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Group Admin

If both duelists involved would kindly let me know that they are ready, this duel can begin. If one of the dueling parties does not report in (ready or otherwise) before Wednesday [1/9/2013], they will forfeit the match. If neither report in, both will forfeit.

Whether you are ready or not, please make it known in an ((OOC)) post here in this thread.

This duel was concluded [1/14/2013] with Aziraphael as the victor by majority vote.

Rapid Fire cheers in the stands, already excited despite the fact that nothing had happened yet. Before they even hit the field, she's already cheering. "C'mon Snowfall! You've got this! Kick his ass!"

((Ready to go Cap'n))

Waiting for the action to begin, Half-wing starts cheering his side.

"Y'got this, Snowfall! Beat the stuffing out of your opponent!"

((I'm ready! How about you!))

The stands were crowded, but Mark was feeling giddy from the excitement. "BEAT HIM, SNOWFALL! YOU'RE THE UNMOVABLE OBJECT, REMEMBER THAT!"

Brazen takes a seat near Rapid, looking into the arena he sees Snowfall and a pale coated unicorn about to begin, "Come on Snow! If you lose to any unicorn it should be me! Now wipe the floor with him!" Brazen shouts egging on Snow.

A small, glowing, metallic ball blinked into existence, hovering in one of the seats.

This was a Remembrall. A fairly standard interrogation device that most military ponies in Germaney knew, it saved a video record of the things that happened in the area. A memory crystal allowed the user to review the recording. This particular device belonged to Wind Spark, Storm Blitz's wife.

((Just going to leave this here...))

Skarn gets up and leans on one of the benches, his armor removed. letting out a bellow, he stamps his hoof against the ground and pounds his chest.

"Fight with honor, Snowfall! Never accept defeat!"

Snowfall walked calmly into the arena, letting the cheering of the crowd wash over her. I've never been much for public appearances, but this should be fun, she smirks to herself, her grin hidden under her helmet.

As she reaches the center of the arena, she stops and takes her helmet off to look over the crowd. Most of the cheering comes across as just noise, so she gives a few waves and smiles to the crowd. One voice, though, manages to cut through the din and be heard clearly. Looking over in that direction, Snowfall is soon able to pick put the form of a large minotaur cheering loudly for her. What do you know, he got here even before I did.

Looking directly at Skarn, she gives a wink and blows a kiss in his direction with an armored hoof, before sitting in the arena, almost lounging, as she waits for the duel to start.

"Huh, looks like she made some friends." said Carnegie. As the gates opened, he trotted casually into the arena, the sand was below him warm and strangely relaxing on his hooves. His attention, however, was directed at the the mare clad in impressive armor. A royal guard for the Equine princesses by the looks of it.

The crowd around him cheered his name. It felt surreal to Carnegie; an assassin being cheered by a crowd. He examined the mare in front of him: proud, white-tooth smile, clad in armor. Standard guard...

'Shouldn't judge, though.' he thought. Shaking his head, he bowed to his opponent. His strangely beautiful opponent. 'No! Don't let that come up again, Carnegie! You are better than that!' he mentally berated himself. Looking at the mare in armor, he introduced himself.

"Name's Carnegie."

((The wings aren't there permanently; they're spectral and only show up if I summon them. Unless the equipment list from our roster listing is available in game, she would keep them hidden to use the element of surprise. If that information is public, then yeah, she'd have them out to show off :rainbowwild:))

Seeing her opponent approaching, Snowfall stands and greets her dark-cloaked opponent. "So you're Carnegie," she says, holding out a hoof. "I've heard rumors about your...exploits around the city. I'm Snowfall, Commander of the Night Guard garrison in the Frozen North. I've been itching for a good fight since I got here, and all the paperwork they've had me doing hasn't helped matters any, so let's make this interesting," she says with a wink and a mischevious smirk.

602745>>602634 ((The info is hidden))

((I'm SORRY! Let me erase that!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:))

Blushing, Carnegie tentatively shook Snowfall's hoof. The assassin looked into her eyes, his eyes bore into the mare's. His lifeless, purple, eyes scanned her armor, looking for any weaknesses he could exploit.

He tried his best to not be to thorough with his search.

Smiling at the guard, he addressed her,

"Interesting? How?" he asked rhetorically. This mare has absolutely no idea what he has in store. Of course, he won't reveal that.

((Expect responses to be late. I am working on something right now.))

Noticing her opponent looking over her armor, she couldn't resist the temptation to turn slightly in his direction and give her armored flank a little wiggle. "Like what you see? Well, I suppose I can't really blame you for looking, just keep your hooves to yourself," she says, her smirk widening.

"And by 'interesting, I mean 'entertaining'." She gestures around the filled stadium as she continues. "All these ponies are here for a show. Live it up a little. Give 'em something to remember."

