat suddenly, drawing a hush over the crowd and ready combatants alike. His smile was one of excitement, and it was clear from the tone that ventured forth from his throat that he was just as eager as those in the stands who were barely repressing their words to hear him speak.

"It is clear that you are all excited to see this match, and I an right there with you! Lets not delay, and commence the battle, one which I am sure will be monumental. This duel between Silver and Garret should not be taken lightly. Not now, or ever in the future, as this will be a moment of history to be remembered gloriously for ages to come!"

The crowd roared in excitement, stilling once more for Aurus' final words before the unleashing of this once-in-a-lifetime event.

"Begin the match!"

The deafening roars that followed drowned out the trailing of even his mighty voice, and any hope that the clash of steel or a blast of magic had to be heard.

602415 ((you wanna go first or me?))

603361 ((You go ahead, it'll be ~30 min before I can do anything anyways. EDIT Wow, I was a lot more accurate than I thought. @ 30 minutes, 41 seconds ago ))

603364 ((kay))
[[Approved by Nathan Traveler]]
Silver jumped up at the sound of the starting call. "Welp, time to fight." He immediately dashed to the left, whipping out his bow and a diamond tipped arrow. Taking steady aim, he shot towards the wings of his opponent.

[[Approved by: Crafter, Doorknobs]]
Seeing Silver release his bow-string, Garret sprints towards the Diamond Dog, lowering his wings to present as small a target as possible, a sharp pain shooting through his wing as the arrow dents the thin armor.

[[Approved by Nathan Traveler]]
Silver watched as the griffon charged him. Timing it right, he jumped and barely cleared the griffon's head. "Sorry, Charlie." As he was suspended in the air, he released a handful of marbles right into the griffon's path. "But this just ain't your day."

((had to use that Home Alone 3 ref:rainbowlaugh:))

603786 ((You have no idea how badly I wanted to post him doing a literal tail spin because of that.))
[[Approved by: _Medicshy]]
Seeing the marbles fall in front of him, almost as if in slow motion, Garret places a talon on a small protruding rock & flaps his wings as hard as possible, hoping to clear the marbles, wincing as the stone digs into his flesh.

Just as he lands,"Ha, thought you had me!" the Gryphon swipes a back paw at the marbles lying in the grass, sending a pawful of them flying through the air towards Silver.

604246 ((well why didn't you? I was kinda hoping you would.))

605445 ((I'd like to get at least one hit in.:derpytongue2:))

605503 ((True. but it would have been funny as hell:rainbowlaugh:))

605508 ((Yes, yes it would've. & do you know if you'll be posting tonight? Because if not, I have some other things that I'd like to focus on.))

605817 ((i will. sorry, i just got home.:twilightsheepish: gimme a sec.))

[[Approved by Nathan Traveler]]
Silver raised a paw in front of his face to block any stray marbles from his eyes as they bounced off of his hoodie and body. "Nice try." he said. Silver whipped out one of his poison darts ((like a blow dart)) and shot it straight at the griffon's exposed flesh on his neck.

((hey are you showing my post to the judges as well?))

606343 ((I'm linking to this post, & I'm getting sick of having shit thrown at me. :ajbemused: It makes it difficult to hit you. (yes this is a jest.)))

606493((in the words of Rainbow Dash, "Deal with it" That's just how Silver rolls. I'm trying not to make him OOC.:rainbowdetermined2: If you read your opponent's bio, you would be better prepared. Just saying.:twilightsmile:))

606529 ((Oh I read it. I have it open while writing, it just comes down to the fact that I'm a melee character, and slower...))

606545((well, sorry. :unsuresweetie: I can't help you there. Now back to the fights!:pinkiehappy:))

606552 ((sorry it's taking so long. I forgot to hit the send button, and waited for a while before I noticed. The last kinks are getting approved/violently destroyed with logic as I type.))

606817((Eeexcellent. my plan is coming together.:pinkiecrazy: Soon, the world (of the UG) will be mine!:pinkiecrazy: MUAHAHAHAHA!!:twilightoops: [just get the post in as soon as you can]))

[[Approved by: ShadowBro, SwiftEthan]]
Expecting a counterattack, Garret turns his left side towards his opponent, fanning out his wing just in time to feel a slight tap on his armor, ā€œIā€™m getting tired of you throwing crap at me.ā€

Pulling his Tesla weapon from its holster, Garret lowers his wing & takes aim, calmly placing Silver in the cross hairs, just like he was taught. He depresses the trigger, closing his eyes at the last possible moment as a blinding light fills the arena, arcing towards the Diamond dog.

[[Approved by Nathan Traveler]]
Silver watched as the Garret whipped out that lightning gun of his and point it at him. Silver's eyes widened, "Oh HELL NO!" With his lightning fast reflexes, he whipped out one of his knifes and tossed it in the air before him, creating another target for the gun to hit.

Once it was in the air, he dropped to the ground with his bow at the ready as he shielded his eyes.

((yes, I did do that pun on purpose. No I do not regret it.:trollestia:))

606957 ((You forgot the Approval tag))

606974 ((Now I'm sad... I'm going to, I don't know, do something as I contemplate how to best forestall my seemingly inevitable defeat.))

606985((hey, It was a good run:pinkiesad2:, but this fight needs a winner.:eeyup: Just keep trying! :twilightsmile:Maybe you'll think of something.:trixieshiftright:))

606999 ((I'm getting hurt by stepping on rocks while you stop lightning with knives, I find myself with few options.))

607014((okay the lightning with knives was simple electricity, but how are you being hurt by rocks?:rainbowhuh: I threw marbles and you threw them back at me! And a few options is better than none!:pinkiehappy: Just try somthing!))

((Eehhh!! Nonononono, physics disagrees with you strongly here. I have no authority since you didn't consult me, but I feel obligated, in the Name of Physics, to point this out!!))

607031 ((I already sent my post to ShadowBro. & I took damage when I grabbed on to the rock to push myself over the marbles, due to all of my weight being put on a small portion of my body (Ever step on a Lego before?), not much, but still.))

607037(( he's using a Tesla gun and last time i checked, iron, steel and metals used to make blades conduct electricity.:trixieshiftright:))

607040((ah, I see. and yes I've stepped on legos before. Many times.:fluttershyouch:))

((Conduction, yes. Grounding immediately, no. The lightning would still travel onwards because it hasn't found a superior pathway to get to the ground. The knife is in midair and therefore is still surrounded by highly resistive air, whereas you standing on the ground provides an excellent, direct path straight to the dirt.))

((And it still doesn't matter. I'm not judging your posts. *shrugs* ))

607057 ((My question to this is, where's the ground? It's been a while since I've dealt with physics, chemistry, or any of the other things like that, but that's the first thing I think of.))

[[Approved by: ShadowBro]]
Seeing Silver lying on the ground, Garret pounces towards him, hoping to pin him.

607078((okay fair point. but the knife is farther from him than it is to the ground. it would be faster for the lightning to hit the ground from there than to hit Silver.:trixieshiftright: Excuse me if i haven't brushed up on electricity lately, I'm just going off what i know and what seems logical.:eeyup:))

((That MAY work, but then you'd have to draw a diagram and stuff and it's really not worth the effort. All I know is that my Physics Senses went off, but it may have been a false alarm. Her Majesty Princess Physics is a fickle master, and sometimes I get jittery trying to please her. Please accept my humble apologies if I was rude.))

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