The Unity Games 103 members · 1 stories
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((The angle isn't the issue. It's the fact that I'm standing right underneath you facing the opposite direction. My shield is moving from your tail forward, aiming to hit you in your stomach/chest. In order for the dagger throw and the grip to work, both would have to happen while the shield was still somewhere around your back legs in order to occur before the shield slams into you.

That, and the grip thing. Ponies do play the fiddle, yes. But they do it by gripping things in the crook of their hoof. That's effectively like grabbing things with your wrist. It's possible, but not nearly strong enough for preventing the throw.))

616279 ((No, your agility doesn't let you break physics. You are coming down from the air, correct? If you were trying to go over, if tracked by the shield, your grab would be useless, as you'd crash headfirst into the ground. Since you're coming down, Snowfall swept her shield to smash into your stomach from below, You can throw your dagger as you fall, but your trajectory is set in the action. In my opinion you are hit either way, and whether you go flying to stay on the shield depends on the mechanics of the knife you threw and your strength to grip it.))


((The blade hits the shield and carnegie gets slammed back into the pillar, out of breath. You want that? :D You want me to just give you the match?))

616311 ((It's not him wanting you to give him the match, it's you already having done it, then going "Nope, I can anything!" and contradicting your own post.))

((Its not that, its just not physically possible.

((Alright. Just let Snowfall bash me. I'll accept it. Just dont make it an instant kill/blow))

((I don't decide that, physics does. And science is a cruel mistress when scorned or misused. Sorta like you did))

((All right. Made it so that you can hit me. Make your move.))

((it's not an instant kill, it just hurts. Change your post, PM it to a judge, they'll figure it out.))

((Approved by RainbowBob))
Counter: Carnegie saw what the mare was doing. Thinking quickly, Carnegie threw Rigor Mortis at the shield. The dark blade flew at the shield and pierced it, the hilt poking from the exterior. Carnegie continued to fall, right into the shield of the mare.

'The things I do for mares...' he thought.

((I already did. My previous post assumes the completion of the arc, whether the attack hits or not. If you can't figure out a way to dodge it that's physically possible [and for the record, there are some], work out the consequences of the failed dodge with a judge and then we're good to go.))

((I know I must seem really nit-picky right now, but no, I don't want you to just hand me the match. You just have a habit of giving up your biggest advantages for the sake of looking cool. It works in movies, but not really anywhere else.))

((I can't put the consequences of my own attack into my post. That has to come from you. If you don't succeed in dodging the attack then your counter would be throwing the knife and then being slammed into the pillar. Your action still hasn't happened. Even if you just say that you roll around on the ground and try to recover, it needs to be there.

Just saying that you throw the knife still leaves you hanging half-way through my last action.))

((Approved by RainbowBob))

Attack: Landing harshly on the ground, Carnegie spat out blood from reliving the same scenario again. He snapped. Snaowfall was not an opponant anymore. She was his "prey." With Rigor Mortis still stuck on the shield of the attacking mare, Carnegie bit through the pain once again to make his move.

Carnegie rolled to the left of the pillar and levitated Rigor Mortis to him. If the mare missed, he would throw it to her exposed flank. If she did not, he would use his final levels of magic to teleport away again, losing his magic and Rigor Mortis.

((Psst, there is my attack))

((Awaiting approval for my response))

((Approved by: ShadowBro))

Snowfall looks over at her opponent, and at the gash cut clean through her shield. That thing's seriously bad news. Gotta play it careful. One wrong step and that thing'll cut me open...

Rather than rush in to attack, Snowfall once again crouches behind her shield as she slowly begins to back away from Carnegie and the pillar he stands next to, moving more or less in the direction of the pillar he himself had been standing on a short while ago.

((I know it's not the most exciting tactic in the world, but it's effective, and is Snowfall's preferred method of combat against an opponent with superior agility.))

((Approved by RainbowBob))
Carnegie shakily got to his hooves, Rigor Mortis in his mouth, his blade continuing to feed off his magic but at a much slower pace. He was injured and needed to get his strength back up but soon. Seeing his prey inch away from him, he decided to not attack her with Rigor Mortis; save his remaining magic.

Calling away his blade, he smirked at his target and ran into the jungle of spires, away from Snowfall.

"Come hither, dear! Ha ha!" he taunted.

((I'll be back later tonight, dude.))

Seeing her opponent turn and run off into a dense thicket of stone spires, Snowfall thinks to herself, He's faster than me, and he really thinks I'm gonna be able to chase him through that? Not on his life. I'm a Royal Guard, I've got lots of practice standing around doing nothing while I wait for something to happen. Time to put that to good use.

With that, she turns and walks over to the pillar she had been backing towards, and stands there to wait; listening for any sound that might tip her off to his approach through invisibility or from behind.

((This turmoil has teached me! Tell Medicshy that I a sowwy.))

((Approved by RainbowBob))
Carnegie went past spire after spire, going deep into the arena. It was time for a change of plans. Carnegie nearly lost the match with the reckless behavior. He lost his magic and Rigor Mortis, and some of his self respect. He searched through his belt, looking for some salves to rub on his scratches.

He needed to rest before he could face her again. He rubbed medicinal salves around his legs to alleviate the pain and sores. Then, I brilliant idea struck him. Since Snowfall showed that she is not being a good sport, he did not have to hold back! She certainly did not. He smiled a dastardly smile. As he rubbed aloa on his cuts, he yelled to the mare.

"You are pretty good! So much better than the rest of the cowardly Equestrian Royal Guard!" he yelled. He knew Snowfall would stay out there but Carnegie just needed the right bait.

((We need dialouge, dude, to make this enjoyable to read))

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