Looking the the waiting crowd, and to the other champions he would possibly face in the future, he smirked at the mare.

"As you wish, ma'am." And with that, the assassin leaped backwards a few meters away from his opponent. With sand of the arena sent flying away from his landing, Carnegie took his combat stance. He was ready for battle not with a target, but with a respected guard. He admired that.

"Promise not to bleed on my cloak and I will kill you quickly." he joked. Although, he would still joke around with his opponent. He relished those type of reactions...

Seeing her opponent jump back and ready himself for battle, Snowfall deftly flipped her helmet back onto her head, clearly showing off. "Oh, it's not my blood you'll have to worry about," she says with a light chuckle. "I may not specialise in solo fights, but you're gonna be in for a very unpleasant surprise if you think that'll make this easy for you." With a few quick stomps of her armored hooves to secure her footing, she lowers herself into a defensive crouch and raises her shield.

EDIT: ((Since it's not in my character description, her shield looks like a Hunter's shield from Halo. It doesn't do anything to change its functionality, but that's the best way I can come up with to explain how she can still use it effectively and not have it impede her ability to walk or maneuver. Curse you earth ponies and your lack of hands! [that and it just looks more awesome that way :D] ))

'A shield? Kind of overkill, especially with that unnecessary armor you've got. Will only slow you down.' Carnegie thought. Still, that armor was going to be a problem. Carnegie needed to get rid of that armor in order to do real damage to the mare.

'Maybe... no. Not that. I don't want to kill her.' Carnegie brushed that thought away. He had something that could cut through Snowfall's armor like butter. Unfortunately, it would cut through her as well. He decided to just find weak points and chinks to exploit. Once he got it that armor off, he could move in to do actual damage.

This was his priority: Get rid of that armor! Once he did that, he would be able to see what she looks like... under that hot, bulky suit of armor.

'She would probably be sweaty. She probably looks better without that stuff on anyway. A soft warm coat with luscious...' Carnegie blushed. He giggled manically at his lewd thoughts...

*slap, slap*

Slapping himself, the assassin pushed all thoughts out of his mind and prepared his horn. The appendage glowed a dull silver as he abandoned his previous demeanor and entered his "predator" state of mind.

He breathed in... and out.

Like the wings of hornet, three thin, tiny, blades blurringly shooting out from his cloak and circled his body, all wrapped in a silver aura.

The assassin anticipated his opponents next move.

Group Admin

601558, 602261
((I am opening this duel. You may now fight one another. Please follow this link to see the list of judges.

You must conclude your duel, either by killing blow (judge's rule), forfeit, or voting decision. A vote will be held by default in the event that the duel is not completed by 12:00 a.m. [-5:00 GMT] on Saturday [1/12/2013].

Fight with honor!))

Aurus rose from his seat suddenly, drawing a hush over the crowd and ready combatants alike. His smile was one of excitement, and it was clear from the tone that ventured forth from his throat that he was just as eager as those in the stands who were barely repressing their words to hear him speak.

"It is clear that you are all excited to see this match, and I an right there with you! Lets not delay, and commence the battle, one which I am sure will be monumental. This duel between Carnegie and Snowfall should not be taken lightly. Not now, or ever in the future, as this will be a moment of history to be remembered gloriously for ages to come!"

The crowd roared in excitement, stilling once more for Aurus' final words before the unleashing of this once-in-a-lifetime event.

"Begin the match!"

The deafening roars that followed drowned out the trailing of even his mighty voice, and any hope that the clash of steel or a blast of magic had to be heard.

((And away we go....))

Snowfall sees the thin blades begin circling her opponent. Well, I figured he would have a fighting style like this, but that's still annoying. I hate unicorns who try to mimic a real fighter's style.

She scoffs in derision, "So that's your idea of a show? levitating around some shiny knitting needles? I thought this was supposed to be a fight, not a meeting at a retirement home." As she speaks, she slowly begins circling her opponent. He'll be faster than me, and he's got the range advantage. I'v got to wait for him to commit and then get in close. If I can keep him from getting range on me, I should be able to take him.

((Also, do we have terrain? I probably missed the post on that because I do that a lot......))

((Assume that the arena has sand on the ground. Go to Razorbeam's above to find a judge to approve your attack. You choose a judge and I will go with him as well.))

'All my targets mocked my knives. They later found them lodged in their throat. This mare does not know who she is dealing with.' Carnegie ignored the irksome roar of the crowd and only focused on his opponent. Snowfall began to circle the assassin. Waiting for him to strike. Carnegie really wanted to laugh at this.

As a trained assassin, Carnegie learned to never charge first, giving his targets a chance to strike. He let them come to him and that is when he could make his move. Snowfall's armor would restrict that chance so he needed to get rid of it.

Snowfall left his field of vision but he did not follow her movements. He did not need to do that. Carnegie continued to circle his blades, calmly breath in and out, and not speak a word. He anticipated her attack.

((Seriously, find a judge.))

((I was afraid this would happen at some point...both of us rely on counters so much that neither wants to make the first move :rainbowlaugh:

Well, fine then. I'm impatient, so I'll go first. Incoming combat thingy.))

Comment posted by tragicCaligula deleted Jan 9th, 2013

((Approved by: RainbowBob))

Snowfall circled her opponent until it became apparent that he would neither turn to follow her, nor make an attack of his own. Well, this is annoying. Time to get this show on the road.

With that, she charged forward from behind him and swung her shield around in a backhand directed at Carnegie's right flank. No sense in committing too strongly right off the bat. Let's see what he does...

((Going away for a while. I'll be on later. Razor explained the terrain by the way.))

((Yeah, I just saw the post. That'll make dealing with mages a lot easier for whichever one of us makes it past this fight. Later dood.))

((Approved by RainbowBob))

'Just as planned...'

Hearing the heavy footsteps coming from behind him, the assassin swiftly leaped into the air, avoiding a nasty bash from Snowfall's shield. In the air, Carnegie looked back down at Snowfall: her helmet and her leg armoring had to go first.

"My turn..." Carnegie whispered. Before he started falling, he quickly sent his three daggers flying straight at the mare. He hoped that her armor was strong enough to block them, though...

1) Did you jump in a direction, or just straight up?
2) did your turn end with Carnegie still in the air?))

((Approved by: RainbowBob))

Snowfall sees Carnegie leap deftly into the air over her attack and spin to hurl the three daggers at her. Huh. I expected better. She takes a step back, pulling her shield back in front of her to deflect the daggers.

As the daggers bounce harmlessly off the thick metal plate, and Carnegie falls back to the earth, Snowfall takes a step forward, thrusting her already positioned shield ahead of her to slam the falling pony with the heavy sheet of metal. Let's see if he's as good at dodging things while he's in mid air, she thought with a smirk.

((Carnegie's daggers and knives are made from an ore that is as strong as obsidian. Remember that.))

((Since obsidian is glass, I don't think I'll have to worry :trollestia:

Back to being serious: I know what you meant, but unless all of your weapons can pierce metal plates with without consequence, I think I'm fine. I know your weapons are really sharp, and they'll definitely do some damage if they get into one of the joints on her armor or something, but unless they hit a weak point, my armor will do its job. You already have a weapon that makes her plate mail irrelevant, you don't need all of them to do it.))

EDIT: ((afk for a while. I'll probably be back around 11ish EST [GMT -5, I believe]))

((Approved by RainbowBob))
As he fell, Carnegie saw the mare charge towards him, hoping to bash him with her shield before he could land safely. However, the assassin had a trick up his sleeve. Whilst he was in the air from his previous dodge, the assassin got a good view of the arena. The large spires of rock jutting from the ground, the uneven, slick ground, the ugly grass, and ponds of murky water. An idea formed in the unicorn's mind but first...

'A simple teleportation to the top of the spires should suffice.' Carnegie charged his horn and vanished in a flash of silver, vanishing a mere second before the slow mare could hurt him with her shield.

Reappearing on top of one the towering rock spires, Carnegie allowed his body to rest while he thought up of a plan.

"Why don't you take that armor off for me, Snowy? I would love to see how you look underneath that bothersome armor." Carnegie taunted. But first, some mocking!

((Who approved the post? Just want to make sure this doesn't end early on a DQ for a technicality))

((Fixed. Lets finish this battle already. Saturday is almost upon us.))

((Approved by: RainbowBob))

As Snowfall thrusts her shield forward, Carnegie disappears in a flash of light. Tch, should have known the coward wouldn't fight like a real warrior. Unicorns like him never do.

She looks around the arena, trying to catch a glimpse of where the unicorn had disappeared to. He's got to be around here somewhere. That teleport was too fast for him to have gone far. Luckily, her search isn't necessary, as Carnegie's taunting voice drifts down to her from a nearby spire. She turns to face him and readies her shield.

((Dialouge shouldn't be approved. I don't think...))

"Oh, just put that shield down and use a piece of wood to fight me. Or at least use your hooves; a weapon, at least." Carnegie said. He looked down to the mare below him, she looked so cute with that grumpy face. "Or better yet, take off the armor, please," he pleaded. "You show me yours, and I'll show you mine!" the assassin wiggled his eyebrows.

((Too bad you can't see her face :rainbowwild:))

Snowfall simply stood, braced behind her shield, ignoring her opponent's cat-calling. She had taken his bait in the beginning and he had run away. This time, he would be the one to come to her.

((Approved by RainbowBob))
"All right, before we start trying to kill each other, let me have this drink!" Carnegie took out a black canteen from his saddle-pouches concealed with his cloak. He uncorked the top and relished in the aroma. "To us!" Carnegie gulped down his drink, he audibly swallowed the beverage. Euphoria was present in his face. "Woo! I love milk and honey!" Carnegie put away the canteen and stretched his body. Looking below to the somewhat dark and murky ground below him. He smiled...

"I forgot to mention that I am skilled in the field of illusion," he smirked. "I enjoy breaking the minds of my more... despicable targets before I end their wretched lives. Would like a demonstration?" he asked.

((You guys need a judge or an actual action.))

((I know. Now that action is about to happen, I'm sending my response off to get it approved. Cause this one will actually affect the incoming combat.))

((Approved by: RainbowBob))

Snowfall made no indication that she had heard Carnegie's words aside from movement. Never turning her body away from the unicorn on the spire, she slowly backed over to a nearby pillar, stopping when she felt the plates on her rump make contact with the stone, her shield still readied before her.

She took one last look around the arena, trying to remember as much of the layout as she could. Give me your best shot, coward. You can cloud my mind all you want, but the best illusion in the world won't matter if I can ignore it.

((Approved by Rainbowbob))
Carnegie focused his magic on his spell. Although this particular charm wasn't a mind-breaker, it was still one of his most effective (and favorite) when fighting and opponent... or stalking them. Looking at the mare below him one last time, he smirked as he released the magic from his horn and let it flow through his body.

"Now you see me," he said, his voice icy and lifeless. Slowly but surely, his body began to vanish into nothing; turning invisible. "Now you don't." said the cloaked Carnegie. His body was completely undetectable. The illusion spell, Invisibility bent light around his body rather than it getting absorbed and shot back out, revealing his form to the naked eye.

Carnegie had many knives ready for Snowfall but he had to work fast. The spell drained his magic at a fast pace. He had to get rid of, at least, Snowfall's helmet and a section of armor protecting her upper body.

Ready and willing, the invisible assassin leaped off the tower of rock and landed on the ground in front of Snowfall. He made an intentional dust cloud to reveal his position to the mare only for a second to give her a fighting chance. He was a gentlecolt, after all.

"I'll be right behind you, Snowy!" he exclaimed from his spell.

((Tommorrow we need to finish this! Ok? Lets do as much as we can today))

((Approved by: RainbowBob))

Snowfall saw her opponent vanish from the top of his pillar, and the cloud of dust kicked up when he landed. A quick glance to the pillar behind her assured her that her sight was still working properly. I didn't feel any magic, and I can still see the terrain the same. Invisibility maybe?

Keeping her back to the pillar, Snowfall crouches, keeping her shield raised to minimize the number of gaps in her armor as she waited for her opponent to reveal himself, or for an attack to land on her armor.

((Tell me the design if Snowfall's armor. Is it like regular armor or what? Any openings beneath her legs? All armor needs that for limb flexibility.))

((It's a thick suit of full-plate armor, articulated with overlapping plates to allow for near-full range of movement. Her helm covers her whole head and face, and her shield is as described before. There are still joints and weak points where the plates overlap, but actually prying the plates off will be difficult.))

((Then you leave me no choice...))

((Approved by Rainbowbob))
Carnegie slithered towards the unwary Snowfall, taking out a dagger to cut away any straps that may be holding her armor together. However, since he was invisible, Carnegie had to worry about being too obvious. If she spots his hoofprints coming from nowhere or him knocking some rocks away, he would be spotted and bashed with that shield of hers. Carnegie got closer to the mare backed against the rock, her shield prevented a frontal approach while the spire blocked any move from the back.
'And she calls me a coward.' he thought. Carnegie looked around the shield of the oblivious mare. He needed to do something he was getting bored of hiding and running. Deciding to risk it, Carnegie swiftly leaped over the shield and landed on the mare's back, slightly hurting his groin. Carnegie de-activated his invisibility and quickly wrapped his left hoof over Snowfall's exposed neck and gripped (wrapped) the dagger with his right hoof.
"Give me a ride!" he yelled. Carnegie prepared to piece away some bits of her armor with his knife. Either by cutting away anything delicate straps or by violently stabbing away at her armor

((Approved by: RainbowBob))

Snowfall watches the arena in front of her, scanning for where Carnegie's attack would come from, when suddenly she feels a weight on her back and a leg around her neck.

[Counter:] As the leg slides around her neck, Snowfall lowers her chin against her chest, pinning the leg in place to prevent her target from escaping and a knife from taking its place.

[Action:] After pinning the leg, she rears up on her hind legs, pushing powerfully off the ground with her front hooves, using her crouched position to build force and momentum, intending to slam her opponent into the pillar behind her.

((EDIT: the edits to the post were to reflect a modification requested by the judge. I have my original response as well as the requested change saved if you want to see them.))

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